Moses and The King

Moses and The King

Grandes lignes: Exodus 3:2-8; 4:18-8:19

Numéro de texte: 1281

Langue: English

Audience: General

Objectif: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Statut: Approved

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Corps du texte

Title ideas:God called [assigned] Moses to be his servant to deliver IsraelMoses warned the King over EgyptMoses returned to Egypt

The Lord God had spoken to Moses from [though] a bush [small tree] that was burning with fire but not being consumed. God told Moses to go back to Egypt, and to lead the Israelites to Canaan.

God said to Moses, “Do not be afraid to go to Egypt, because the people there who wanted to kill you have died.”

Moses then went to see his wife’s father Jethro, and said to him, “I must go to Egypt to see if my relatives [father’s family] are still alive.” Jethro replied, “Go in [with God’s] peace.”

So, Moses, his wife and their sons, left their home [in Midian] and began to travel to Egypt.

Before Moses left his home [in Midian], the Lord God spoke to Moses’ [older] brother Aaron in Egypt, saying, “Go into the wilderness and meet your [younger] brother Moses.” So they [Moses and Aaron] met near the mountain called Sinai.

Moses explained [told] to Aaron all that God had commanded [told] him to do, and about the signs [miracles] that he [Moses] must [had to] do.

So Aaron and Moses went back to Egypt together. They met with the Israelite leaders, and told them all that God has said to Moses.

The Israelite leaders watched Moses perform his signs [miracles].

When the leaders saw Moses’ signs, they believed him and worshipped the Lord God.

Next, Moses and Aaron went to see the King over Egypt. They told him God’s command.

“The Lord God says, Let my [Hebrew/Israelite] people go eat [hold] a feast, to worship [honor] me in the wilderness.” [The Egyptian people called the Israelite people Hebrews.]

The King replied, “No, I will not let them go. Who is this Lord God? I do not know or believe in him, so why should I [I will not] obey him?”

Aaron and Moses explained [said], “The Lord is the God whom we [Hebrew people] worship. He has told [commanded] us to go sacrifice livestock [animals] to [for] him.”

The King shouted at Moses and Aaron, “You want the Hebrew people to stop working! They must work! You, too, go work!”

The King also gave orders to the work bosses: “Stop giving straw [strong plants] to the Hebrews to put in bricks. Make them go find straw and make bricks.”

So the work bosses sent the Hebrews everywhere in Egypt to find straw [dry grass] [with which] to make bricks.

The Hebrew workers had to take [use] more time to find straw.

The Egyptian work bosses made the Hebrews make as many bricks as they made before [but without providing the straw].

The Egyptian work bosses would beat [strike] the Hebrew foremen [work leaders], saying, “Your workers must make as many bricks as before!”

The Hebrew foremen went to see the King and said, “The bosses tell us to do more than we can do.” The King replied, “You are lazy! Go back to work!”

The foremen were angry against Moses, and said to him, “The Lord will judge [punish] you, because you have made the King to hate us!”

Moses was angry with the Lord and complained [said] to him, “You have not helped your [Israelite] people!

“The King now treats them worse than before! Why have you sent me here? You have not kept your promise to save [deliver] them from Egypt!”

The Lord God replied to Moses, “You will see what I shall soon do to the King. I will force [make / cause] him to obey me and let my [Israelite] people leave [go].”

Moses told the [Israelite] people all that the Lord had said, but they could not believe him, because their hard work and the King’s abuse [cruelty] had discouraged them [broken their spirits].

Moses complained to God, “The King does not listen to my words.” God replied, “Go again, tell The King what I have said. Still, the King will not listen to your words.”

So Moses spoke to the King as a prophet [God’s messenger], and Aaron repeated his words. They said, “The Lord God will soon use his power against you!”

The King demanded [asked], “Show me a sign that will prove [show] that your god has power!”

Moses said to Aaron, “Throw down your staff!” Aaron threw down his staff in front of the King and his officials. Instantly, the stick became a live snake.

The King ordered his officials, “Bring here our Egyptian magicians [sorcerers]!” When they came, he ordered them, “Perform [do] the same miracle!”

When the magicians threw down their sticks, their sticks became snakes. Then Aaron’s snake swallowed the magicians’ snakes.

Still, the King made himself stubborn [hardened his heart / resisted], and would not listen to Moses.

Next morning, the Lord said to Moses, “Go with Aaron to the big [Nile] river and wait for the King near the water.” Soon, the King came to the river.

Moses said, “It is the Lord God who sent me to you. He said to you, Let my [Hebrew] people go, but you would not obey. So the Lord will now show you that he is the most powerful God.”

Aaron struck the river water with his staff [stick], and the water in the river turned to blood. Soon fish and river plants began to die and stink [smell badly], and the people could not drink that water [because it made people sick].

When Egyptian magicians did the same miracle, the King refused again to obey the Lord God. He turned away and went back to his big house [palace].

Next week, the Lord said to Moses, “Go say to the King, The Lord God says, Let my [Hebrew] people go to the wilderness and worship me there!

“If you refuse to [if you do not] let them go, then I will send so many frogs that they will cover [fill] your land [country].”

But the King refused again to obey the Lord God.

So Aaron held his staff over the big [Nile] river water. Then so many frogs came out of the river, that they covered the land [ground] everywhere.

Frogs came into everybody’s house, even the King’s house. Frogs went into every room, into people’s beds, ovens, pots and bowls.

When the Egyptian magicians did the same miracle, they made even more frogs come out of the big river onto the land.

The King called for Moses and Aaron and pleaded with [begged] them, “Please! Ask the Lord God to make the frogs go away. Then I will let the Hebrew people go worship the Lord.”

After Moses prayed to the Lord to take away the frogs from the land, the frogs on the land died.

The Egyptians threw dead frogs onto heaps [large piles]. The dead frogs caused a big smell [stank terribly].

When the King saw that the frogs had died, he refused again to obey the Lord God.

Next, the Lord God said to Moses, “Tell Aaron to strike [hit] the ground with his staff. When Aaron did so, the dust on the ground became gnats [little flying bugs].

The gnats became so many that they swarmed [flew in bunches] everywhere, biting everybody and the livestock [animals].

When the Egyptian magicians tried to make gnats, they were not able to do so.

The magicians said to the King, “Only God has power to make gnats!” Still [But], the King refused again to obey the Lord God.

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