Živi Krist - Fwe
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Broj programa: 65277
Duljina programa: 2:30:02
Naziv jezika: Fwe
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Preuzimanja i naručivanje
1. Uvod
2. Kilesite Ku Matangisizo [Slika 1. Christ in the Beginning]
3. ONyambe Naa Bumba Ezintu Zonshe [Slika 2. God Created all Things]
4. Satani Aha Ezeka Adama Ne Eva [Slika 3. Satan Tempts Adam and Eve]
5. Adama Ne Eva Aha Ba Tandiwa Muwa [Slika 4. Adam and Eve Cast Out]
6. Ensepiso Yo Nyambe Kwa Abbulahama [Slika 5. God's Promise to Abraham]
7. Zakaliya Ne Ngiloi [Slika 6. Zaharija and the Angel]
8. Engiloi Aha Li Amba Ne Maliya [Slika 7. The Angel Speaks to Mary]
9. Engiloi Ne Josefa [Slika 8. The Angel and Joseph]
10. Oku Letiwa Kwa Jesu [Slika 9. The Birth of Jesus]
11. Abalisani Ne Mangiloi [Slika 10. The Shepherds and the Angels]
12. Abalisani Aha naba ka bona Omucheche [Slika 11. The Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus]
13. Simiyoni Aha Polofita Za Jes [Slika 12. Simeon Prophesies about Jesus]
14. Aba Tali Aha Baka Bona Omucheche [Slika 13. The Visit of the Wise Men]
15. Jesu Mu Tempele [Slika 14. The Boy Jesus at the Temple]
16. Ama Zhwi Ama Lotu A Joani Omu Bombeki [Slika 15. The Poruka of Ivan the Baptist]
17. Oku Bombekiwa Kwa Jesu [Slika 16. The Baptism of Jesus]
18. Satani Aha Ezeka Jesu [Slika 17. Jesus Tested by Satan]
19. Omukiti Oma Sheshwa Mwa Kana [Slika 18. The Marriage Feast at Cana]
20. Jesu Aha Zhiisa Nekudema [Slika 19. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus]
21. Jesu No mukentu Omu Samaliya [Slika 20. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman]
22. Jesu no Ndu [Slika 21. Jesus and the Official]
23. Jesu aha kuwa aba zhiiswa bo matangisizo [Slika 22. Jesus Calls the First Disciples]
24. Zo Chi Boozi Cho Nswi [Slika 23. The Great Catch of Fish]
25. Jesu Aha Tanda Emyuzha Emibi [Slika 24. Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit]
26. Jesu Aha Hoza mukekaze wa Pitolosi [Slika 25. Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law]
27. Jesu Aha Kwata omu Kwame We Chishenda [Slika 26. Jesus Touches a Man with Leprosy]
28. Jesu Aha Hoza Omuntu Oku Zhuminina [Slika 27. Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man]
29. Jesu Aha Kuwa Mateu Butiye Amu Humpilile [Slika 28. Jesus calls Matej to Follow Him]
30. Jesu Amukiti Wa Mateu [Slika 29. Jesus at Matej's Feast]
31. Jesu Aha Oza Omu Lwele Abulo [Slika 30. Jesus Heals the Man at the Pool]
32. Aba Zhiiswa Ba Jesu Aha Ba Chola Emi Kunku Lye Sabata [Slika 31. Disciples Pick Grain on the Sabbath]
33. Jesu Aha Hoza Oku Zhuminina Oku Boko [Slika 32. Jesus Heals a Withered Hand]
34. Uvod
35. Jesu Aha Zhiisa Abantu [Slika 33. Jesus Teaches the People]
36. Zo Lambi Mu Kansikwe [Slika 34. Teaching about Light in the Darkness]
37. Zoku Boozelwa [Slika 35. Teaching about Revenge]
38. Kuzhiiswa Kuamana Noku Kumbil [Slika 36. Teaching about Molitva]
39. Ama Zhila Obile [Slika 37. The Two Ways of Life]
40. Enjuo Ya Abwe [Slika 38. The House on the Rock]
41. Jesu Aha Busa Omwana Omukwameana Omu Fwilwa [Slika 39. Jesus Raises a Widow's Son]
42. Joani Mubombeki Muntolongo [Slika 40. Ivan the Baptist in Prison]
43. Omukentu Aha Sanza Jesu Kumatende [Slika 41. A Woman Washes Jesus' Feet]
44. Enguli Yo Mulimi [Slika 42. The Parable of the Sower]
45. Enguli Yo Mbuto [Slika 43. The Parable of the Seed]
46. Enguli Yobi Menantu Ebibi [Slika 44. The Parable of the Weeds]
47. Enguli Yo Gauda Yo Kuzika [Slika 45. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure]
48. Jesu Aha Mwenesa Omoya Mune [Slika 46. Jesus Calms the Storm]
49. Jesu Aha Hoza Omukwame Omyuzha Emingi [Slika 47. Jesus Heals a Man with Many Demons]
50. Omukentu Aha Hozwa [Slika 48. The Healing of a Woman in the Crowd]
51. Omukentuana Aha Haziwa Ku Bafu [Slika 49. A Dead Girl is Raised to Life]
52. Jesu Aha Tuma Aba Zhiiswa Be Kumi Ne Bobile [Slika 50. Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Disciples]
53. Jesu Aha Wa Abantu Bangi Ezilyo (5000) [Slika 51. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People]
54. Jesu Aha Yenda Awilu Yo Menji [Slika 52. Jesus Walks on the Water]
55. Echi Lyo Chobu Zhumi [Slika 53. The Bread of Life]
56. Oku Zumina Ko Mukentu Ozhu Naa Kazwa Oku Le [Slika 54. The Faith of a Foreign Woman]
57. Jesu Aha Hoza Omuntu Ozhu Taka Amba Noku Sha Shuwa [Slika 55. The Healing of a Deaf and Dumb Man]
58. Jesu Aha Tondeisa Omofu [Slika 56. Jesus Heals a Blind Man]
59. Pitolosi Aha Sumuna Butiye Jesu Ndini? [Slika 57. Peter's Confession of the Christ]
60. Jesu Aha Bonaala Mu Tubo [Slika 58. The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ]
61. Jesu Aha Tanda Omuzha Omubi Ku Mukwameana [Slika 59. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon]
62. Pitolosi Aha Lifa Omu Telo Mu Tempele [Slika 60. Peter Pays the Temple Tax ▪ instrumental]
63. Uvod
64. Omu Kulu Mu Mubuso ONyambe Ndini [Slika 61. Who is the Greatest in God's Kingdom?]
65. Enguli Yo Ngu Ei Naya Zhoba [Slika 62. Parable of the Lost Sheep]
66. Enguli Yo Mwika Ozhu Ta Kwatili [Slika 63. Parable of the Unforgiving Servant]
67. Omunkentu Ozhu Nakwatiwa Nomukwame [Slika 64. The Woman Caught in Adultery]
68. Jesu Aha Tondesa Omukwame Ozhu Naletiwa Nali Mofu [Slika 65. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind]
69. Enguli Yo Mulisani Omulotu [Slika 66. Parable of the Good Shepherd]
70. Enguli Yo Musamaliya Omulotu [Slika 67. Parable of the Good Samaritan]
71. Jesu Mu Munzi Wa Maliya Ne Masa [Slika 68. Jesus at the Home of Mary and Martha]
72. Enguli Yo Mushele Hakati Ko Masiku [Slika 69. Parable of the Friend at Midnight]
73. Enguli Yo Nfumu Omusilu [Slika 70. Parable of the Rich Fool]
74. Abeka Ne Nfumwabo [Slika 71. Servants Ready for their Master's Return]
75. Jesu Aha Hoza Omukentu Oka Tunda [Slika 72. Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman]
76. Enguli Yo Mukiti Omunene [Slika 73. Parable of the Great Feast]
77. Enguli Yo Masheñi Aa Naa Zhoba [Slika 74. Parable of the Lost Coin]
78. Enguli Yo Mwana Ozhu Na Zhoba [Slika 75. Parable of Izgubljeni sin]
79. Omwana Ozhu Na Zhoba Mukati Koba Ngili [Slika 76. Izgubljeni sin Among the Pigs]
80. Omwana Ozhu Na Zhoba Aha Ka Boola [Slika 77. Izgubljeni sin Returns Home]
81. Omu Kwame Omu Fumi Nozhu Ka Kumbilanga [Slika 78. The Rich Man and the Beggar]
82. Jesu Aha Busa Lazalo Ku Bafu [Slika 79. Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death]
83. Jesu Aha Hoza Be Kumi Bo Chishenda [Slika 80. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers]
84. Enguli Yo Muhatuli No Mukentu Omu Fwilwa [Slika 81. Parable of the Persistent Widow]
85. Omu Falisi No Mutelisi [Slika 82. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector]
86. Jesu Aha Fuyaula Abanche [Slika 83. Jesus Blesses the Children]
87. Jesu No Mu Kwameana Omu Fumi [Slika 84. Jesus and the Rich Young Man]
88. Enguli Yo Ba Beleki Be Wa Lyo Veine [Slika 85. Parable of Workers in the Vineyard]
89. Omofu Ozhu Ka Kumbilanga Aha Hozwa Mwa Jeliko [Slika 86. A Blind Beggar Healed at Jericho]
90. Jesu Ne Zekiya [Slika 87. Jesus and Zacchaeus]
91. Jesu Aha Kabila Mwa Jelusalema [Slika 88. Jesus Enters Jerusalem]
92. Jesu Aha Chenisa Mutempele [Slika 89. Jesus Clears the Temple]
93. Enguli Yo Beka Ababi [Slika 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants]
94. Zoku Lifa Omu Telo Kwa Sezale [Slika 91. Paying Taxes to Caesar]
95. Ekande Yo Mufwila Onjewe [Slika 92. The Poor Widow's Offering]
96. Jesu Aha Zhiisa Zoku Mana Ko Nako [Slika 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times]
97. Enguli Yoba Kentuana Be Kumi [Slika 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins]
98. Enguli Yo Matalenta [Slika 95. Parable of the Talents]
99. Enguli Yo Ngu Ne Mpene [Slika 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats ▪ instrumental]
100. Uvod
101. Omukentu Aha Singa Mafuta Jesu Mwa Bbeteniya [Slika 97. Jesus Anointed at Bethany]
102. Judasi Esikalihoti Aha Kwatisa Jesu [Slika 98. Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus]
103. Jesu Aha Sanza Amatende Oba Zhiiswa Bakwe [Slika 99. Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet]
104. Zo Mulalilo Oma Maninikizo [Slika 100. Teaching at the Last Supper]
105. Ku Zhiiswa Ko Veine Yazo Wawa [Slika 101. Teaching about the True Vine]
106. Jesu Aha Ka Kumbila Mwa Getisemani [Slika 102. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane]
107. Jesu Aha Kwatiwa [Slika 103. Jesus Arrested]
108. Jesu Habuso Bo Mapulisita [Slika 104. Jesus Tried Before the High Priest]
109. Pitolosi Aha Shampula Jesu [Slika 105. Peter Denies Jesus]
110. Jesu Ne Pilato [Slika 106. Jesus Tried Before Pilate]
111. Jesu Aha Twaliwa Kuku Hampaminwa [Slika 107. Jesus Led Out to be Crucified]
112. Jesu Aha Fwa Hachi Fapahano [Slika 108. The Crucifixion]
113. Oku Zikiwa Kwa Jesu [Slika 109. The Burial of Jesus]
114. Aba Kentu Ku Bita [Slika 110. The Women at the Tomb]
115. Pitolosi Ne Joani Ku Bita Lyo Mukungulu [Slika 111. Peter and Ivan at the Empty Tomb]
116. Jesu Aha Bonahala Kwa Maliya Magadalena [Slika 112. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene]
117. Jesu Mumukwakwa Uya Kwa Imausi [Slika 113. Jesus on the Road to Emmaus]
118. Jesu Aha Bonahala Kuba Zhiiswa Bakwe [Slika 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples]
119. Jesu Aha Bonahala Kwa Tomasi [Slika 115. Jesus Appears to Thomas]
120. Jesu Aha Kibonahaza Mwa Galileya [Slika 116. Jesus Appears in Galilee]
121. Jesu Aha Laana Aba Zhiiswa Bakwe [Slika 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples]
122. Jesu Aha Boola Kuwilu [Slika 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven]
123. Jesu Ku Mulyo ONyambe Ku Wilu Mahebelu [Slika 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven]
124. Jesu Nana Ka Boola [Slika 120. Jesus Will Return]
125. Ma Maninikizo [Poruka ▪ instrumental]
Preuzimanja i naručivanje
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- AVI for VCD Slideshow (64.3MB)
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