Do Not Welcome Evil in Your Heart

Grandes lignes: Story of a hyena who killed a man who helped him. God sees the evil in our heart.
Numéro de texte: 332
Lieu: English
Thème: Sin and Satan (Cleanse, purify, Separation from sin, Sin, disobedience)
Audience: General
Objectif: Evangelism
Features: Monolog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture
Statut: Approved
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Corps du texte

One time a hungry hyena entered into a village and killed a lot of goats and sheep in the area. Later the owners of the animals realized what was happening. They joined together in order to chase and kill the hyena. They chased it and chased it but the hyena stayed ahead of them.
The hyena came across a poor man working in his garden. The hyena begged the poor man to spare its life and in turn promised not to do him any harm. Without knowing the details about the hyena the man decided to help him. He told the animal to lie down and then covered it with weeds from the garden.
When the villagers who were chasing the hyena came by they saw the old gardener. They asked him if he had seen it, but he denied it. The pursuers then left to continue their search. The hyena whispered to the man about whether they had gone yet, but he said, "Wait, they are still near." When they were very far the hyena got up out of the heap and attacked the old gardener. He shouted, but the people were too far away. The hyena killed the old man and ate him up.
Brothers and sisters, this story is for you and me. We sometimes try to hide evil in our hearts. We think God does not see our hearts or what we have hidden there. This evil has been condemned by God in His Book. If we hide evil in our hearts it will surely destroy us. God is not like the villagers. He can see right into our hearts. He sees all the evil there. There is no way to hide from Him. The only way to get rid of sin is to accept Jesus and ask Him to make your heart clean. Only by the power of Jesus are we able to refuse temptations and sin. He came to this world and died on the cross for us, so we would not have to bear our own punishment. Thus He can cleanse us and make our hearts new. If you confess your evil doings to Him and turn away from them, He will cleanse you. He will make you God's child.
Jesus wants us to live with Him in heaven when we die. Do you want to live with Him and have great happiness? If you do, do not try to hide evil in your heart, but confess it to Jesus so that He can drive it away and forgive you. Do it now before it is too late.