The Father of Lies

Grandes lignes: First person testimony of a converted Central American witchdoctor; some of his customs and power in practice; his dialogue with Satan who tells him lies to keep him from becoming a Christian, Very culture-specific, but sample of a powerfully effective testimony. Concludes with Christ's teaching about Satan as deceiver and murderer. Follow Christ, the Way, Truth and Life.
Numéro de texte: 307
Lieu: English
Thème: Sin and Satan (Satan (the devil)); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Belief System (Witchcraft, paganism)
Audience: Animist
Objectif: Evangelism
Features: Monolog; Personal Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Statut: Approved
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Corps du texte

"Well brothers, listen. I am going to give like a message or a testimony. This is so that other brujos can listen, because I too was a brujo (witchdoctor). Therefore, I am going to tell how I was saved. Some other brujos think I am going to die, but that isn't true. I know because I was a brujo.
"Brujos always lie to other people. When the believers get together, the devil goes nearby and watches them; then he goes back to the brujo and tells him lies about them. He tells these lies so that others might not believe in God. The devil tells him that all the believers are 'devils.' Then the brujo goes and tells others the lies that the devil has told him.
"I had 12 witchdoctor sticks made of wood. I bathed with 30 different plants in the jungle in order to become a brujo. My own family said to me, 'You, being a big (great) brujo, are going to accept Jesus?? You will die!' But, in my heart, anyway, I knew that I wouldn't die. So, I accepted the Lord.
"My family said, 'Why are you going to accept the Lord? You healed our children. Why are you going to throw away your sticks? Your sticks are your only hope!' They didn't want me to accept the Lord. Anyway, I knew in my heart that I wouldn't die. And, look, I didn't die after I accepted the Lord! Today, finally I am well off. I think many other brujos think the same. They think they are going to die if they accept the Lord and get rid of their sticks. But, don't be afraid of this, you brujos. If you accept the Lord, you won't die! Rather, you will be saved! The devil is making you think that. Well, that's all."
That's what the witchdoctor had to say about the devil. When Jesus was on this earth, He said the same thing about the devil. He said, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and did not obey the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies." That's what Jesus says. If we follow the ways of the devil, he will trick us and we will die. He is a murderer, and the reason he lies is to get us to follow him to hell.
Jesus never told a lie. That is why we should follow Him. Then we won't go to the devil's fire place, but will be with Jesus in heaven where God lives. That is why Jesus said, "I am the way, the _truth_, and the life. No one can go to the Father without Me." Who will you choose to be your boss? The Father of lies, or Jesus the Truth?