Other Audio-only Recordings

Other Audio-only Recordings


In addition to our audiovisuals, and our audio-only Words of Life series, GRN provides a range of evangelistic and basic teaching material in audio form. Each of these are adapted to the needs and culture of each language and people group and include:

The Portrait of Jesus

A compilation of Scriptures that share the life of Christ. It is produced by Talking Bibles International, and is available in more than 50 languages.

The Jesus Story

An audio version of the Jesus Film, a two-hour docudrama about the life of Christ based on the Gospel of Luke. It is produced by The Jesus Film Project and is available in more than 60 languages.


ワールドオブライフ -

伝道と聖書勉強のための資料 - GRNは人々の必要と文化にふさわしい、伝道のための基本的な教材を提供しています

Audio and Audio-Visual Materials - A wide range of culturally appropriate resources in 6530 language varieties, particularly suited for oral communicators.