The Eternal Jesus

The Eternal Jesus

Grandes lignes: Dialogue between man and lady. Jesus lived as the eternal Creator before He was born on earth 2,000 years ago. Come to Jesus.

Numéro de texte: 354

Lieu: English

Thème: Major event (Death); Eternal life (Eternal / everlasting life); Character of God (Nature, character of God); Bible timeline (Creation)

Audience: Buddhist

Objectif: Pre-evangelism

Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; Paraphrase Scripture

Statut: Approved

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Corps du texte

1) LADY - "Jesus Christ is eternal. He is the beginning and the end."

2) MAN - "JESUS, is He actually God?"

1) LADY - "Most certainly. The person of God is in Jesus completely."

2) MAN - "When was the beginning of the existence of Jesus?"

1) LADY - "We can't limit it to time. Man isn't even able to imagine it. God said, `I am the beginning. I am the ending. I am God even from the beginning. There have been no other gods before Me."

2) MAN - Does that mean that Jesus was in existence in the past before anyone else in the world?

1) LADY - That is right.

2) MAN - Before everyone?

1) LADY - Before the universe. These things came into existence by being created by the Lord.

2) MAN - I have something I don't understand. That is, since when do we start numbering the Christian era, that is, the year number one?

1) LADY - The year number one of the Christian era is numbered from the time that Jesus came to earth and took on the form of man in Bethlehem of Judea.

2) MAN - Now, we number the Christian era (less than; or, about; or, a little more than) 2,000 years. That is less than other religions, and still you say that Jesus existed even before the world and the universe. How is this?

1) LADY - That is just a misunderstanding on your part. Because you understand as any short-sighted person does. You just see the year number one when Jesus was born in Bethlehem as the beginning of Jesus.

2) MAN - No matter who you ask, everyone will say that the Christian era is only (less than; or, about, or a little more than) 2,000 years. That means that Jesus lived only (less than; or, about) 2,000 years ago.

1) LADY - Just about 2,000 years ago is the time that God came to this world (began to reveal Himself) in the form of man like we are. His name was Jesus. Before that, He was in the form of God the Creator. In the beginning of the world, He was the Creator of life for everyone. If you want to count the number of years or eras, then it is just God's way, before any years or eras were in existence in the world. Man just isn't able to count them, because God was even before all that.

2) MAN - Thank you very much, that you helped me to understand that counting the number in the Christian era doesn't mark the actual beginning of Jesus Christ. I see this now.

1) LADY - Because of thi,s don't trust in man, who is not able to save you. When man's breath is gone, he returns to dust again. We invite you to come to believe Jesus Christ, the Creator, the Eternal One Who knows no change, not since the eternal past, the present and for the never-ending ages ahead. But although He is this great One, yet He came to earth and died in order to bear our punishment and rose up from among the dead. Thus we can be saved.

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