Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem’s Walls

Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem’s Walls

Grandes lignes: Nehemiah 1-4; 6

Numéro de texte: 1334

Lieu: English

Audience: General

Objectif: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Statut: Approved

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Corps du texte

Title ideas:God sends Nehemiah to rebuild the big walls around Jerusalem.God helps Nehemiah finish a big work.[Nehemiah leads his people to] pray always, work hard, stand guard, trust God.

Nehemiah was a Jew who lived in Persia as an exile [foreigner]. He served [worked] as an official in the king’s palace. The king’s name was Artaxerxes [Ar-tak-serk-sis].

One day, Nehemiah’s brother came from Jerusalem to see him in Persia. His brother told him, “Life is very hard for those who dwell [live] in Jerusalem in Judah Province [in Israel].

“Enemy armies destroyed Jerusalem’s walls and gates [140] years ago, and no one has rebuilt them.”When Nehemiah heard this, he sat down and wept. He also began to fast [not to eat] and to pray to God, “Please, help the Jews [in Jerusalem]!”

One day, the king asked Nehemiah, “Why do you look so sad?”Nehemiah prayed to God and replied, “I feel sad, because the city where my fathers [ancestors] are buried lies in ruins. Will you, please, send me to Judah to rebuild Jerusalem?”

The king agreed to do so, and said, “I shall write letters for you to show to soldiers and to officials [along the way], so they will help you [allow you to pass].”

Three days after Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he rose up in the dark of night. He mounted a donkey and rode [went] around part of the city to see its broken wall. God put a plan for action in Nehemiah’s mind.

Next day, Nehemiah said to the city leaders, “You see how Jerusalem is broken down [in ruins], and its gates have been burned down! Let us get busy and rebuild the city wall and gates!” They agreed, saying, “Let us start soon to do this good work!”

But other tribes dwelling nearby hated the Jews. Enemy leaders [named Sanballat and Tobiah] accused them, saying, “You are rebelling against the king!” But Nehemiah replied [to everyone], “Our God will help us!”

Nehemiah formed people into many work teams [groups], and assigned them to work at different gates and different places on the wall [all around Jerusalem city].

Many others came to help with the heavy [hard] work, including priests, metal workers, traders [merchants], women, and people from other towns [villages / places].

When they had built the wall half way up [all around the city], [Sanballat, Tobiah and] other [nearby] tribal leaders became angry. They said, “Let us attack the Jewish workers and stop them rebuilding the wall!”

When Nehemiah hear about this, he appointed [posted] guards and ordered them, “Pray [to the Lord] and keep watch both day and night!” In this way, God stopped their enemies, and the Jews continued with their work on the wall.

Half of the Jewish workers worked while the other half guarded [protected] them. Even those doing the work carried a sword [battle knife]. Everyone stayed safe inside the wall at night.

One enemy tribal leader [Sanballat] wrote a letter to Nehemiah, saying, “You are going to rebel against the Persian king, because you want to become king over Judah in Jerusalem!”

But this letter did not frighten [intimidate] Nehemiah. Instead, he prayed to God, saying, “O Lord, please, give strength to us Jews to keep on working!”

The Jews completed rebuilding the wall and city gates in 52 days. The Jews said one to another, “We could not have done this work without God’s help!” [“We were able to do this work because God helped us!”] Their enemies also knew that God had helped the Jews.

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