The Life of God's Children

The Life of God's Children

Grandes lignes: Instruction for the new Christian for growth....gain strength from God's Word; obedience; praise; prayer; fellowship. Confession of sin; resist temptation; trust God in trouble.

Numéro de texte: 078

Lieu: English

Thème: Character of God (Nature, character of God); Living as a Christian (Second Birth, Spiritual Growth, Leaving old way, begin new way, Children of God, Spiritual Life); Sin and Satan (Separation from sin, Satan (the devil), Heart, soul of man)

Audience: New Christian

Objectif: Teaching

Features: Monolog; Messages and Fiction; No Scripture

Statut: Approved

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Corps du texte

If a person turns from the path of sin and believes in Jesus, He becomes a child of God, and this one's sin is cast out. He is given by God a new heart. God says he is born again of the breath of the Great Spirit. He becomes God's child. A son of a man resembles his father, and he acts like his father. Think about what God is like. There is no sin in Him. God is love, and He is truth. God wants His children to live showing forth His ways.

If a little child is given much milk, he becomes strong. Later he eats good food. If he does not eat good food his body is not strong. God's children also need to be strong in their souls. And God's Word is like milk and good food for them. But if they do not listen-with-obeying, they will be very weak and stumbling.

Satan, the bad spirit, wants to deceive God's children. But let the children of God listen with-taking-hold, to His Word. Then they will be strong to refuse the words of Satan. Satan tells them to do wrong. But if they take God's strength and refuse Satan, God will help them. God always gives strength when they ask Him.

God wants His children to talk to Him often - in the morning, at night, when walking the trails, while at work in the home or out in the gardens. They can talk with Him, giving Him thanks for what He has done for them. And also they may tell Him about anything that makes their hearts heavy. He is always ready to listen and to help. They are God's children and they do not fear evil spirits. They do not fear troubles because they know that God controls all things that come to them. He is with them in times of sickness and sorrow. His Word comforts them. They know that His home in heaven is waiting for them when they leave this earth.

Can anything break their happy fellowship (friendship) with God? Only one thing. That is the knowledge that they have displeased Him. When a child gets dirty, he needs to be bathed. This is true also with God's child. Sin makes him dirty in heart and mind. He needs to truly refuse his sin and confess it, trusting in the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse him. God's children need to walk carefully before God so that they may please Him, and so that they may help MANY others to find this good life also.

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