Saul Is Jealous

Saul Is Jealous

Grandes lignes: 1 Samuel 18, 19

Numéro de texte: 1305

Lieu: English

Audience: General

Objectif: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Statut: Approved

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Corps du texte

Title ideas:Saul was jealous so he tried to kill David.The problem with jealousy. Jealousy destroys!

One day, the Israelite army was returning after winning a victory over the Philistine army [ungodly enemy tribe]. As the Israelite soldiers passed by villages, women would come out, sing, dance and make music.

At one village, the women sang together, “Saul has killed a thousand [1000 / many men], and David has killed ten thousand [10,000 / many many men]!”

When Saul heard women praising David, he became angry and thought [said] to himself, “They are praising David more than me! Soon they may want David to become king [instead of me]!” So Saul became jealous.

Saul had a son named Jonathan. David and Jonathan became very good friends, and they promised to remain friends until they died. To show their promise, they exchanged clothes and weapons.

One day, King Saul was listening to David play music on a harp [stringed instrument]. Suddenly, an evil spirit made Saul angry. Saul grabbed a spear and tried to kill David, but David jumped aside, so the spear missed him.

Later, Saul appointed David as a commander over 1000 [many] soldiers. Saul was hoping that David would die in a battle, but the Lord made David victorious in battles. Soon, all the Israelites admired [loved] David. Only Saul hated him.

Saul had a daughter named Michal. She loved David and wanted to marry him. When Saul heard about this, he made a plan to send David to fight Philistines, so that the Philistines would kill David.

Saul said to David, “If you will go kill 100 Philistines, then you may marry Michal.” David went and killed 200 Philistines. After that, Saul allowed David to marry his daughter Michal.

Saul promised Jonathan, “I will not harm your friend David!” But one day, while Saul was listening to David play his harp, an evil spirit again made Saul try to kill David with a spear [again], but David escaped from Saul’s house.

That night, Saul sent soldiers to hide outside David’s house, and to kill David when he would come out next day. But Michal learned about this [plot], so she warned David, “You must escape from this house before sunrise!”

So during the night, David sneaked out of his house through a window, and escaped. Michal put some things under David’s bedding [sheets / blankets], and she put goat’s hair [fur] on David’s pillow, so that it seemed as though David were lying in his bed.

Next morning, the soldiers came into the house asking, “Where is David?”

Michal replied, “He is lying in bed, because he is sick!” When the men opened David’s bed, they knew that he had escaped.

David ran [fled / went] to the town where the prophet Samuel lived, and he told Samuel all that Saul had done to him. Samuel said to David, “Stay here with me!” But when Saul learned where David was staying, he sent soldiers to [try again to] capture David.

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