How Shall They Hear?
GRN works to bring the gospel to another needy group - the non-literate deaf.
Articles about the characteristics of oral societies, and how to communicate the gospel to them.
GRN works to bring the gospel to another needy group - the non-literate deaf.
Articles about the characteristics of oral societies, and how to communicate the gospel to them.
A proposito di GRN - GRN produce registrazioni audio di insegnamenti biblici nelle 6525 lingue per i gruppi linguistici meno conosciuti al mondo
Siti web nazionali - Contatta un ufficio GRN locale in oltre 30 paesi in Africa, Asia, Americhe, Europa and Oceania.
Frequently Asked Questions - Frequently Asked Questions about the organisation and ministry of the Global Recordings Network
The History of GRN - A God given vision of a single Spanish record has grown into a mission network of more than 30 countries and over 6000 language varieties.
Some Difficulities of Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Evangelism - This is a memo on the problems of determining the language groups that need evangelism. These notes from a Paul Hattaway lecture during the recent recordist training provided much of the material.
Faith comes by Hearing? About Oral Societies - Bible translation, Audio recordings and the missionary task
The Name above all - A miraculous story of how Jesus came into the life of a Sherpa boy and the Gospel has now spread through his family and all about the area.