The Story of Love

The Story of Love

Grandes lignes: There are several songs, and discussing the songs after each one. Good script for children, telling and singing about God's love.

Numéro de texte: 264

Langue: English

Thème: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Eternal life (Heaven); Character of God (Love of God)

Audience: Children

Objectif: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Messages and Fiction; Extensive Scripture

Statut: Approved

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Corps du texte

SONG: This is the Story of Love -1

Speaker: Yes, the story of love! God's great love for us (pause l0 seconds) (S.E. Ocean breaking)

Speaker: Hear the great ocean! God's love is like that - so wide, so mighty, to reach us all. Let's sing about it. -2 (S.E. continuing into next song) (Pause l0)

Song: "Wide, Wide as the Ocean" -3 (S.E. - children's voices and babies, happy) (Pause l0 seconds)

Speaker: Jesus loves the little children. He took them in His arms and blessed them. Did you know that? (Pause 5 for song introduction) Song: "Jesus Loves the Little Children" 4

Speaker: That beautiful home in Heaven is for us if we let Jesus become our very own - to take away our sins, and make us like He wants us to be. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. (pause 3 for song introduction)

Prayer Song: - (Choose appropriate song) -5 6 (S.E. for morning, noon, and evening) (Pause 8)

Speaker: What hour is it - morning? Noontime? Evening? Whatever time it is -_now_, you may talk to Jesus. Now you may ask Him to be yours - your Saviour from evil and sin - your friend always - so mighty to keep and so strong to make you good. (Pause 3 for song introduction) Song - "Into my heart"

Speaker: (first line of next song) Do you wonder why it is I love Him? Song - "Do you wonder why it is I love Him?" Speaker: We love Him because He first loved us, and now He lives to help us. Song - "How Marvelous"

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