Bikes for Thailand

The team on the original bikes
The team on the original bikes

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ReachOut 2016 gave generously to fund the purchase of bikes
The team ride through some very dangerous road conditions

by Christine Platt CEO

We are thanking God for the generosity of His people. Delegates at ReachOut have generously given enough for GRN Thailand to equip it's Motorbike Gospel Team with two new bikes.

The Thai team bought three trail bikes a few years ago. Team members were very familiar with motor scooters, which are very common in Thailand and are very much "one size fits all". They had no real experience of trail bikes.

The bikes proved the effectiveness of the ministry. They were able to reach remote villages and people and provide spiritual and physical help. People were hearing the good news about Jesus and meeting real live Christians.

However the bikes were too tall for the relatively short Thai team members. They couldn't put both sets of toes on the ground at the same time, let alone both feet.

Adding to the difficulties was the odd gearing of the bikes, which meant if you went for a lower gear than first gear, you ended up in neutral. The combination of ending up in neutral while climbing a steep hill and not being able to reach the ground made the bikes quite dangerous.

And so we are very thankful for the ReachOut committee which chose the Motorbike Gospel Team as this year's project to support and the delegates who gave the full project amount. Six hundred delegates gave $8,900 towards a project costed at $8844 - isn't it amazing to see God so precisely at work!

We give thanks and praise to God and are so excited to see GRN Thailand able to continue with this valuable ministry using bikes much better suited to the task and much safer for the riders using them. Praise the Lord!

Informazioni correlate

Global News - Latest news about the ministry and resources of the Global Recordings Network from around the world.

News - What's happening in Australia and the globe.

Thailandia - Informazioni su Thailandia

Motorbike Gospel Ministry - "... here we were, risking our lives to visit a people where the Internet or even an automobile could not reach."