Story Producer 102 - Noah Flood

Story Producer 102 - Noah Flood

Grandes lignes: Genesis 5:28-9:16

Numéro de texte: 1262

Lieu: English

Audience: General

Objectif: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Statut: Approved

Les scripts sont des directives de base pour la traduction et l'enregistrement dans d'autres langues. Ils doivent être adaptés si nécessaire afin de les rendre compréhensibles et pertinents pour chaque culture et langue différente. Certains termes et concepts utilisés peuvent nécessiter plus d'explications ou même être remplacés ou complètement omis.

Corps du texte

Title ideas:[Long ago] People lived badly, so God killed them all with a flood [big water], saving only Noah’s family.Noah and the big flood.Only Noah believed God.

The first man and woman had many children. In their time of living, they and their children lived many, many years. They saw the babies for eight generations.

The people had many children. There were many villages!But they all sinned [did bad actions and bad thoughts], they all died eventually [after a while].

All those people in all the villages were habitually immoral, hating and fighting and killing each other. Their children learned to hate and fight and kill more than their fathers and mothers.

God saw their hating and fighting and immorality. He was sad that he had made the people.

He said, “No! Too much! I will completely kill all those people. And also all the animals and birds there on the earth!”

But, there was one good man – his name was Noah. He was born nine generations after God made the first man. He and his wife had three sons and each of them had a wife.

Noah habitually was good, thinking friendly toward all persons. He worshipped only God. He obeyed God every day. He urged [told] the other people to stop hating and fighting.

God spoke to Noah, saying: “I will bring a big flood [put big/much water] on all the earth. I will kill all the other people, and most animals and birds. But I will protect you and your family and some of the animals and birds.

“You should begin to build a very big boat [ship]. I will tell you how to build it well.[You should cut many big trees and make boards. You should make it very large [big big]!. You should make two floors above the bottom of the boat [ship]. You should build [separate] many rooms. Then you should cover it all with a strong roof.”]

Noah obeyed God. He and his sons worked for many [100] years because the boat [ship] was very big. They built it exactly the way that God told them to build it.

Finally [after 100 years building/working], when the boat [ship] was finished, God told Noah, “You and your family [your wife and your sons and their wives] should now begin to live inside the boat [ship].

“I will soon bring many animals and birds to you. You should allow them to come inside with you! I will bring a flood [big water] which will cover all the land!

“You will live inside the boat for many months. Now you should gather and store much food! You should put in the boat food for yourselves and for all kinds of animals and birds.”

Then, God caused [sent] a male and a female of every kind of animal and bird to come to Noah. Soon, all the kinds of animals and birds were coming there. Yes! There was a male and a female of each kind. Noah allowed these to come inside the boat also. [He put them in the separated rooms /places].

Noah obeyed all God’s instructions. When he had gathered much food and allowed all those animals and birds to enter into the big boat, then God shut the door so that they were safe [protected]. God did this because Noah was the only one who did right [obeyed God].

Then God made to fall [started] very strong rain! Much much! Every place! And more! Much water burst up from under the ground! Many places!

Quickly the water covered all the land! The water covered even the highest mountains. All the animals, all the birds, and all the people outside the boat [ship] died [drowned dead dead]!

It continued to rain very strongly! No stopping! Ai! Ai! Forty days and forty nights it rained! But the boat floated on top of the deep [much] water.

Only Noah and his family, with the animals and birds that were with him inside the boat remained alive. God was protecting them.

After 40 days God stopped the rain and he stopped the water coming up from under the ground. He started a wind to blow.

Slowly slowly that big water became less and less.

Noah and his family stayed inside the big boat even after it landed [stood still] in the mountains.

They waited and waited inside the boat as the flood waters continued to go down.

Noah sent birds out a window in the boat to test if the land was dry. He did this three times.

Finally, when the birds did not come back to him, he knew all the land was dry.

Noah and his family [with the animals] had lived in the boat [ship] for more than a year.

Then God told Noah, “Now you and your family go out. Allow all the animals and birds to go out to find living places. I want them to breed and reproduce and begin to live all over the earth.”

So [Then] Noah and his family went out [from the boat/ship]. They allowed all the animals and birds to go out and to find living places.

Everything was beginning again. Many plants and trees were growing.

When Noah went out of the big boat, he thanked God for protecting them. To do that, he offered to God many animals and birds that he burned on a pile of stones. [Before the rain and flood came, God had told Noah to bring some extra animals and birds for this purpose.]

God was pleased [happy] to accept Noah’s offering that he burned on a pile of stones. He did this to show his thanks.

God said, “I made people [humans] like myself. Therefore, if one of you people hates another person and kills him or her, then you other people should kill the one who has killed.

God also said, “Long ago, I told your ancestors that they could eat any kind of plant. Now I tell you that you may eat the meat of any animal.

All those animals will fear you strongly now.

Then God spoke a promise to everyone [people and animals] breathing, “I will never again destroy all the people and animals and birds with a big flood [water everywhere] on all the earth [land]. The seasons for people planting and harvesting will continue.”

God also said “I will put a rainbow in the clouds that carry rain. When you see the rainbow, you will remember [know] my promise that I will never again kill all breathing things with a big flood [water everywhere] on all the earth.”

Then God said to Noah and his family, “I will protect you and help you (all; plural) much. I want you to have many children and your children to have many children.

I want you (all; plural) and the children who will be born to you to go and live in many places [villages]. Go live everywhere all over the earth!”

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