
Teave Leedu kohta

Region: Euroopa
Capital: Vilnius
Population: 2,718,000
Area (sq km): 65,301
FIPS Country Code: LH
ISO Country Code: LT
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Europe

Map of Leedu

Map of Leedu

Keeled ja dialektid, mida räägitakse keeles Leedu

  • Other Language Options
    Salvestised saadaval
    Keelte nimed
    Põlisrahvaste keeled

Leiti 1 keele nimi

Lithuanian - ISO Language [lit]

Inimeste rühmad asukohas Leedu

Azerbaijani, North ▪ Bashkir ▪ Belorusian ▪ Chuvash ▪ Deaf ▪ Georgian ▪ German ▪ Jew, Eastern Yiddish-Speaking ▪ Karaite ▪ Kazakh ▪ Latvian ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Mordvinian ▪ Polish ▪ Romani, Balkan ▪ Russian ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Tajik ▪ Tatar ▪ Ukrainian ▪ Uzbek, Northern