
Informazioni su Canada

Region: Le Americhe
Capital: Ottawa
Population: 38,781,000
Area (sq km): 9,970,610
FIPS Country Code: CA
ISO Country Code: CA
GRN Office: Global Recordings Network Canada

Map of Canada

Map of Canada

Lingue e dialetti parlati in Canada

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Trovati 62 nomi di lingua

Algonquin [Quebec] - ISO Language [alq]

Assiniboin [Saskatchewan] - ISO Language [asb]

Babine [British Columbia] - ISO Language [bcr]

Beaver [British Columbia] - ISO Language [bea]

Blackfoot [Alberta] - ISO Language [bla]

Blackfoot: Siksika [Alberta] [bla]

Canadian-Alaskan Indian English [Canada] [eng]

Carrier [British Columbia] - ISO Language [crx]

Carrier, Southern [British Columbia] - ISO Language [caf]

Cayuga [Ontario] - ISO Language [cay]

Chilcotin [British Columbia] - ISO Language [clc]

Chippewa [United States of America, Michigan] - ISO Language [ciw]

Cree, Eastern [Quebec] - ISO Language [crj]

Cree, Plains [Manitoba] - ISO Language [crk]

Czech [Czech Republic] - ISO Language [ces]

Dakota [United States of America, South Dakota] - ISO Language [dak]

Danish [Denmark] - ISO Language [dan]

Dene [Northwest Territories] - ISO Language [chp]

Dutch [Netherlands] - ISO Language [nld]

English [United Kingdom] - ISO Language [eng]

English: Canada [eng]

Eskimo: Labrador [Newfoundland] [ike]

French: Canadian [Canada] [fra]

Gitxsan [British Columbia] - ISO Language [git]

Gwich'in: Fort Yukon [Northwest Territories] [gwi]

Haida, Northern [United States of America, Alaska] - ISO Language [hdn]

Haisla [British Columbia] - ISO Language [has]

Han [United States of America, Alaska] - ISO Language [haa]

Heiltsuk [British Columbia] - ISO Language [hei]

Inuinnaqtun [Northwest Territories] - ISO Language [ikt]

Inuktitut, Eastern Canadian [Newfoundland] - ISO Language [ike]

Kaska [British Columbia] - ISO Language [kkz]

Kwakwala [British Columbia] - ISO Language [kwk]

Lillooet [British Columbia] - ISO Language [lil]

Low German [Alberta] - ISO Language [pdt]

Malecite [New Brunswick] - ISO Language [pqm]

Micmac [New Brunswick] - ISO Language [mic]

Montagnais: Western [Canada] [moe]

Munsee [Ontario] - ISO Language [umu]

Naskapi [Newfoundland] - ISO Language [nsk]

Nishka [British Columbia] - ISO Language [ncg]

Nootka [British Columbia] [nuk]

Nootka: Nitinat [British Columbia] [nuk]

Nuxalk [British Columbia] - ISO Language [blc]

Ojibwa, Northwestern: Berens River [Ontario] [ojb]

Ojibwa, Severn [Manitoba] - ISO Language [ojs]

Ojibwa, Western [Alberta] - ISO Language [ojw]

Okanagan [British Columbia] - ISO Language [oka]

Oneida [Ontario] - ISO Language [one]

Onondaga [Ontario] - ISO Language [ono]

Sekani [British Columbia] - ISO Language [sek]

Shuswap [British Columbia] - ISO Language [shs]

Slavey, South [Northwest Territories] - ISO Language [xsl]

Slavi [Northwest Territories] - ISO Language [scs]

Stoney [Alberta] - ISO Language [sto]

Takudh: Loucheux [Northwest Territories] [gwi]

Thompson [British Columbia] - ISO Language [thp]

Tlicho [Northwest Territories] - ISO Language [dgr]

Tsimshian: Coast [United States of America, Alaska, Metlakatla Island] [tsi]

Tuscarora [Ontario] - ISO Language [tus]

Tutchone, Northern [Yukon Territory] - ISO Language [ttm]

Tutchone, Southern [Yukon Territory] - ISO Language [tce]

Gruppi di Persone in Canada

Abnaki-Penobscot ▪ African-Americans ▪ Afrikaner ▪ Afro-Antiguan ▪ Afro-Bahamian ▪ Afro-Caribbean ▪ Afro-Grenadian ▪ Afro-Guyanese ▪ Afro-Vincentian ▪ Akan ▪ Albanian, general ▪ Albanian, Gheg ▪ Algerian, Arabic-speaking ▪ Algonquin ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Amerindian, Detribalized ▪ Amhara, Ethiopian ▪ Amish ▪ Anglo-Australian ▪ Anglo-Canadian ▪ Anglo-New Zealander ▪ Antigua and Barbuda Creole English ▪ Arab, Arabic Gulf Spoken ▪ Arab, Egyptian ▪ Arab, general ▪ Arab, Iraqi ▪ Arab, Jordanian ▪ Arab, Lebanese ▪ Arab, Libyan ▪ Arab, Moroccan ▪ Arab, Northern Yemeni ▪ Arab, Omani ▪ Arab, Palestinian ▪ Arab, Saudi - Najdi ▪ Arab, Sudanese ▪ Arab, Syrian ▪ Arab, Tunisian ▪ Argentinian White ▪ Armenian ▪ Assiniboin ▪ Assyrian ▪ Atikamek ▪ Austrian, Bavarian ▪ Azerbaijani, North ▪ Babine ▪ Baggara, Arab, Shuwa ▪ Bambara ▪ Barbadian ▪ Basque ▪ Beaver ▪ Belize Creole ▪ Bella Coola ▪ Belorusian ▪ Bengali ▪ Berber, Kabyle ▪ Black African, general ▪ Blackfoot ▪ Bolivian, Mestizo ▪ Bosniak ▪ Brazilian, general ▪ British ▪ Brunei Malay, Kedayan ▪ Bulgarian ▪ Burmese ▪ Cajun ▪ Cameroonian Creole, Detribalized ▪ Carrier ▪ Carrier, Southern ▪ Cayuga ▪ Chilcotin ▪ Chilean ▪ Chinese, general ▪ Chinook Wawa ▪ Chipewyan ▪ Colombian, White ▪ Comox ▪ Costa Rican ▪ Cree, Central ▪ Cree, Eastern Coastal ▪ Cree, Eastern Inland ▪ Cree, French ▪ Cree, Swampy ▪ Cree, Western ▪ Cree, Woods ▪ Creoles, Mauritian ▪ Croat ▪ Cuban ▪ Cypriots, Greek ▪ Czech ▪ Dakota ▪ Danish ▪ Deaf ▪ Dinka, Southeastern ▪ Ditidaht ▪ Dogrib ▪ Dominicans ▪ Dutch ▪ Ecuadorian, Mestizo ▪ Eskimo, Alaskan, North ▪ Eskimo, Western Canadian ▪ Estonian ▪ European, general ▪ Fijian ▪ Filipino, Tagalog ▪ Finnish ▪ Fleming ▪ French-Canadian ▪ Frisian, Western ▪ Fulfulde ▪ Ganda, Luganda ▪ Georgian ▪ German ▪ German Swiss ▪ Gitxsan ▪ Goanese ▪ Greek ▪ Guadeloupean Creole French ▪ Guatemalan White ▪ Gujarati ▪ Gwich'in, Kutchin ▪ Gypsy, English, Romanichal ▪ Haida ▪ Haisla ▪ Haitian ▪ Halkomelem ▪ Han Chinese, Hakka ▪ Han Chinese, Min Nan ▪ Heiltsuk ▪ Hindi ▪ Hmong Daw ▪ Honduran ▪ Hungarian ▪ Hutterite ▪ Hutu, Rundi ▪ Hutu, Rwandese ▪ Icelander ▪ Igbo ▪ Inuit ▪ Inuit, Eastern Canadian ▪ Irish ▪ Irish, Gaelic-Speaking ▪ Italian ▪ Iu Mien ▪ Jamaicans ▪ Japanese ▪ Jew, Eastern Yiddish-Speaking ▪ Jew, English Speaking ▪ Jew, Israeli ▪ Kaska ▪ Kazakh ▪ Khmer, Central ▪ Korean ▪ Kurd, Kurmanji ▪ Kwakiutl ▪ Kyrgyz ▪ Lakota ▪ Lao ▪ Latin American, general ▪ Latvian ▪ Lillooet ▪ Lingala ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Luxemburger ▪ Macedonian ▪ Malagasy ▪ Malay ▪ Malayali ▪ Maltese ▪ Manx ▪ Maori ▪ Maya, Yucatan ▪ Mennonites ▪ Mexican ▪ Micmac ▪ Mohawk ▪ Mongol, Khalka ▪ Montagnais ▪ Montenegrin ▪ Montserratans ▪ Naskapi ▪ Nass-Gitksian ▪ Native Criollo, Mestizo ▪ Nicaraguan, Mestizo ▪ North African, general ▪ Norwegian ▪ Nuu Chah Nulth, Nootka ▪ Ojibwa, Central ▪ Ojibwa, Eastern ▪ Ojibwa, Northwestern ▪ Ojibwa, Severn ▪ Ojibwa, Western ▪ Okanagon ▪ Oneida ▪ Onondaga ▪ Ottawa ▪ Paraguayan, Guarani-Speaking ▪ Parsee ▪ Part-Indian ▪ Pashtun, Northern ▪ Passamaquoddy ▪ Persian ▪ Peruvian ▪ Polish ▪ Portuguese ▪ Potawatomi ▪ Puerto Ricans, White ▪ Punjabi ▪ Romanian ▪ Romani, Sinte ▪ Romani, Vlax ▪ Russian ▪ Salvadorians ▪ Sarsi ▪ Sechelt ▪ Sekani ▪ Serb ▪ Seychellese Creole ▪ Shuswap ▪ Sinhalese ▪ Slave ▪ Slavey, Northern ▪ Slovak ▪ Slovene ▪ Somali ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Spaniard ▪ Squamish ▪ Stoney ▪ Straits Salish ▪ Swedish ▪ Tahltan ▪ Tajik, Afghan ▪ Tamil Hindu ▪ Tatar ▪ Thai, Central ▪ Thompson ▪ Tigrai, Tigrinya ▪ Tigre ▪ Tlingit ▪ Tsimshian ▪ Turk ▪ Turks and Caicos Creole English ▪ Tutchone ▪ Tutchone, Southern ▪ Ukrainian ▪ Urdu ▪ Uruguayan, White ▪ Uzbek, Northern ▪ Venezualans ▪ Vietnamese ▪ Welsh ▪ West Indian, general ▪ Wolof ▪ Wyandot ▪ Yoruba ▪ Yugoslav former, general ▪ Zulu

Notizie su Canada

Canada Praise and Prayer - February 2025 - Daily Prayer Points for GRN Canada and around the world

Canada Praise and Prayer - January 2025 - Daily Prayer Points for GRN Canada and around the world

Canada Newsletter - December 2024 - GRN Kenya Team Hard at Word ... Message from the Board Chair

Canada Praise and Prayer - December 2024 - Daily Prayer Points for GRN Canada and around the world

Global Recordings Network Canada - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Canada.

Canada Newsletter - September 2024 - Praise God for his provision ... However ... Help us expand our reach

Canada Newsletter - June 2024 - Thur-ough Translation * Sharing GRN vision and 5fish * Partnerships

Canada Newsletter - February 2024 - There's work to be done * Kenya 2024

Canada Update - December 2023 - All about the GRN International Council 2023 in Thailand

Canada Update - October 2023 - New Canadian Executive Director * Some quick questions * What about the Elliots and Horans?

Mark (and Tammy) Griffin - Mark has been serving as the Executive Director of GRN Canada since October of 2023.

Canada Update - July 2023 - Camp Soar * Tumi Tiger conforts war victims * Reports from Venezuela, West Africa, Kenya, Asia & Spain

Canada Update - March 2023 - Hadzabe Recording * Mission conferences in Vancouver and Winnipeg * New Director

Canada Update - December 2022 - Pastors in the Karamoja region * GRN Materials to reach various language groups * Recording project for Hadzabe language

Canada Update - September 2022 - Graydon Colville shares * Nigeria medical outreach * From a ministry partner * Partnership is essential

Canada Update - June 2022 - Okiek Distribution * Philippines Outreach * Meet Walter

Canada Update - March 2022 - Celebrating 10 years of 5fish * Mexico Culiacan Outreach * Director's Desk

Donate to Global Recordings Network Canada - Support the work of GRN in Canada and worldwide

GRN Printed Materials - Ministry resources and Bible materials available from GRN in Canada

Meet the team from GRN Canada -