Мудрі прислів'я царя Соломона [Wise Proverbes of King Solomon] - Ukrainien

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Une partie ou la totalité du 20ème livre de la Bible

Numéro de Programme: 68046
Durée du Programme: 52:42
Langue requise: Ukrainien

Téléchargements et Commandes

мудрість ♦ Звернення до мудрості ♦ Поклик Мудрості [Copyright Attribution & Introduction ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (National Well-being) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Social Wisdom) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Various Warnings) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Integrity) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Material Wealth) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (God's Oversight) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (About God) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wise Parenting) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Healthy Families) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Use of Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Pride and Humility) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wisdom (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom ▪ Wisdom (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wisdom (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wisdom (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wisdom (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wisdom (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wisdom (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wisdom (Use of Words) ▪ Wisdom (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wisdom (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wisdom (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Seeking Wisdom ▪ Wisdom (Healthy Families) ▪ Wisdom (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wisdom (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wisdom (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wisdom (About God) ▪ Wisdom (God's Oversight) ▪ Wisdom (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wisdom (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wisdom (Material Wealth) ▪ Wisdom (Integrity) ▪ Wisdom (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wisdom (Various Warnings) ▪ Wisdom (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wisdom (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wisdom (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wisdom (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wisdom (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wisdom (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Social Wisdom ▪ Wisdom (National Well-being) ▪ Wisdom's Call ▪ Wisdom (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wisdom (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wisdom (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ God's Wisdom in Ceation ▪ Wisdom (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom ▪ Wisdom (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wisdom (Introduction) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Pride and Humility) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Use of Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Healthy Families) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wise Parenting) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (About God) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (God's Oversight) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Material Wealth) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Integrity) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Various Warnings) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Social Wisdom) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (National Well-being) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Introduction) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Use of Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Healthy Families) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (About God) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (God's Oversight) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Material Wealth) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Integrity) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Various Warnings) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (National Well-being) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Introduction)]


1. мудрість ♦ Звернення до мудрості ♦ Поклик Мудрості [Copyright Attribution & Introduction ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (National Well-being) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Social Wisdom) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Various Warnings) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Integrity) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Material Wealth) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (God's Oversight) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (About God) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wise Parenting) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Healthy Families) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Use of Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Pride and Humility) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Copyright Attribution & Introduction (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wisdom (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom ▪ Wisdom (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wisdom (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wisdom (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wisdom (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wisdom (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wisdom (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wisdom (Use of Words) ▪ Wisdom (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wisdom (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wisdom (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Seeking Wisdom ▪ Wisdom (Healthy Families) ▪ Wisdom (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wisdom (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wisdom (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wisdom (About God) ▪ Wisdom (God's Oversight) ▪ Wisdom (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wisdom (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wisdom (Material Wealth) ▪ Wisdom (Integrity) ▪ Wisdom (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wisdom (Various Warnings) ▪ Wisdom (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wisdom (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wisdom (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wisdom (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wisdom (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wisdom (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Social Wisdom ▪ Wisdom (National Well-being) ▪ Wisdom's Call ▪ Wisdom (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wisdom (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wisdom (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ God's Wisdom in Ceation ▪ Wisdom (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom ▪ Wisdom (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wisdom (Introduction) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Pride and Humility) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Use of Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Healthy Families) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wise Parenting) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (About God) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (God's Oversight) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Material Wealth) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Integrity) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Various Warnings) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Social Wisdom) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (National Well-being) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Appeal of Wisdom (Introduction) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Use of Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Healthy Families) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (About God) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (God's Oversight) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Material Wealth) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Integrity) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Various Warnings) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (National Well-being) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wisdom’s Call (Introduction)]

Застереження та контрасти Шкода пияцтва ♦ Шлях шкоди ♦ Ціна дурості ♦ Дурні та простодушні ♦ Гордість і скромність ♦ Праведність і зло [Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Introduction) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Use of Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Healthy Families) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (About God) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (God's Oversight) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Material Wealth) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Integrity) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Various Warnings) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (National Well-being) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm ▪ Pathway of Harm (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Pride and Humility) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Use of Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Healthy Families) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wise Parenting) ▪ Pathway of Harm (About God) ▪ Pathway of Harm (God's Oversight) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Material Wealth) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Integrity) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Various Warnings) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Social Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm (National Well-being) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Introduction) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Material Wealth) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Price of Foolishness ▪ Price of Foolishness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Use of Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Healthy Families) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Price of Foolishness (About God) ▪ Price of Foolishness (God's Oversight) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Integrity) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Various Warnings) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Price of Foolishness (National Well-being) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Price of Foolishness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Introduction) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-minded ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Pride and Humility) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Use of Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Healthy Families) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wise Parenting) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (About God) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (God's Oversight) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Material Wealth) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Integrity) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Various Warnings) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Social Wisdom) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (National Well-being) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Introduction) ▪ Pride and Humility (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Pride and Humility (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Pride and Humility (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Pride and Humility (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Pride and Humility ▪ Pride and Humility (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Pride and Humility (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Pride and Humility (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Use of Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Pride and Humility (Healthy Families) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wise Parenting) ▪ Pride and Humility (About God) ▪ Pride and Humility (God's Oversight) ▪ Pride and Humility (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Pride and Humility (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Pride and Humility (Material Wealth) ▪ Pride and Humility (Integrity) ▪ Pride and Humility (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Pride and Humility (Various Warnings) ▪ Pride and Humility (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Pride and Humility (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Pride and Humility (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Pride and Humility (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Pride and Humility (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Pride and Humility (Social Wisdom) ▪ Pride and Humility (National Well-being) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Pride and Humility (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Pride and Humility (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Pride and Humility (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Pride and Humility (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Pride and Humility (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pride and Humility (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Pride and Humility (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Pride and Humility (Introduction) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Introduction) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (National Well-being) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Various Warnings) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Integrity) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Material Wealth) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (God's Oversight) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (About God) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Healthy Families) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Use of Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Pathway of Harm)]


2. Застереження та контрасти Шкода пияцтва ♦ Шлях шкоди ♦ Ціна дурості ♦ Дурні та простодушні ♦ Гордість і скромність ♦ Праведність і зло [Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Introduction) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Use of Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Healthy Families) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (About God) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (God's Oversight) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Material Wealth) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Integrity) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Various Warnings) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (National Well-being) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Cautions and Contrasts Dangers of Drunkenness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm ▪ Pathway of Harm (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Pride and Humility) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Use of Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Healthy Families) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wise Parenting) ▪ Pathway of Harm (About God) ▪ Pathway of Harm (God's Oversight) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Material Wealth) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Integrity) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Various Warnings) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Social Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm (National Well-being) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Pathway of Harm (Introduction) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Material Wealth) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Price of Foolishness ▪ Price of Foolishness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Use of Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Healthy Families) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Price of Foolishness (About God) ▪ Price of Foolishness (God's Oversight) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Integrity) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Various Warnings) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Price of Foolishness (National Well-being) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Price of Foolishness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Price of Foolishness (Introduction) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-minded ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Pride and Humility) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Use of Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Healthy Families) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wise Parenting) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (About God) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (God's Oversight) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Material Wealth) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Integrity) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Various Warnings) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Social Wisdom) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (National Well-being) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Fools and the Simple-Minded (Introduction) ▪ Pride and Humility (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Pride and Humility (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Pride and Humility (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Pride and Humility (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Pride and Humility ▪ Pride and Humility (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Pride and Humility (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Pride and Humility (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Use of Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Pride and Humility (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Pride and Humility (Healthy Families) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wise Parenting) ▪ Pride and Humility (About God) ▪ Pride and Humility (God's Oversight) ▪ Pride and Humility (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Pride and Humility (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Pride and Humility (Material Wealth) ▪ Pride and Humility (Integrity) ▪ Pride and Humility (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Pride and Humility (Various Warnings) ▪ Pride and Humility (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Pride and Humility (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Pride and Humility (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Pride and Humility (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Pride and Humility (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Pride and Humility (Social Wisdom) ▪ Pride and Humility (National Well-being) ▪ Pride and Humility (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Pride and Humility (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Pride and Humility (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Pride and Humility (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Pride and Humility (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Pride and Humility (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pride and Humility (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Pride and Humility (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Pride and Humility (Introduction) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Introduction) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (National Well-being) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Various Warnings) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Integrity) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Material Wealth) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (God's Oversight) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (About God) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Healthy Families) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Use of Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Righteousness and Wickedness (Pathway of Harm)]

Використання слів Небезпека брехні та наклепу ♦ Бережіть свої слова ♦ Охорона від лжесвідків ♦ Цінність мудрих слів ♦ Цінність праведних слів ♦ Добре сказані слова [Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Pride and Humility) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Healthy Families) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wise Parenting) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (About God) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (God's Oversight) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Material Wealth) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Integrity) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Various Warnings) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Social Wisdom) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (National Well-being) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Introduction) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Pride and Humility) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Guarding One's Words ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Use of Words) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Healthy Families) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wise Parenting) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (About God) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (God's Oversight) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Material Wealth) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Integrity) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Various Warnings) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Social Wisdom) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (National Well-being) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Introduction) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Guarding against False Witness ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Use of Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Healthy Families) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (About God) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (God's Oversight) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Material Wealth) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Integrity) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Various Warnings) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (National Well-being) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Introduction) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Pride and Humility) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Use of Words) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Value of Wise Words ▪ Value of Wise Words (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Healthy Families) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wise Parenting) ▪ Value of Wise Words (About God) ▪ Value of Wise Words (God's Oversight) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Material Wealth) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Integrity) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Various Warnings) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Social Wisdom) ▪ Value of Wise Words (National Well-being) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Introduction) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Pride and Humility) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Use of Words) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Value of Righteous Words ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Healthy Families) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wise Parenting) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (About God) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (God's Oversight) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Material Wealth) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Integrity) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Various Warnings) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Social Wisdom) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (National Well-being) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Introduction) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Pride and Humility) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Use of Words) ▪ Well-spoken Words ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Healthy Families) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wise Parenting) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (About God) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (God's Oversight) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Material Wealth) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Integrity) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Various Warnings) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Social Wisdom) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (National Well-being) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Introduction)]


3. Використання слів Небезпека брехні та наклепу ♦ Бережіть свої слова ♦ Охорона від лжесвідків ♦ Цінність мудрих слів ♦ Цінність праведних слів ♦ Добре сказані слова [Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Pride and Humility) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Healthy Families) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wise Parenting) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (About God) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (God's Oversight) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Material Wealth) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Integrity) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Various Warnings) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Social Wisdom) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (National Well-being) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Use of Words Danger of Lies and Slander (Introduction) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Pride and Humility) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Guarding One's Words ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Use of Words) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Healthy Families) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wise Parenting) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (About God) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (God's Oversight) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Material Wealth) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Integrity) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Various Warnings) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Social Wisdom) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (National Well-being) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Guarding One’s Words (Introduction) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Guarding against False Witness ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Use of Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Healthy Families) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (About God) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (God's Oversight) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Material Wealth) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Integrity) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Various Warnings) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (National Well-being) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Guarding against False Witness (Introduction) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Pride and Humility) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Use of Words) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Value of Wise Words ▪ Value of Wise Words (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Healthy Families) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wise Parenting) ▪ Value of Wise Words (About God) ▪ Value of Wise Words (God's Oversight) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Material Wealth) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Integrity) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Various Warnings) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Social Wisdom) ▪ Value of Wise Words (National Well-being) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Value of Wise Words (Introduction) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Pride and Humility) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Use of Words) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Value of Righteous Words ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Healthy Families) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wise Parenting) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (About God) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (God's Oversight) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Material Wealth) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Integrity) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Various Warnings) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Social Wisdom) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (National Well-being) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Value of Righteous Words (Introduction) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Pride and Humility) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Use of Words) ▪ Well-spoken Words ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Healthy Families) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wise Parenting) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (About God) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (God's Oversight) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Material Wealth) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Integrity) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Various Warnings) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Social Wisdom) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (National Well-being) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Well-Spoken Words (Introduction)]

У пошуках мудрості Керівництво батька ♦ Звернення до синів ♦ Прислухатися до інструкції ♦ Прагнення до мудрості ♦ Нагорода за праведність [In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Pathway of Harm) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Price of Foolishness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Pride and Humility) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Guarding One's Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Use of Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Well-spoken Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Value of Wise Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Healthy Families) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wise Parenting) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (About God) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (God's Oversight) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Material Wealth) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Integrity) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Various Warnings) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wise Stewardship) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Warnings against Discord) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Healthy Relationships) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Social Wisdom) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (National Well-being) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wisdom's Call) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Heeding Instruction) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Appeal to Sons) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Introduction) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Pride and Humility) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Use of Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Healthy Families) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wise Parenting) ▪ Appeal to Sons (About God) ▪ Appeal to Sons (God's Oversight) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Material Wealth) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Integrity) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Various Warnings) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Social Wisdom) ▪ Appeal to Sons (National Well-being) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Appeal to Sons ▪ Appeal to Sons (Introduction) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Pride and Humility) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Use of Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Healthy Families) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wise Parenting) ▪ Heeding Instruction (About God) ▪ Heeding Instruction (God's Oversight) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Material Wealth) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Integrity) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Various Warnings) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Social Wisdom) ▪ Heeding Instruction (National Well-being) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Heeding Instruction ▪ Heeding Instruction (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Introduction) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Pride and Humility) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Use of Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Healthy Families) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wise Parenting) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (About God) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (God's Oversight) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Material Wealth) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Integrity) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Various Warnings) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Social Wisdom) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (National Well-being) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Introduction) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Use of Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Healthy Families) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (About God) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (God's Oversight) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Material Wealth) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Integrity) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Various Warnings) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (National Well-being) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Reward of Righteousness ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Introduction)]


4. У пошуках мудрості Керівництво батька ♦ Звернення до синів ♦ Прислухатися до інструкції ♦ Прагнення до мудрості ♦ Нагорода за праведність [In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Pathway of Harm) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Price of Foolishness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Pride and Humility) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Guarding One's Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Use of Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Well-spoken Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Value of Wise Words) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Healthy Families) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wise Parenting) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (About God) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (God's Oversight) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Material Wealth) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Integrity) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Various Warnings) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wise Stewardship) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Warnings against Discord) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Healthy Relationships) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Social Wisdom) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (National Well-being) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Wisdom's Call) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Heeding Instruction) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Appeal to Sons) ▪ In Search of Wisdom A Father’s Guidance (Introduction) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Pride and Humility) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Use of Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Healthy Families) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wise Parenting) ▪ Appeal to Sons (About God) ▪ Appeal to Sons (God's Oversight) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Material Wealth) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Integrity) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Various Warnings) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Social Wisdom) ▪ Appeal to Sons (National Well-being) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Appeal to Sons (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Appeal to Sons ▪ Appeal to Sons (Introduction) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Pride and Humility) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Use of Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Healthy Families) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wise Parenting) ▪ Heeding Instruction (About God) ▪ Heeding Instruction (God's Oversight) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Material Wealth) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Integrity) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Various Warnings) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Social Wisdom) ▪ Heeding Instruction (National Well-being) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Heeding Instruction ▪ Heeding Instruction (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Heeding Instruction (Introduction) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Pride and Humility) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Use of Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Healthy Families) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wise Parenting) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (About God) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (God's Oversight) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Material Wealth) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Integrity) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Various Warnings) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Social Wisdom) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (National Well-being) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Pursuit of Wisdom (Introduction) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Use of Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Healthy Families) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (About God) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (God's Oversight) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Material Wealth) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Integrity) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Various Warnings) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (National Well-being) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Reward of Righteousness ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Reward of Righteousness (Introduction)]

Здорові сім'ї Здоров'я духу і тіла ♦ Дружина благородного характеру ♦ Мудрі і дурні сини ♦ Розумне батьківство [Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Pride and Humility) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Use of Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wise Parenting) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (About God) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (God's Oversight) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Material Wealth) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Integrity) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Various Warnings) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Social Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (National Well-being) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Introduction) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Use of Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Healthy Families) ▪ Wife of Noble Character ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (About God) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (God's Oversight) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Material Wealth) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Integrity) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Various Warnings) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (National Well-being) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Introduction) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Use of Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Healthy Families) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (About God) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (God's Oversight) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Material Wealth) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Integrity) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Various Warnings) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (National Well-being) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Introduction) ▪ Wise Parenting (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wise Parenting (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wise Parenting (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wise Parenting (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wise Parenting (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wise Parenting (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wise Parenting (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wise Parenting (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Use of Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wise Parenting (Healthy Families) ▪ Wise Parenting (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wise Parenting (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wise Parenting ▪ Wise Parenting (About God) ▪ Wise Parenting (God's Oversight) ▪ Wise Parenting (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wise Parenting (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wise Parenting (Material Wealth) ▪ Wise Parenting (Integrity) ▪ Wise Parenting (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wise Parenting (Various Warnings) ▪ Wise Parenting (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wise Parenting (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wise Parenting (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wise Parenting (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wise Parenting (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wise Parenting (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wise Parenting (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wise Parenting (National Well-being) ▪ Wise Parenting (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Wise Parenting (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wise Parenting (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wise Parenting (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wise Parenting (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wise Parenting (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wise Parenting (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wise Parenting (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wise Parenting (Introduction)]


5. Здорові сім'ї Здоров'я духу і тіла ♦ Дружина благородного характеру ♦ Мудрі і дурні сини ♦ Розумне батьківство [Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Pride and Humility) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Use of Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wise Parenting) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (About God) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (God's Oversight) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Material Wealth) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Integrity) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Various Warnings) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Social Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (National Well-being) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Healthy Families Health of Mind and Body (Introduction) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Use of Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Healthy Families) ▪ Wife of Noble Character ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (About God) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (God's Oversight) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Material Wealth) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Integrity) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Various Warnings) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (National Well-being) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wife of Noble Character (Introduction) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Use of Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Healthy Families) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (About God) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (God's Oversight) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Material Wealth) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Integrity) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Various Warnings) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (National Well-being) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wise and Foolish Sons (Introduction) ▪ Wise Parenting (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wise Parenting (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wise Parenting (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wise Parenting (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wise Parenting (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wise Parenting (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wise Parenting (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wise Parenting (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Use of Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wise Parenting (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wise Parenting (Healthy Families) ▪ Wise Parenting (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wise Parenting (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wise Parenting ▪ Wise Parenting (About God) ▪ Wise Parenting (God's Oversight) ▪ Wise Parenting (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wise Parenting (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wise Parenting (Material Wealth) ▪ Wise Parenting (Integrity) ▪ Wise Parenting (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wise Parenting (Various Warnings) ▪ Wise Parenting (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wise Parenting (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Wise Parenting (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wise Parenting (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wise Parenting (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wise Parenting (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wise Parenting (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wise Parenting (National Well-being) ▪ Wise Parenting (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Wise Parenting (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wise Parenting (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wise Parenting (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wise Parenting (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wise Parenting (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wise Parenting (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wise Parenting (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wise Parenting (Introduction)]

Про Бога Страх Господній ♦ Божий нагляд ♦ Божа Мудрість у Творінні ♦ Догоджати Господу ♦ Довіряючи Господу [About God Fear of the Lord (Pathway of Harm) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Price of Foolishness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Pride and Humility) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Guarding One's Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Use of Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Well-spoken Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Value of Wise Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Healthy Families) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wise Parenting) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (God's Oversight) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Material Wealth) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Integrity) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Various Warnings) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wise Stewardship) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Warnings against Discord) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Healthy Relationships) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Social Wisdom) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (National Well-being) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wisdom's Call) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Heeding Instruction) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Appeal to Sons) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Introduction) ▪ God’s Oversight (Pathway of Harm) ▪ God’s Oversight (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ God’s Oversight (Price of Foolishness) ▪ God’s Oversight (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ God’s Oversight (Pride and Humility) ▪ God’s Oversight (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ God’s Oversight (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ God’s Oversight (Guarding One's Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Use of Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Well-spoken Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Value of Wise Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ God’s Oversight (Healthy Families) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wise Parenting) ▪ God’s Oversight (About God) ▪ God's Oversight ▪ God’s Oversight (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ God’s Oversight (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ God’s Oversight (Material Wealth) ▪ God’s Oversight (Integrity) ▪ God’s Oversight (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ God’s Oversight (Various Warnings) ▪ God’s Oversight (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wise Stewardship) ▪ God’s Oversight (Warnings against Discord) ▪ God’s Oversight (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ God’s Oversight (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ God’s Oversight (Healthy Relationships) ▪ God’s Oversight (Social Wisdom) ▪ God’s Oversight (National Well-being) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wisdom's Call) ▪ God’s Oversight (Heeding Instruction) ▪ God’s Oversight (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ God’s Oversight (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ God’s Oversight (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ God’s Oversight (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ God’s Oversight (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ God’s Oversight (Appeal to Sons) ▪ God’s Oversight (Introduction) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Pathway of Harm) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Price of Foolishness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Pride and Humility) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Guarding One's Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Use of Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Well-spoken Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Value of Wise Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Healthy Families) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wise Parenting) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (About God) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (God's Oversight) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Material Wealth) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Integrity) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Various Warnings) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wise Stewardship) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Warnings against Discord) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Healthy Relationships) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Social Wisdom) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (National Well-being) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wisdom's Call) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Heeding Instruction) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Appeal to Sons) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Introduction) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Pride and Humility) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Use of Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Healthy Families) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wise Parenting) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (About God) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (God's Oversight) ▪ Pleasing the Lord ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Material Wealth) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Integrity) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Various Warnings) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Social Wisdom) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (National Well-being) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Introduction) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Pride and Humility) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Use of Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Healthy Families) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wise Parenting) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (About God) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (God's Oversight) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Trusting in the Lord ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Material Wealth) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Integrity) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Various Warnings) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Social Wisdom) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (National Well-being) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Introduction)]


6. Про Бога Страх Господній ♦ Божий нагляд ♦ Божа Мудрість у Творінні ♦ Догоджати Господу ♦ Довіряючи Господу [About God Fear of the Lord (Pathway of Harm) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Price of Foolishness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Pride and Humility) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Guarding One's Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Use of Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Well-spoken Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Value of Wise Words) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Healthy Families) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wise Parenting) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (God's Oversight) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Material Wealth) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Integrity) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Various Warnings) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wise Stewardship) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Warnings against Discord) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Healthy Relationships) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Social Wisdom) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (National Well-being) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Wisdom's Call) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Heeding Instruction) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Appeal to Sons) ▪ About God Fear of the Lord (Introduction) ▪ God’s Oversight (Pathway of Harm) ▪ God’s Oversight (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ God’s Oversight (Price of Foolishness) ▪ God’s Oversight (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ God’s Oversight (Pride and Humility) ▪ God’s Oversight (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ God’s Oversight (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ God’s Oversight (Guarding One's Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Use of Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Well-spoken Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Value of Wise Words) ▪ God’s Oversight (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ God’s Oversight (Healthy Families) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wise Parenting) ▪ God’s Oversight (About God) ▪ God's Oversight ▪ God’s Oversight (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ God’s Oversight (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ God’s Oversight (Material Wealth) ▪ God’s Oversight (Integrity) ▪ God’s Oversight (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ God’s Oversight (Various Warnings) ▪ God’s Oversight (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wise Stewardship) ▪ God’s Oversight (Warnings against Discord) ▪ God’s Oversight (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ God’s Oversight (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ God’s Oversight (Healthy Relationships) ▪ God’s Oversight (Social Wisdom) ▪ God’s Oversight (National Well-being) ▪ God’s Oversight (Wisdom's Call) ▪ God’s Oversight (Heeding Instruction) ▪ God’s Oversight (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ God’s Oversight (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ God’s Oversight (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ God’s Oversight (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ God’s Oversight (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ God’s Oversight (Appeal to Sons) ▪ God’s Oversight (Introduction) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Pathway of Harm) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Price of Foolishness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Pride and Humility) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Guarding One's Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Use of Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Well-spoken Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Value of Wise Words) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Healthy Families) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wise Parenting) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (About God) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (God's Oversight) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Material Wealth) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Integrity) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Various Warnings) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wise Stewardship) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Warnings against Discord) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Healthy Relationships) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Social Wisdom) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (National Well-being) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Wisdom's Call) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Heeding Instruction) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Appeal to Sons) ▪ God’s Wisdom in Creation (Introduction) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Pride and Humility) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Use of Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Healthy Families) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wise Parenting) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (About God) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (God's Oversight) ▪ Pleasing the Lord ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Material Wealth) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Integrity) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Various Warnings) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Social Wisdom) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (National Well-being) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Pleasing the Lord (Introduction) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Pride and Humility) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Use of Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Healthy Families) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wise Parenting) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (About God) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (God's Oversight) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Trusting in the Lord ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Material Wealth) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Integrity) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Various Warnings) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Social Wisdom) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (National Well-being) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Trusting in the Lord (Introduction)]

Матеріальне багатство Фінансова мудрість ♦ Цілісність ♦ Продумана адміністрація ♦ Мудре управління [Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Pride and Humility) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Use of Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Healthy Families) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wise Parenting) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (About God) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (God's Oversight) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Integrity) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Various Warnings) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Social Wisdom) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (National Well-being) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Introduction) ▪ Integrity (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Integrity (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Integrity (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Integrity (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Integrity (Pride and Humility) ▪ Integrity (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Integrity (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Integrity (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Integrity (Use of Words) ▪ Integrity (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Integrity (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Integrity (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Integrity (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Integrity (Healthy Families) ▪ Integrity (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Integrity (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Integrity (Wise Parenting) ▪ Integrity (About God) ▪ Integrity (God's Oversight) ▪ Integrity (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Integrity (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Integrity (Material Wealth) ▪ Integrity ▪ Integrity (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Integrity (Various Warnings) ▪ Integrity (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Integrity (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Integrity (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Integrity (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Integrity (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Integrity (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Integrity (Social Wisdom) ▪ Integrity (National Well-being) ▪ Integrity (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Integrity (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Integrity (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Integrity (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Integrity (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Integrity (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Integrity (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Integrity (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Integrity (Introduction) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Pride and Humility) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Use of Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Healthy Families) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wise Parenting) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (About God) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (God's Oversight) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Material Wealth) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Integrity) ▪ Thoughtful Administration ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Various Warnings) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Social Wisdom) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (National Well-being) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Introduction) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Use of Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Healthy Families) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wise Stewardship (About God) ▪ Wise Stewardship (God's Oversight) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Material Wealth) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Integrity) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Various Warnings) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wise Stewardship ▪ Wise Stewardship (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wise Stewardship (National Well-being) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Introduction)]


7. Матеріальне багатство Фінансова мудрість ♦ Цілісність ♦ Продумана адміністрація ♦ Мудре управління [Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Pride and Humility) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Use of Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Healthy Families) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wise Parenting) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (About God) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (God's Oversight) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Integrity) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Various Warnings) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Social Wisdom) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (National Well-being) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Material Wealth Financial Wisdom (Introduction) ▪ Integrity (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Integrity (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Integrity (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Integrity (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Integrity (Pride and Humility) ▪ Integrity (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Integrity (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Integrity (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Integrity (Use of Words) ▪ Integrity (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Integrity (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Integrity (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Integrity (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Integrity (Healthy Families) ▪ Integrity (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Integrity (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Integrity (Wise Parenting) ▪ Integrity (About God) ▪ Integrity (God's Oversight) ▪ Integrity (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Integrity (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Integrity (Material Wealth) ▪ Integrity ▪ Integrity (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Integrity (Various Warnings) ▪ Integrity (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Integrity (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Integrity (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Integrity (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Integrity (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Integrity (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Integrity (Social Wisdom) ▪ Integrity (National Well-being) ▪ Integrity (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Integrity (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Integrity (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Integrity (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Integrity (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Integrity (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Integrity (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Integrity (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Integrity (Introduction) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Pride and Humility) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Use of Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Healthy Families) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wise Parenting) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (About God) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (God's Oversight) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Material Wealth) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Integrity) ▪ Thoughtful Administration ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Various Warnings) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Social Wisdom) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (National Well-being) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Thoughtful Administration (Introduction) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Pride and Humility) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Use of Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Healthy Families) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Wise Parenting) ▪ Wise Stewardship (About God) ▪ Wise Stewardship (God's Oversight) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Material Wealth) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Integrity) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Various Warnings) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Wise Stewardship ▪ Wise Stewardship (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Social Wisdom) ▪ Wise Stewardship (National Well-being) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Wise Stewardship (Introduction)]

Різні попередження Застереження проти гніву ♦ Застереження від поганої компанії ♦ Застереження проти незгоди ♦ Застереження проти ліні ♦ Застереження проти статевого гріха [Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Pride and Humility) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Use of Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Healthy Families) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wise Parenting) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (About God) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (God's Oversight) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Material Wealth) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Integrity) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Social Wisdom) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (National Well-being) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Introduction) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Pride and Humility) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Use of Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Healthy Families) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wise Parenting) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (About God) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (God's Oversight) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Material Wealth) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Integrity) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Various Warnings) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Social Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (National Well-being) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Introduction) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Pride and Humility) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Use of Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Healthy Families) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wise Parenting) ▪ Warnings against Discord (About God) ▪ Warnings against Discord (God's Oversight) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Material Wealth) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Integrity) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Various Warnings) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Warnings against Discord ▪ Warnings against Discord (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Social Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Discord (National Well-being) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Introduction) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Use of Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Healthy Families) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (About God) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (God's Oversight) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Material Wealth) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Integrity) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Various Warnings) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (National Well-being) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Warnings against Laziness ▪ Warnings against Laziness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Introduction) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Pride and Humility) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Use of Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Healthy Families) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wise Parenting) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (About God) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (God's Oversight) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Material Wealth) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Integrity) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Various Warnings) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Warnings against sexual sin ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Social Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (National Well-being) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Introduction)]


8. Різні попередження Застереження проти гніву ♦ Застереження від поганої компанії ♦ Застереження проти незгоди ♦ Застереження проти ліні ♦ Застереження проти статевого гріха [Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Pride and Humility) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Use of Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Healthy Families) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wise Parenting) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (About God) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (God's Oversight) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Material Wealth) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Integrity) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Social Wisdom) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (National Well-being) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Various Warnings Warnings against Anger (Introduction) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Pride and Humility) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Use of Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Healthy Families) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wise Parenting) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (About God) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (God's Oversight) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Material Wealth) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Integrity) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Various Warnings) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Social Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (National Well-being) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Warnings against Bad Company (Introduction) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Pride and Humility) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Use of Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Healthy Families) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wise Parenting) ▪ Warnings against Discord (About God) ▪ Warnings against Discord (God's Oversight) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Material Wealth) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Integrity) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Various Warnings) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Warnings against Discord ▪ Warnings against Discord (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Social Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Discord (National Well-being) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Warnings against Discord (Introduction) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Use of Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Healthy Families) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (About God) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (God's Oversight) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Material Wealth) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Integrity) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Various Warnings) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Social Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (National Well-being) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Warnings against Laziness ▪ Warnings against Laziness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Warnings against Laziness (Introduction) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Pride and Humility) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Use of Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Healthy Families) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wise Parenting) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (About God) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (God's Oversight) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Material Wealth) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Integrity) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Various Warnings) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Warnings against sexual sin ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Social Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (National Well-being) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Warnings against Sexual Sin (Introduction)]

Соціальна мудрість Практика справедливості ♦ Здорові стосунки ♦ Доброчесна проти дурної жінки ♦ Національне благополуччя [Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Use of Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Healthy Families) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (About God) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (God's Oversight) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Material Wealth) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Integrity) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Various Warnings) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (National Well-being) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Introduction) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Pride and Humility) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Use of Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Healthy Families) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wise Parenting) ▪ Healthy Relationships (About God) ▪ Healthy Relationships (God's Oversight) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Material Wealth) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Integrity) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Various Warnings) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Healthy Relationships ▪ Healthy Relationships (Social Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Relationships (National Well-being) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Introduction) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Pride and Humility) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Use of Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Healthy Families) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wise Parenting) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (About God) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (God's Oversight) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Material Wealth) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Integrity) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Various Warnings) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Social Wisdom) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (National Well-being) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Introduction) ▪ National Well-Being (Pathway of Harm) ▪ National Well-Being (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ National Well-Being (Price of Foolishness) ▪ National Well-Being (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ National Well-Being (Pride and Humility) ▪ National Well-Being (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ National Well-Being (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ National Well-Being (Guarding One's Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Use of Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Well-spoken Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Value of Wise Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ National Well-Being (Healthy Families) ▪ National Well-Being (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ National Well-Being (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ National Well-Being (Wise Parenting) ▪ National Well-Being (About God) ▪ National Well-Being (God's Oversight) ▪ National Well-Being (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ National Well-Being (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ National Well-Being (Material Wealth) ▪ National Well-Being (Integrity) ▪ National Well-Being (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ National Well-Being (Various Warnings) ▪ National Well-Being (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ National Well-Being (Wise Stewardship) ▪ National Well-Being (Warnings against Discord) ▪ National Well-Being (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ National Well-Being (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ National Well-Being (Healthy Relationships) ▪ National Well-Being (Social Wisdom) ▪ National Well-being ▪ National Well-Being (Wisdom's Call) ▪ National Well-Being (Heeding Instruction) ▪ National Well-Being (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ National Well-Being (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ National Well-Being (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ National Well-Being (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ National Well-Being (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ National Well-Being (Appeal to Sons) ▪ National Well-Being (Introduction) ▪ Chapter note (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Chapter note (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Chapter note (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Chapter note (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Chapter note (Pride and Humility) ▪ Chapter note (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Chapter note (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Chapter note (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Chapter note (Use of Words) ▪ Chapter note (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Chapter note (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Chapter note (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Chapter note (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Chapter note (Healthy Families) ▪ Chapter note (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Chapter note (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Chapter note (Wise Parenting) ▪ Chapter note (About God) ▪ Chapter note (God's Oversight) ▪ Chapter note (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Chapter note (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Chapter note (Material Wealth) ▪ Chapter note (Integrity) ▪ Chapter note (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Chapter note (Various Warnings) ▪ Chapter note (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Chapter note (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Chapter note (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Chapter note (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Chapter note (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Chapter note (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Chapter note (Social Wisdom) ▪ Chapter note (National Well-being) ▪ Chapter note (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Chapter note (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Chapter note (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Chapter note (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Chapter note (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Chapter note (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Chapter note (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Chapter note (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Chapter note (Introduction)]


9. Соціальна мудрість Практика справедливості ♦ Здорові стосунки ♦ Доброчесна проти дурної жінки ♦ Національне благополуччя [Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Pride and Humility) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Use of Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Healthy Families) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wise Parenting) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (About God) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (God's Oversight) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Material Wealth) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Integrity) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Various Warnings) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (National Well-being) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Social Wisdom Practising Fairness (Introduction) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Pride and Humility) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Use of Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Healthy Families) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wise Parenting) ▪ Healthy Relationships (About God) ▪ Healthy Relationships (God's Oversight) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Material Wealth) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Integrity) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Various Warnings) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Healthy Relationships ▪ Healthy Relationships (Social Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Relationships (National Well-being) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Healthy Relationships (Introduction) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Pride and Humility) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Use of Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Healthy Families) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wise Parenting) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (About God) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (God's Oversight) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Material Wealth) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Integrity) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Various Warnings) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Social Wisdom) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (National Well-being) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Virtuous verses Foolish Woman (Introduction) ▪ National Well-Being (Pathway of Harm) ▪ National Well-Being (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ National Well-Being (Price of Foolishness) ▪ National Well-Being (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ National Well-Being (Pride and Humility) ▪ National Well-Being (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ National Well-Being (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ National Well-Being (Guarding One's Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Use of Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Well-spoken Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Value of Wise Words) ▪ National Well-Being (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ National Well-Being (Healthy Families) ▪ National Well-Being (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ National Well-Being (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ National Well-Being (Wise Parenting) ▪ National Well-Being (About God) ▪ National Well-Being (God's Oversight) ▪ National Well-Being (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ National Well-Being (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ National Well-Being (Material Wealth) ▪ National Well-Being (Integrity) ▪ National Well-Being (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ National Well-Being (Various Warnings) ▪ National Well-Being (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ National Well-Being (Wise Stewardship) ▪ National Well-Being (Warnings against Discord) ▪ National Well-Being (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ National Well-Being (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ National Well-Being (Healthy Relationships) ▪ National Well-Being (Social Wisdom) ▪ National Well-being ▪ National Well-Being (Wisdom's Call) ▪ National Well-Being (Heeding Instruction) ▪ National Well-Being (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ National Well-Being (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ National Well-Being (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ National Well-Being (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ National Well-Being (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ National Well-Being (Appeal to Sons) ▪ National Well-Being (Introduction) ▪ Chapter note (Pathway of Harm) ▪ Chapter note (Appeal of Wisdom) ▪ Chapter note (Price of Foolishness) ▪ Chapter note (Fools and the Simple-minded) ▪ Chapter note (Pride and Humility) ▪ Chapter note (Righteousness and Wickedness) ▪ Chapter note (Guarding against False Witness) ▪ Chapter note (Guarding One's Words) ▪ Chapter note (Use of Words) ▪ Chapter note (Well-spoken Words) ▪ Chapter note (Value of Righteous Words) ▪ Chapter note (Value of Wise Words) ▪ Chapter note (Seeking Wisdom) ▪ Chapter note (Healthy Families) ▪ Chapter note (Wife of Noble Character) ▪ Chapter note (Wise and Foolish Sons) ▪ Chapter note (Wise Parenting) ▪ Chapter note (About God) ▪ Chapter note (God's Oversight) ▪ Chapter note (Pleasing the Lord) ▪ Chapter note (Trusting in the Lord) ▪ Chapter note (Material Wealth) ▪ Chapter note (Integrity) ▪ Chapter note (Thoughtful Administration) ▪ Chapter note (Various Warnings) ▪ Chapter note (Warnings against Bad Company) ▪ Chapter note (Wise Stewardship) ▪ Chapter note (Warnings against Discord) ▪ Chapter note (Warnings against sexual sin) ▪ Chapter note (Virtuous versus Foolish Woman) ▪ Chapter note (Healthy Relationships) ▪ Chapter note (Social Wisdom) ▪ Chapter note (National Well-being) ▪ Chapter note (Wisdom's Call) ▪ Chapter note (Heeding Instruction) ▪ Chapter note (Cautions and Contrasts) ▪ Chapter note (Warnings against Laziness) ▪ Chapter note (God's Wisdom in Ceation) ▪ Chapter note (Reward of Righteousness) ▪ Chapter note (Pursuit of Wisdom) ▪ Chapter note (Appeal to Sons) ▪ Chapter note (Introduction)]

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