
Information about エチオピア

Capital:Addis Ababa
Area (sq km):1,106,000
FIPS Country Code:ET
ISO Country Code:ET
GRN Office:

Map of エチオピア

Map of エチオピア

Languages and dialects spoken in エチオピア

  • Other Language Options
    Recordings Available
    Language Names
    Indigenous languages

Found 114 language names

Showing items 1 to 100 of 114

Aari [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [aiw]

Aari [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [aiw]

Aari: Wubahamer [Ethiopia] [aiw]

Adare [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [har]

Afar [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [aar]

Afar [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [aar]

Afar [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [aar]

Afar [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [aar]

Afar [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [aar]

Ale [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [gwd]

Ale: Dobase [Ethiopia] [gwd]

Amharic [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [amh]

Awingi [Ethiopia] [awn]

Awngi [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [awn]

Awngi [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [awn]

Banna [Ethiopia] [amf]

Basketto [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [bst]

Bench [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [bcq]

Bench [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [bcq]

Berta [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [wti]

Berta [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [wti]

Borana [Ethiopia] [gax]

Borana: Gabbra [Ethiopia] [gax]

Burji [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [bji]

Bussa [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [dox]

Daasanech [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [dsh]

Daasanech : Ethiopia [dsh]

Dawro [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [dwr]

Debati [Ethiopia] [guk]

Deme [Ethiopia] [dim]

Dezi [Ethiopia] [bcq]

Dime [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [dim]

Dirasha [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [gdl]

Dizin [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [mdx]

Dorze [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [doz]

Erbore [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [arv]

Ethiopian Sign Language - ISO Language [eth]

Gamo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [gmv]

Gamognia [Ethiopia] [gmv]

Gedeo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [drs]

Gofa [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [gof]

Guji [Ethiopia] [gax]

Gumuz [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [guk]

Gumuz: Gesso [Amhara] [guk]

Gurage [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [gru]

Gurage: Soddo [Ethiopia] [gru]

Gwama [Ethiopia] [kmq]

Hadiyya: Leemo [Ethiopia] [hdy]

Hadya [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [hdy]

Halaban [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [alw]

Inor [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [ior]

Inor: Enegegny [Ethiopia] [ior]

Irob [Ethiopia] [ssy]

Kachama-Ganjule: Ganta [Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples, Gamo Gofa] [kcx]

Kafa [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [kbr]

Kafa [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [kbr]

Kambaata: Timbaro [Ethiopia] [ktb]

Kambatta [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [ktb]

Kambatta: Wollkitie [Ethiopia] [ktb]

Kara [South Omo River] - ISO Language [kxh]

Komo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [xom]

Komso [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [kxc]

Koorete [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [kqy]

Kucha [Ethiopia] [dwr]

Kuyigu [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [xwg]

Libido [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [liq]

Male [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [mdy]

Mariko [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [amf]

Maw [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [kmq]

Me'en [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [mym]

Meen: Bodi [Ethiopia] [mym]

Melo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [mfx]

Mesengo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [mpe]

Mesqan [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [mvz]

Mursi [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [muz]

Nao [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [noz]

Nyangatom [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [nnj]

Oromo: Arusi [Ethiopia] [gax]

Oromo, Borana-Arsi-Guji [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [gax]

Oromo, Eastern [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [hae]

Oromo: Jimma [Ethiopia] [gaz]

Oromo: Raya [Bale Metroplex_1] [gaz]

Oromo: Wellega [Bale Metroplex_1] [gaz]

Oromo, West Central [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [gaz]

Oyda [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [oyd]

Saho [Eritrea] - ISO Language [ssy]

Sebat Bet Gurage [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [sgw]

Sebat Bet Gurage: Chaha [Ethiopia] [sgw]

Shako [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [she]

Shekacho [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [moy]

Shinasha [Benishangul-Gumuz] - ISO Language [bwo]

Sidamo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [sid]

Sidamo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [sid]

Sidamo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [sid]

Sidamo [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [sid]

Silte [Ethiopia] [stv]

Silt'e [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [stv]

Suri, Tirmaga-Chai [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [suq]

Tashena [Ethiopia] [mym]

Tcharinya [Ethiopia] - ISO Language [cra]

People Groups in エチオピア

Aari; Afar; Allaaba; Amhara, Ethiopian; Anfillo; Anuak, Yambo; Arab; Arab, Sudanese; Arab, Yemeni; Arbore, Erbore; Argobba; Awi; Baiso; Bale; Basketo; Begi-Mao; Bench; Benshangul, Berta; Birale; Burji; Bussa, Dobase; Chara; Chinese, general; Dawro; Deaf; Digil-Rahawiin, Juba Somali; Dime; Dizi; Dorze; French; Gamo; Ganza; Gawwada, Gauwada; Gayil; Gedeo; Gidole; Gofa; Greek; Gujarati; Gumuz; Gurage, Innemor; Gurage, Sebat Bet; Gurage, Soddo; Hadiyya, Hadya; Hamer-Banna; Hamir, Xamir; Harari; Irob, Saho; Italian; Jew, Ethiopian, Falasha; Jew, Israeli; Kachama, Haruro; Kafa, Kafecho; Kambata; Karo, Kerre; Kebena; Kemant, Qimant; Kewama; Koma, Central; Konso; Koore; Kunama; Kunfal; Kwegu; Majangir; Male; Mao, Northern; Marako; Me'en, Mekan; Melo; Mesqan; Murle; Mursi; Nao; Nuer, Naath; Nyangatom; Opuuo, Shita; Oromo, Arsi; Oromo, Borana; Oromo, Gujji; Oromo, Hararghe; Oromo, Jimma; Oromo, Karrayu; Oromo, Macha; Oromo, Tulama; Oromo, Wallo; Oromo, Yajju; Oyda; Reshiat, Daasanach; Russian; Seze; Shabo; Shekkacho, Mocha; Sheko; Shinasha, Borna; Sidama; Silti; Somali; Surma, Suri; Taposa; Tigrai, Tigrinya; Timbaro; Tsamai; Turkana; Weyto; Wolaita; Wolane; Yemma; Zay; Zayse, Zergulla;

News about エチオピア

Ethiopia's Itinerant Evangelists - Partners in taking the oral gospel all over this East African nation.