The Good Road

The Good Road

Grandes lignes: Theme is the two roads. Treatment is similar to "The Christian Life" but has more explanation about the life of those who take the narrow road. Sinner's prayer.

Numéro de texte: 303

Lieu: English

Thème: Sin and Satan (Hell); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Living as a Christian (Leaving old way, begin new way); Eternal life (Heaven, Broad & Narrow Ways)

Audience: Animist

Objectif: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture

Statut: Approved

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Corps du texte

God says in His book that in this life there are only two roads. One is a very wide road that leads down, down, down to death and punishment. (Hell) But many people travel the wide road because it seems easy. Listen to the people on this big road! (Pause 3 sec.) Yes, they think they are having a good time, but after a while at the place where the road ends, they will be weeping bitterly. (Pause 3 sec.)

But the other road is a narrow road that leads up, up, up to heaven and eternal life. Only a few people travel this good road because it is narrow and they cannot take along with them their bad ways. Listen to those people on the good road. (Pause 3 sec.)

It is true, they are not a large crowd. And some may seem to walk alone; yet Jesus Christ always walks along with them. He comforts them by His words, saying "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

What tribe of people walk this good, but narrow, road? People of all tribes! =========---- ------ ----- --- --and of all tribes! They are people who have listened to God's words, and they have received His words about Jesus. They have decided to walk with Jesus, no matter how hard the path becomes as they continue in it. Each one who takes this way is saying, "For me to live is Christ Jesus." They do not fear evil spirits; they do not follow just the thoughts of their own hearts; they forgive those who wrong them; and they are continually thanking God for all His good gifts. They try to show others this good way. Daily, Jesus helps them, and keeps cleansing them from sin. When they cry suddenly to Him, He always answers them with the strength they need. He is always there so that they can walk His steep path with strength. At the end of the road, Jesus opens to them the gates of heaven. It is a place of everlasting joy in God's good house.

But what tribes walk the broad road? Many from every tribe: ----- , ----- , -------- --many from all tribes! They are people whose sins are heavy in their hearts: anger, hate, jealousy, lying, immorality, worship of evil spirits, dancing, drinking, and many other things. And their end will be in that dreadful place of everlasting pain. Everyone begins on this road. But anyone may choose to leave it, and take the Jesus road instead. How can we get onto the Jesus road? By talking to Jesus sincerely like this: "Oh, Jesus, I am very sorry about my sins; I am refusing this bad road. Please take away my sins, and lead me on your good road." Jesus will hear and answer you. And you will then begin walking on His good road with Him.

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