Berri onak & Bizitzako Hitzak - Bainapi

Grabaketa hau erabilgarria al da?

Ikus-entzunezko Bibliako ikasgaiak 40 ataletan irudiekin. Sorkuntzatik Kristora arteko Bibliaren ikuspegi orokorra eta kristau bizitzari buruzko irakaspena ditu. Ebanjelizatzeko eta eliza landatzeko.

Programaren zenbakia: 74896
Programaren iraupena: 1:02:46
Hizkuntza izena: Bainapi
Irakurri gidoia
Deskargak eta eskaerak

Berri onak Irudia 1 (In the Beginning)


1. Berri onak Irudia 1 (In the Beginning)

Berri onak Irudia 2 (The Word of God)


2. Berri onak Irudia 2 (The Word of God)

Berri onak Irudia 3 (Creation)


3. Berri onak Irudia 3 (Creation)

Berri onak Irudia 4 (Adam and Eve)


4. Berri onak Irudia 4 (Adam and Eve)

Berri onak Irudia 5 (Cain and Abel)


5. Berri onak Irudia 5 (Cain and Abel)

Berri onak Irudia 6 (Noah's Ark)


6. Berri onak Irudia 6 (Noah's Ark)

Berri onak Irudia 7 (The Flood)


7. Berri onak Irudia 7 (The Flood)

Berri onak Irudia 8 (Abraham, Sarah and Isaac)


8. Berri onak Irudia 8 (Abraham, Sarah and Isaac)

Berri onak Irudia 9 (Moses and the Law of God)


9. Berri onak Irudia 9 (Moses and the Law of God)

Berri onak Irudia 10 (The Ten Commandments)


10. Berri onak Irudia 10 (The Ten Commandments)

Berri onak Irudia 11 (Sacrifice for Sin)


11. Berri onak Irudia 11 (Sacrifice for Sin)

Berri onak Irudia 12 (A Saviour Promised)


12. Berri onak Irudia 12 (A Saviour Promised)

Berri onak Irudia 13 (The Birth of Jesus)


13. Berri onak Irudia 13 (The Birth of Jesus)

Berri onak Irudia 14 (Jesus the Teacher)


14. Berri onak Irudia 14 (Jesus the Teacher)

Berri onak Irudia 15 (Miracles of Jesus)


15. Berri onak Irudia 15 (Miracles of Jesus)

Berri onak Irudia 16 (Jesus Suffers)


16. Berri onak Irudia 16 (Jesus Suffers)

Berri onak Irudia 17 (Jesus is Crucified)


17. Berri onak Irudia 17 (Jesus is Crucified)

Berri onak Irudia 18 (The Resurrection)


18. Berri onak Irudia 18 (The Resurrection)

Berri onak Irudia 19 (Thomas Believes)


19. Berri onak Irudia 19 (Thomas Believes)

Berri onak Irudia 20 (The Ascension)


20. Berri onak Irudia 20 (The Ascension)

Berri onak Irudia 21 (The Empty Cross)


21. Berri onak Irudia 21 (The Empty Cross)

Berri onak Irudia 22 (The Two Roads)


22. Berri onak Irudia 22 (The Two Roads)

Berri onak Irudia 23 (God's Children)


23. Berri onak Irudia 23 (God's Children)

Berri onak Irudia 24 (Born Again)


24. Berri onak Irudia 24 (Born Again)

Berri onak Irudia 25 (The Holy Spirit Comes)


25. Berri onak Irudia 25 (The Holy Spirit Comes)

Berri onak Irudia 26 (Walking in the Light)


26. Berri onak Irudia 26 (Walking in the Light)

Berri onak Irudia 27 (A New Person)


27. Berri onak Irudia 27 (A New Person)

Berri onak Irudia 28 (The Christian Family)


28. Berri onak Irudia 28 (The Christian Family)

Berri onak Irudia 29 (Love Your Enemies)


29. Berri onak Irudia 29 (Love Your Enemies)

Berri onak Irudia 30 (Jesus is the Powerful One)


30. Berri onak Irudia 30 (Jesus is the Powerful One)

Berri onak Irudia 31 (Casting out Evil Spirits)


31. Berri onak Irudia 31 (Casting out Evil Spirits)

Berri onak Irudia 32 (Temptation)


32. Berri onak Irudia 32 (Temptation)

Berri onak Irudia 33 (If We Sin)


33. Berri onak Irudia 33 (If We Sin)

Berri onak Irudia 34 (Sickness)


34. Berri onak Irudia 34 (Sickness)

Berri onak Irudia 35 (Death)


35. Berri onak Irudia 35 (Death)

Berri onak Irudia 36 (The Body of Christ)


36. Berri onak Irudia 36 (The Body of Christ)

Berri onak Irudia 37 (Meeting for Worship)


37. Berri onak Irudia 37 (Meeting for Worship)

Berri onak Irudia 38 (Jesus Will Return)


38. Berri onak Irudia 38 (Jesus Will Return)

Berri onak Irudia 39 (Bearing Fruit)


39. Berri onak Irudia 39 (Bearing Fruit)

Berri onak Irudia 40 (Witnessing)


40. Berri onak Irudia 40 (Witnessing)

Abestia: I've Cried for My Bad Deeds


41. Abestia: I've Cried for My Bad Deeds

Don't Be Afraid


42. Don't Be Afraid

Somg: Jesus Died On The Cross


43. Somg: Jesus Died On The Cross

The House On The Rock


44. The House On The Rock

Abestia: Jesus Died For OUr Sins


45. Abestia: Jesus Died For OUr Sins

The Rich Man And Lazarus


46. The Rich Man And Lazarus

Abestia: Jesus Is The Door


47. Abestia: Jesus Is The Door

The Second Coming


48. The Second Coming

Abestia: Jesus Is Coming Back


49. Abestia: Jesus Is Coming Back

The Wedding Feast


50. The Wedding Feast

Abestia: God Is Our Father


51. Abestia: God Is Our Father

Abestia: God Sent Jesus


52. Abestia: God Sent Jesus

Abestia: How the Enemies Destroyed Jerusalem


53. Abestia: How the Enemies Destroyed Jerusalem

Deskargak eta eskaerak

Grabazio hauek ebanjelizatzeko eta oinarrizko Bibliaren irakaskuntzarako diseinatuta daude, ebanjelioaren mezua alfabetatuta ez dauden edo ahozko kulturetakoak diren pertsonei, bereziki heldu gabeko taldeei.

Copyright © 1979 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

Jarri gurekin harremanetan for inquiries about allowable use of these recordings, or to obtain permission to redistribute them in ways other than allowed above.

Grabaketak egitea garestia da. Mesedez, kontuan hartuGRNri dohaintza emanezministerio honek aurrera jarrai dezan.

Grabaketa hau nola erabil dezakezun eta zeintzuk diren emaitzak ezagutzea gustatuko litzaiguke. Jarri harremanetan Iritzi-lerroarekin.

Lotutako informazioa

Free downloads - Here you can find all the main GRN message scripts in several languages, plus pictures and other related materials, available for download.

"Good News" audio-visual - This audio visual set has 40 pictures to present an overview of the Bible from Creation to Christ. It covers the salvation message and basic teaching on the Christian life. It is available in more than 1300 languages.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 1: Sharing the Gospel made easy - This article gives an introduction to some of the many different ways the GRN audio visual resources can be used in ministry.

How to use GRN Audio visual resources - 2: Going Deeper - This article gives further explanation of how people learn from the stories, and why the stories do not have a lot of commentary.

The GRN Audio Library - Evangelistic and basic Bible teaching material appropriate to the people's need and culture in a variety of styles and formats.

Choosing the audio or video format to download - What audio and video file formats are available from GRN, and which one is best to use?

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares it's audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons

Creating DVDs using the GRN Slide show Videos - How to burn DVDs for specific people groups you are trying to reach