Informazioni su Kosovo
Region: Europa
Capital: Pristina Metroplex_1
Population: 1,803,000
Area (sq km): 10,908
FIPS Country Code: KV
ISO Country Code: XK
GRN Office: Uffici GRN in Europa
Kosovo Facts
Kosovo became part of Serbia before the First World War, which was incorporated into Yugoslavia just after the war. The Yugoslav Republic began to break up in the 1990's.
During that time over 10,000 people were murdered with over 1 million forced to flee the region. It has become increasingly calm and peaceful over the past two-and-a-half years. Independence was declared on July 2nd, 1990.
The population consists of Albanians (90%), Serbs and Montenegrins (8%), and others (2% -Turks, Romani, etc).
The main languages of Kosovo are Albanian and English. Religions are Islam, Catholic and Orthodox Christian.
Map of Kosovo
Lingue e dialetti parlati in Kosovo
Trovati 3 nomi di lingua
Goran: Kosova [Kosovo] [srp]
Kosovan Albanian [Kosovo] [aln]
Szerb [Serbia] - ISO Language [srp]
Gruppi di Persone in Kosovo
Albanian, Gheg ▪ Bosniak ▪ Croat ▪ Deaf ▪ Gorani ▪ Montenegrin ▪ Romanian ▪ Romani, Vlax ▪ Serb ▪ Turk