LLL 4 - Atsitsɛέ Ͻɖɑyé Ŋa [Guarda, Ascolta e Vivi 4 Servitori di DIO] - Ife
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Libro 4 di una serie di racconti Biblici audio-visuali su Rut, Samuele, Davide, Elia. Per evangelismo, fondazione di Chiese e insegnamento Cristiano sistematico.
Numero Programma: 67661
Lunghezza del Programma: 34:56
Nome della lingua: Ife
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![Il y a la joie en Christ et Introduzione](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-00.jpg)
1. Il y a la joie en Christ et Introduzione
![Image 01: Une famille quitte à cause de la famine (Immagine 1. A Family Flees from Famine)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-01.jpg)
2. Image 01: Une famille quitte à cause de la famine (Immagine 1. A Family Flees from Famine)
![Image 02: Naomi et Ruth retourne en Israel (Immagine 2. Naomi and Ruth Return to Israel)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-02.jpg)
3. Image 02: Naomi et Ruth retourne en Israel (Immagine 2. Naomi and Ruth Return to Israel)
![Image 03: Ruth dans les champs de récoltes (Immagine 3. Ruth in The Harvest Field)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-03.jpg)
4. Image 03: Ruth dans les champs de récoltes (Immagine 3. Ruth in The Harvest Field)
![Image 04: Ruth et Boaz sur l’air de battage (Immagine 4. Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-04.jpg)
5. Image 04: Ruth et Boaz sur l’air de battage (Immagine 4. Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor)
![Image 05: Boaz et les grands de Bethelhem (Immagine 5. Boaz and the Elders of Bethlehem)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-05.jpg)
6. Image 05: Boaz et les grands de Bethelhem (Immagine 5. Boaz and the Elders of Bethlehem)
![Image 06: Marie et l’ange de Dieu (Immagine 6. Mary and the Angel of God)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-06.jpg)
7. Image 06: Marie et l’ange de Dieu (Immagine 6. Mary and the Angel of God)
![Image 07: Anne adresse la prière à Dieu (Immagine 7. Hannah Prays to God)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-07.jpg)
8. Image 07: Anne adresse la prière à Dieu (Immagine 7. Hannah Prays to God)
![Image 08: L’enfant Samuel dans la maison de Dieu (Immagine 8. The Child Samuel in the House of God)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-08.jpg)
9. Image 08: L’enfant Samuel dans la maison de Dieu (Immagine 8. The Child Samuel in the House of God)
![Image 09: Samuel prie pour Israel (Immagine 9. Samuel Prays for Israel)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-09.jpg)
10. Image 09: Samuel prie pour Israel (Immagine 9. Samuel Prays for Israel)
![Image 10: Samuel oint Saûl avec l’huile (Immagine 10. Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-10.jpg)
11. Image 10: Samuel oint Saûl avec l’huile (Immagine 10. Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil)
![Image 11: Désobéissance de Saûl (Immagine 11. Saul Tears Samuel's Robe)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-11.jpg)
12. Image 11: Désobéissance de Saûl (Immagine 11. Saul Tears Samuel's Robe)
![Image 12: Jésus dans la maison de Dieu (Immagine 12. Jesus in the House of God)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-12.jpg)
13. Image 12: Jésus dans la maison de Dieu (Immagine 12. Jesus in the House of God)
![Ne me trouble pas et Image 13: David le brave berger (Immagine 13. David, The Brave Shepherd)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-13.jpg)
14. Ne me trouble pas et Image 13: David le brave berger (Immagine 13. David, The Brave Shepherd)
![Image 14: David et le géant (Immagine 14. David and the Giant)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-14.jpg)
15. Image 14: David et le géant (Immagine 14. David and the Giant)
![Image 15: Saûl tente de tuer David (Immagine 15. Saul Tries to Kill David)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-15.jpg)
16. Image 15: Saûl tente de tuer David (Immagine 15. Saul Tries to Kill David)
![Image 16: David épargne la vie du Saûl (Immagine 16. David Spares Saul's Life)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-16.jpg)
17. Image 16: David épargne la vie du Saûl (Immagine 16. David Spares Saul's Life)
![Image 17: David est élu roi (Immagine 17. David is Made King)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-17.jpg)
18. Image 17: David est élu roi (Immagine 17. David is Made King)
![Image 18: David et Batchéba (Immagine 18. David and Bathsheba)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-18.jpg)
19. Image 18: David et Batchéba (Immagine 18. David and Bathsheba)
![Image 19: La maison pour Dieu (Immagine 19. A House for God)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-19.jpg)
20. Image 19: La maison pour Dieu (Immagine 19. A House for God)
![Image 20: Jésus vint à Jérousalem (Immagine 20. Jesus Comes into Jerusalem)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-20.jpg)
21. Image 20: Jésus vint à Jérousalem (Immagine 20. Jesus Comes into Jerusalem)
![Image 21: Les oiseaux nourrissent Elie (Immagine 21. The Birds Feed Elijah)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-21.jpg)
22. Image 21: Les oiseaux nourrissent Elie (Immagine 21. The Birds Feed Elijah)
![Image 22: Elie et le feu de Dieu (Immagine 22. Elijah and the Fire of God)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-22.jpg)
23. Image 22: Elie et le feu de Dieu (Immagine 22. Elijah and the Fire of God)
![Image 23: Elie est monté au ciel (Immagine 23. Elijah Goes to Heaven)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-23.jpg)
24. Image 23: Elie est monté au ciel (Immagine 23. Elijah Goes to Heaven)
![Image 24: Elie avec Jésus et Moise (Immagine 24. Elijah with Jesus and Moses)](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-24.jpg)
25. Image 24: Elie avec Jésus et Moise (Immagine 24. Elijah with Jesus and Moses)
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