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Sharing the Gospel made easy!
GRN has produced the following Audio Visual Materials for teaching the message the Christian Gospel as outlined in the Bible -
This article gives an introduction to some of the many different ways these resources can be used.
1. Adult ministry
- Primary evangelism
- In hospitals, jails, schools, detention Centres etc.
- Home visitation
- Open-air and market place evangelism
- Personal witnessing
- Making contact with people who speak a different language
- Basic Discipling
- Bible studies, Group Discussions
- Training in evangelism
- Training and equipping village pastors (especially those working in oral societies and among minimally literate people)
2. Children's ministry
- Primary evangelism
- Basic Discipling
- Training in evangelism
The audio tracks and the picture sets are designed to be used together. However, there are situations when they can be used separately. The audio track should only be used on its own if it has been especially prepared for this purpose, so that it does not refer to the pictures. (e.g. - there is a version of the Good News script designed to be used with or without the pictures. It is designated with an ^ symbol (GN^) on the audio presentation.)
The picture sets can be used with the audio track or by a 'story-teller/preacher'. They can be used by a 'teacher' with a group or by an individual. At the most basic level, a user of the materials (evangelist) needs only to know how to operate the playback device and to turn the pictures at the right time. However, it is ideal if the evangelist is also able to interact with the audience by entering into discussion, by asking questions or by giving further explanation or telling more stories. Therefore the evangelist needs to become very familiar with the script and to understand the message of each picture. It would be helpful for the evangelist to practice several times before he takes the materials 'into the field'.
The following scenarios are examples of how the materials can be used in primary evangelism and basic discipling. (Note that the masculine pronoun 'he' is used throughout but the evangelist, preacher or story-teller may of course be a woman or a man.)
Scenario 1. "All at once"
The audio track is played straight through (as long as people are willing to listen) while someone stands and holds the pictures up for all to see, turning the pages at the appropriate time (usually indicated by a distinctive sound on the recording).
This method requires virtually no training or preparation. It can be used with an individual, a family group, a crowd in a market, in church or anywhere else people will gather to listen and watch.
The evangelist may choose to leave copies of the recording and perhaps some picture books with the hearers so that they can listen over and over again. He may even choose to leave a playback machine for this purpose. Hopefully he will return to find out how the people are going: do they understand, do they want to become followers of Jesus, do they need more information or further teaching?
Scenario 2. "Serialised"
The evangelist plans in advance to 'serialise' the program. He will decide where the natural breaks in the program are (e.g. after each picture or a group of pictures) and stop the playback at those times. He may then, if he is able, enter into discussion with those who listened. He may prepare some questions to check the level of understanding. He may tell some of the stories again. He may ask someone in the audience to tell the story back. He may add a brief 'sermon' or message of his own, or he may play the same section several times.
In this scenario, the evangelist may come back the next day or a week later to continue to the presentation. He may take his serialised program from house to house, church member to church member, village to village!
Scenario 3. "Interactive"
The evangelist may choose to stop the recording at any time to interact with the audience as he thinks best.
Scenario 4. "Without the recordings"
If the evangelist is well trained in the Scriptures, he may use the pictures without the recordings and tell the stories himself as he goes. He can choose to stop any time and interact with the audience and then continue for as long as is appropriate.
Scenario 5. "Large crowds
The materials can be used in open-air evangelism and market places. Extension speakers and a large flipchart of Bible pictures may be required. Any of the above scenarios can be adapted for this situation.
Using a Recording for teaching and Evangelism
Order the recordings well before you need them.
Check your play back equipment (general operation, volume, batteries/power).
Check the recording quality and, if you are able to understand them, clarity and content of the message.
Pray for those who will hear the recordings.
Choose the right message before you play the program to others.
Listen to the program yourself.
If you are able, read the Bible passages used in the program. Think about what is said and look up extra notes or other books on the subject being discussed.
Prepare questions to ask, further illustrations or explanations to give and discussion points.
IMORTANT: The program can be used just by itself but don't be lazy! Good preparation will multiply its impact.
If you have any technical problems you cannot fix easily you may have to contact GRN for advice
If a team is involved, do the above preparation with them.
Plan your program:
- Decide a good time when people will be free to listen
- Choose a good place free from interruption
- Identify the best place for play back equipment, loud speakers pictures etc.
- Plan where people will sit to ensure good involvement
- Think about how you will get people involved.
Prepare for helping people to respond to the message e.g. be ready to lead them to Christ, invite them to another opportunity, leave a CD or cassette with them etc.
Practice! The best way to learn is by doing. If you use the recording with groups, you will quickly be able to improve your methods of explaining parts not understood, asking better questions, and giving clearer applications and examples.
Keep a Record of Use
If you use a lot of GRN material you will find it useful to keep a log of the recordings, picture materials and players you are using and where they are being used.
For more information see "How to use GRN Audio visual resources - Part 2: Going Deeper".