Jesus rose back to life

Jesus rose back to life

Grandes lignes: Matthew 27:29-28:10, Mark 15:15-15:8, Luke 23:32-24:6

Numéro de texte: 1370

Lieu: English

Audience: General

Objectif: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Statut: Approved

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Corps du texte

Title ideas:Jesus rose [came] back to life [after being dead].Is Jesus alive?Jesus defeated death.

A [Roman] governor named Pilate condemned [judged] Jesus to death, so soldiers led Jesus away and nailed him to a wooden cross, in the morning [at about 09 hours]. Jesus died in the afternoon [at about 15 hours or 3:00pm].

There was a rich man named Joseph who was Jesus’ disciple. Before evening, Joseph went and asked Pilate, “May I take Jesus’ [dead] body [corpse] from his cross and put it in a burial tomb [place /cave]?” Pilate permitted Joseph to do so.

So Joseph took Jesus’ body from the [wooden] cross and wrapped it in a new cloth. He then laid Jesus’ [body] in his own tomb [cave], which he had carved in the rock [of a hillside].

Some religious chiefs [Jewish priests] went to Pilate and said [to him], “Before that liar [Jesus] died, he said he would come back [rise] to life after three days!

“That liar’s disciples could come take [steal] his body from its burial tomb, and then tell everybody that he has come back [risen] to life!”

So Pilate ordered some soldiers, “Go guard that tomb, so that no one can steal the body!” So some soldiers went and guarded the burial tomb night and day.

On the third day [after Jesus had died], early in the morning, some women came to the burial tomb, bringing good-smelling spices to sprinkle on Jesus’ body.

While on their way, they asked, “How shall we [be able to] move the [heavy] stone cover [door] that blocks the entrance to the tomb?”

Suddenly, the earth shook [trembled]. An angel came down [from God / heaven] and removed the stone cover from the tomb. This frightened the soldiers so much that they could neither run away nor even move.

When the women came to the tomb, the angel said to them, “You are looking for Jesus who died on a wooden cross. He is no longer here, for [because] he has come back [risen] from death to life, as he had said he would do.

[The angel continued to speak, saying,] “Come look inside the tomb where they laid him!”

“Go tell Jesus’ disciples that he has come back [risen] from death to life. Also tell them that they must go to Galilee [region], where they will see him alive!”

Although the women were frightened, they were also glad. So they hurried [ran] to tell to Jesus’ disciples this good news.

While they [the women] were on their way, Jesus himself [came and] appeared to them [the women]. So they bowed to the ground to honor him. Then he said to them, “Go tell my brothers [disciples] to go to Galilee [region] where they will see me!”

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