Our Great Enemy, Satan

Our Great Enemy, Satan

Grandes lignes: Satan's origin, pride, rebellion, cast out of heaven. Now is God's enemy; and people's enemy. Satan's deception, and Adam and Eve's fall. Satan's attempt to defeat Jesus. Account of the temptation in the wilderness; Jesus greater than Satan, conquered by His death and resurrection. His power to save and keep us safefrom Satan and all evil spirits. Satan's punishment. Invitation.

Numéro de texte: 060

Langue: English

Thème: Eternal life (Eternal / everlasting life); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Character of God (Word of God (the Bible)); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons); Sin and Satan (Temptation, Spiritual Warfare, Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil), Debt / payment for sin)

Audience: New Christian

Objectif: Teaching

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture

Statut: Approved

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Corps du texte

God says, "You watch carefully because your enemy, the Devil, like a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour (eat up greedily.)"

I want to tell you what God's book teaches us about Satan. If we know about him, how he became God's enemy, and what God will do to him, then we will want to turn our back on him and not follow his ways.

Long ago before God created man, Satan lived with God in heaven with many other spirits. At that time Satan was a good spirit (angel). He also had a different name. His name was Lucifer. This means, "Son of the morning." It was a very good name. Lucifer was very wise. He was also a very important spirit (angel) in heaven. But Lucifer became very proud. He wanted his name to be greater than God's. He wanted to take God's place. He thought only of his own greatness. God saw his evil and pride. Lucifer had many angels who sided with him against God. For this reason God threw them out of heaven and cast them down to the earth (ground). Then Lucifer was given the name Satan and Devil. He was no longer a good spirit (angel). He became a liar and murderer. He became God's enemy. Now he fights against God. He tries to destroy and spoil God's plans and God's children.

When God created the first people, Adam and Eve, they were absolutely good. They followed God's words. Adam and Eve were friends of God. Then Satan tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God's talk. They listened and they sinned. Because of this, sadness and disease came to all people. If Adam and Eve had not sinned they would not have died. We would not die. Satan is truly all people's enemy. He tries to keep people away from God and from following His Words. Satan teaches people many different stories about the spirits which are not true (straight). Satan wants people to follow His ways. Why? He is God's enemy and he wants people to belong to him, not God.

When Jesus was on earth, Satan tried (tempted) Him too. Satan wanted to defeat (down) Jesus. Three times Satan tried to make Jesus follow his words and sin. One time Satan said to Jesus, "If you are God's Son, make these stones to become bread (food)." Jesus said, "Men must not live by bread alone, but by all the words of God." The second time Satan took Jesus on top of a high church. He said, "If you are God's Son, jump down. God says that His angels will take care of you." Jesus answered him, "It says in God's book, 'You must not try the Lord God.'"

The third time Satan took Jesus up to a high mountain and showed Him all the countries of the world. Satan said, "I will give you all of it if you will kneel down and worship me." Jesus replied, "Leave this place, Satan. God's book says, 'Worship only the Lord God. Obey only Him!'" Then the Devil left Jesus. Satan could not trick Jesus. Why? Because Jesus knew what God said. Jesus always did what God said. He never sinned.

God has given Jesus all wisdom and all power. Jesus is God. Jesus defeated (downed) Satan. Jesus' power is the greatest (almighty). Jesus came to this world to destroy the works of the Devil. When Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave, He broke Satan's power. On the cross Jesus paid the price for our sins. Now He lives in heaven. He can take away our sins, but He lets you choose. Will you follow Satan and his evil ways? Or will you follow God's true way? When we turn away from Satan and the way of the spirits and trust in Jesus, we become God's children. God's children are given everlasting life. When they die they will go to heaven. Satan's people will go to hell (the fire place) when they die.

Some people say, "The power of Satan and the spirits is too strong. If I don't follow their ways my garden will not grow! I will become sick! I may die!" Listen, this kind of talk is from the lies of Satan. Jesus said that he is the father of lies.

But what must we do? We must watch and pray. We must ask God to make our belief strong. We must learn God's words and put them into our hearts. Then we must resist Satan when he tries us. Jesus answered Satan with God's words. When we do the same, he will run away from us.

One day God will cast Satan into the lake of fire. Satan wants you to go there too. Turn your back on him! You stay true to Jesus Christ. He will not forget the work you have done for Him. He has rewards (gifts) to give to the faithful (true) followers of God.

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