Script Library - Georgian

Script Library - Georgian

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Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Scripts in Georgian


(The Dilemma) - This is a sophisticated message directed toward student level -- What is wrong with the world? etc. Intended for use on the "ditto" record -- English on one side: same message in vernacular on the other. Intended to interest those who want to improve their English knowledge and pronunciation.


(To the Thirsty) - Quotes Jesus' words, "If anyone is thirsty let him come unto me and drink" as introduction. Then discusses thirst for all kinds of things. Inner thirst leads to death. Jesus Christ alone can quench that thirst.

Განახლებული Სიცოცხლე

(Life Restored) - Story of Jairus' daughter being raised to life. Christ's power not only to give life, but to give eternal life.

Დაიმკვიდრებ Ზეცას?

(Are You Going to Heaven?) - Three ways to be sure: Be on the right road--Jesus, the only way (no saint or priest needed). Evidence of a changed life because Christ makes one new. Inner knowledge -- witness of the Spirit which gives a sense of belonging and peace. Sums up the message by direct questions to listener.

Სიცოცხლე Იესოსთვის

(Living for Jesus) - Jesus can help us to do right. Read and obey the Bible, pray, ask for forgiveness if we disobey. Trust Jesus in all things.

Შეგიძლია Დაძლიო Შიში

(How Can You Overcome Fear?) - Reasons people in the modern western world have fears such as family problems, health problems, nuclear war possibilities, job loss, loneliness, and death. Need for a relationship with the Creator, Genesis and the fall as reason for man's fear, relationship with God to be restored through Jesus Christ and that is the answer to man's fears.

Სიცოცლე, Რა Არის Სიცოცხლე?

(Life) - Begins with the questions as to what life is and the purpose of life. Is there a life that is completely satisfying? Answer is in Jesus Christ. Satisfaction and purpose, peace and security is found in Him. Explains how to get it; the importance of it; definite choice needed. Wide gate, narrow gate. Believing, accepting--not doing--is how.

Უძღები Შვილი

(The Prodigal Son) - Story of the prodigal son dramatized, with application. Invitation and sinner's prayer. There are several versions of this; some have direct Scripture quotes; others paraphrase.

Სულელი Მდიდარი

(The Rich Fool) - Story of the rich fool laying up treasure. The importance of being ready and not putting material things ahead of spiritual needs. Application.

Ლაზარე Და Მდიდარი

(The Rich Man and Lazarus) - Story dramatized. Emphasis is on no chance after death. Hell and heaven are real. Christ died, rose, and ascended that we might be free from judgment. Snare of materialism. Life is short---after death is long.

Კარგი Ამბავი

(Good News ^) - Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

Ქალი Ჭასთან

(The Woman at the Well) - The story of the woman at the well, in dramatic narrative form. Simple application and invitation.

Informations reliées

Téléchargements gratuits - Ici vous allez trouver le texte pour les principaux messages GRN en plusieurs langues, plus des images et autres documents prêts à télécharger

Ressources écrites - Téléchargement gratuit de scripts et d'autres matériels écrits basés sur des histoires pour l'anglais langue seconde, l'école du dimanche et l'enseignement de base de la Bible.

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares its audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons