Story Producer 158 - Solomon Builds the Temple

Story Producer 158 - Solomon Builds the Temple

Grandes lignes: 1 Kings 5:3-9:8

Numéro de texte: 1316

Lieu: English

Audience: General

Objectif: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Statut: Approved

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Corps du texte

Optional Titles:Solomon Builds a Temple for the Lord.The first Israelite [stone]Temple.

King Solomon said one day, “God did not allow my father [King David], to build a temple for the Lord, because David killed men in battles [wars]. Since the Lord has given peace [no war] to me with all other countries [tribes], I am going to build a temple to honor the Lord’s name.”

Hiram, King of Tyre [country], agreed to cut down [cedar and pine] trees for the temple that Solomon was going to build. Solomon sent thousands of workers [men] from Israel to help bring the logs [cut trees]. He sent others to cut huge stones with which to build the temple.

[Solomon’s] workers spent [took/put] seven years building the new temple [at Jerusalem City]. Workers used bronze to make pillars [posts near its door], [and] an enormous bowl for washing sacrifices, and twelve statues like [of/looking like] oxen [cattle] beneath the bowl.

Inside the temple, in the two main rooms, workers covered the walls with carved [cedar] wood, and they covered the wood with gold. In the front room, workers used gold to make ten lampstands [big lanterns], an altar [to burn incense], and a table [for bread]. They called this room “The Holy Place”. (It was 25 metres long).

They called the temple’s back room “The Most [Very] Holy Place.” It was nine metres long, [nine metres] wide and [nine metres] high. Inside this room, they put two statues of large winged creatures that they called cherubs [guardians]. They made these from olive [tree] wood and covered them with gold.

When the temple was finished [ready], Solomon brought to Jerusalem the [old] tabernacle and its furnishings [objects], along with the Covenant Box. That day, Solomon and the Israelites sacrificed to the Lord more animals than they could count.

Next, priests used long wooden poles to carry the Covenant Box and the other furnishings [objects] into the temple.

The priests put the Covenant Box in the Most Holy Place, setting it beneath the cherubs’ [statues’] wings, so that their wings stretched out over the Box and its [gilded] wooden poles.

When the priests went out from the Holy Place, suddenly a cloud [like fiery smoke] filled the temple. This was the Lord’s glory [bright light / brilliance]. The priests could do nothing more, that day.

That day, King Solomon stood before everyone and prayed, “Lord, you are our God. There is no other god like you, in heaven or on earth. Please, keep [do] the promise you made to my father, David. You told him that his sons [descendants] will always be kings in Israel, as long as they remain faithful to you, as David did.

“Please, watch and listen at this place day and night. When others or I turn towards this temple and pray, please hear us from heaven. Please, forgive us the sins that we have committed [and confess to you].”

Later, the Lord appeared [again] to Solomon in a dream, and said, “I have heard your prayer. I myself will always dwell in this temple, and your sons [descendants] will always rule over Israel, as long as [if] the Israelites remain faithful to me and obey my commandments [laws].

“But if you or your descendants start worshipping other gods, or if you disobey my commandments [laws], then I will push [send / remove] the Israelites out of this land [country]. I will also abandon this temple and will completely destroy it.”

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