Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation

Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation

Grandes lignes: Matthew 3:5-17, 4:1-11, Luke 3:22, 4:1-13

Numéro de texte: 1340

Langue: English

Audience: General

Objectif: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Statut: Approved

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Corps du texte

Title ideas:John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, then Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days.God calls Jesus his Son.Satan tried to make Jesus sin.

[The prophet] John was telling everyone to turn from their sins and to be baptized. Many people [crowds came to hear him and to confess their sins. John would then baptize them in the Jordan River.

One day, Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River. He asked John, “Please baptize me, [too]!”But John objected [resisted], saying to Jesus, “Sir! I need you to baptize me [because you are superior to me]!”

Jesus replied to John, “We must do all that God has commanded us to do!”So John accepted this and baptized Jesus [putting him under the water].

When Jesus came up from the [river] water, he and John saw the sky open up. Then they saw God’s Spirit coming down from the sky looking like a bird [in the form / body of a dove]. The Spirit came down upon [rested / stood on] Jesus.Then they heard God’s voice speak from the sky, “This [Jesus] is my Son [my heir]! I greatly love him and I am very pleased with him!”

[Soon] After that, God’s Spirit led Jesus [from the Jordan] into a wilderness. He stayed there forty days, and ate no food.Then [after the 40 days] the Devil [Satan] came to tempt Jesus [to do evil].

The Devil [Satan] first said to Jesus, “Since you are God’s Son, make these stones to become bread [to eat]!”

Jesus replied, “No! God’s Book has said [it written], ‘You need more than bread to stay alive; you must also obey God’s words [commands]!’”

Next, the Devil [Satan] brought Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem, where they went up to the highest point [summit] on the roof. The Devil [Satan] said, “God’s Book says that God’s angels will keep you from harm. So, jump off this roof [and let his angels keep you safe]!”

Jesus replied, “No! God’s book says, ‘You must not tempt the Lord, your God [to see if he will prevent something bad from happening to you when you do something foolish!]!’”

Next, the Devil [Satan] brought Jesus to a very high place. From there, they could see all the kingdoms [nations] in the world.The Devil said to Jesus, “If you will bow down to me [and obey me], then I will give to you the whole world!”

Jesus replied, “No! Go away from me, Satan! God’s Book says, “You must bow down only to the Lord your God, and serve [obey] him only!’”

The Devil then stopped tempting Jesus and went away from him, waiting for another opportunity [chance to temp Jesus]. Immediately then, angels came from God and cared for Jesus [strengthened him].

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