God Cares for Us

God Cares for Us

Grandes lignes: Jesus is not like an idol (god) that has to be cared for. Jesus cares for us. When a believer in Jesus dies, he does not need to take anything with him for Heaven. Jesus will take care of him in Heaven, too.

Numéro de texte: 476

Langue: English

Thème: Eternal life (Heaven); Living as a Christian (No other gods, idols)

Audience: Animist

Objectif: Pre-evangelism

Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture

Statut: Approved

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Corps du texte

1. Oh, it is a long time since I've seen you. Are you well? (all of you.)
2. Yes, we are well.
1. Oh, I've heard that you have entered Jesus. Is it true?
2. Yes, I have believed. It is very pleasant.
1. You've left the religion of your ancestors. How can that be pleasant?
2. I have not exactly thrown away the way of our ancestors. I believe in the God which our fathers sought also, but they did not know Him, for the demons deceived them.
1. I also believe in god. He is the god of the temple.
2. The Lord Jesus is a God who has breath, not just an image.
1. How is Jesus good?
2. Jesus is good many ways. He cares for us. (word means to shepherd, to feed.)
1. How can he care for us? Don't we need to work any more?
2. Yes, we still need to work also, but Jesus gives us strength, and He sends the rain and sunshine. He is truly a God who cares for us.
1. I must care for my god. I must make offerings to him. I must build him a house to be in.
2. True, your god cannot care for you. You must care for your god.
But the true God cares for us. When we are not well, we ask Jesus to help us. He can truly make us well. When we are troubled in heart, Jesus comforts us. He gives us peace and joy.
1. Don't you have to take things (offerings) to give to Jesus?
2. No, not at all. Jesus is the owner of earth and sky (heaven). He owns everything. He doesn't want our material things.
1. I have heard that those who believe in Jesus, when they die, they do not take anything with them. They must go empty. Is that true?
2. Those who believe in Jesus, when they die, people have a meal for those who come to watch also. But the believers who die do not need the things of this world. They will go to be with Jesus in Heaven. There, there is abundance of everything. There is not lack of anything. They will drink eternal water and eat eternal rice. They will wear white clothes which God gives them. Jesus cares for us in this world. In Heaven, He will care for us even more. (How much more will He care for us in Heaven.) We must throw away our old heart which is a heart of sin, and take a new heart (repent). We must believe Jesus and follow Him in new life. Then we will have joy in the world and also in Heaven. Jesus truly cares for us. We thank Him every day.

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