Canzoni - Apal

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Una collezione di musica, canti o inni Cristiani.

Numero Programma: 80224
Lunghezza del Programma: 42:16
Nome della lingua: Apal

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Big Brother, You Died for Us


1. Big Brother, You Died for Us

Adam in the Garden


2. Adam in the Garden



3. Zaacheaus



4. Creation

The Last Supper


5. The Last Supper

Jesus Coming Again


6. Jesus Coming Again

Jesus, God's Son, Is In Heaven


7. Jesus, God's Son, Is In Heaven

Giovanni 4: 7


8. Giovanni 4: 7

Sodom Burned Up


9. Sodom Burned Up

Mary Gave Birth to Jesus


10. Mary Gave Birth to Jesus

When Jesus Calls We Will Go


11. When Jesus Calls We Will Go

Jesus, When Will You Come?


12. Jesus, When Will You Come?

Satan, I Don't Like You


13. Satan, I Don't Like You

I Like Big Brother


14. I Like Big Brother

Father, Don't Leave Us


15. Father, Don't Leave Us

Big Brother, Where Did You Go?


16. Big Brother, Where Did You Go?

Big Brother, You Died for Us


17. Big Brother, You Died for Us

Jesus Christ, Father's Son


18. Jesus Christ, Father's Son

Jesus Calls and We Will Go


19. Jesus Calls and We Will Go

Big Brother, Where Did You Go?


20. Big Brother, Where Did You Go?

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