Copyright and Licensing

Copyright and Licensing

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Audio and Video

All GRN audio and video programs are copyright GRN or as otherwise indicated on each program page on the website.

Unless otherwise indicated, all are available to be copied and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This allows you to copy them freely, as long as you acknowledge the source of the materials and do not benefit financially from them. You may also adapt or build upon the audio or video as long as you license your new creations under identical terms. You may charge a reasonable amount for the media or device on which the audio and video are delivered, but may not charge extra for the materials themselves.

Written Materials

All GRN scripts and Sunday School materials are copyright GRN or as otherwise indicated on each script on the website.

Unless otherwise indicated, all are available to be copied and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This allows you to copy and adapt/translate them freely, as long as you acknowledge the source of the materials and do not benefit financially from them. You may also adapt or build upon the written materials as long as you license your new creations under identical terms. You may charge a reasonable amount for the printing or media on which the written materials are delivered, but may not charge extra for the materials themselves.


All GRN Pictures for the Good News, Look, Listen & Live, and The Living Christ are copyright GRN.

Versions of the pictures embedded in audio and video files may be copied and used under the same license as the audio and video materials themselves.

Versions of the pictures embedded in written scripts and Sunday School materials may be copied and used under the same license as the written materials themselves.

Higher resolution versions of the images are available for purchase or through a specific agreement with GRN.

Other Uses

Permission may be given for copying and use of GRN materials beyond what is granted above. For clarification on exactly what is permitted under these licenses, or to obtain permission for anything not specified here, please contact the Copyright Office.


While not a condition of the permissions granted above, GRN would appreciate receiving feedback about the use of the materials. This includes how are where they have been used, in what quantities, and what sort of responses were observed from the recipients. To share this information with GRN please contact the Feedback Line.

Informations reliées

Mots de Vie - GRN présente des messages sonores évangéliques dans des milliers de langues à propos du salut et de la vie chrétienne.

Fournitures pour évangélisme et éducation biblique - Global Recordings Network produit du matériel audio dans des milliers de langues pour l'évangélisation et l'enseignement biblique de base, ainsi que des livres d'images et des lecteurs audio.

"La Bonne Nouvelle" audivisuelle - Cet audiovisuel a 40 images et présente un sommaire de la Bible depuis la création jusqu'à Jésus Christ.Il traite le message du salut et des préceptes de base sur la vie Chrétienne. Il est disponible dans 1300 langues.

L'audivisuel "Vois, Ecoute et Vis" - Un ensemble de 8 programmes de 24 images chacun pour l'évangélisation et l'enseignement chrétien. La série présente des personnages de l'Ancien Testament, la vie de Jésus et la jeune église.

L'audiovisuel "Le Christ Vivant" - Cet audivisuel exhaustif contient 120 images pour donner une version approfondie de la vie et du ministère de Jésus.

Contenu audio et audiovisuel - Un large éventail de ressources culturellement appropriées dans plus de 6 000 langues, particulièrement adaptées aux communicateurs oraux.

La collection d'Enregistrements de GRN - Matériel d'évangélisation et d'enseignement biblique de base adapté aux besoins et à la culture du peuple, dans une variété de styles et de formats.

Ressources écrites - Téléchargement gratuit de scripts et d'autres matériels écrits basés sur des histoires pour l'anglais langue seconde, l'école du dimanche et l'enseignement de base de la Bible.

Script Library - GRN scripts used as a basis for translation into many languages

Terms and Conditions - This document sets out the terms and conditions under which Global Recordings Network will provide access to it's websites and applications.

Sunday School Materials and Teaching Resources - GRN's resources and material for teaching Sunday School. Use these tools in your childrens ministry.

Policies and Guidelines - The guiding principles, doctrines and policies under which GRN functions.