Escaping Judgement

Escaping Judgement

Grandes lignes: Dialogue between two pygmy hunters, on the danger of Satan's path, illustrated with s.e. re the dangers of the path they are following in hunting.

Numéro de texte: 273

Lieu: English

Thème: Sin and Satan (Judgement); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Living as a Christian (Leaving old way, begin new way)

Audience: Animist

Objectif: Pre-evangelism

Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture

Statut: Approved

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Corps du texte

(Begin with whistle of warning.)

1/ Is this the way?
2/ No, no! (Sound of danger) That road was very bad! It leads to danger and death.

1/ But we all ran away from that path, to safety. This reminds me of the path leading to destruction which all men follow. Some of us, when we realize where it is going, turn from Satan and go on God's path.
2/ How can we leave Satan's path?

1/ If we turn from our sins and ask the Lord Jesus to cleanse us with His blood, He will take us off Satan's path and put us on God's path.
2/ Then how can we follow God's path?

1/ Jesus has promised to give us a new heart. And we will have a strong desire to follow Him. He will be our Master, instead of Satan.
2/ (Calling) Don't come on this path! A tree is falling! (Sound of tree)

1/ I just escaped in time! Thank you. You saw the danger, and I did not. I am from a different part of the forest, and do not know this path very well.
2 If that tree had hit you it would have killed you.

1/ As you warned me about that danger, I would warn you about the judgment of God which will fall some day on you if you don't get off the path of Satan which you are following. Just as sure as that tree fell, this judgment of God will fall on sinners.
2/ That was a very sad word about how Jesus died for us. It hurts me to think that He died for my sins.

1/ Yes, He died, but He rose again the third day. He is now with His Father in heaven.
2/ Then Jesus is very far away from us.

1/ Jesus is God. He is everywhere. He sees us all the time. He knows what we are doing and He hears everything we say. He even understands our whistling. He helps His people always.
2/ Shhh! Let's be quiet! There is an animal around! (Pause l0 sec. for catching animal and shouts of victory)

1/ Truly God helps His people. And Jesus also gives us strength to follow Him His good way.

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