A Call to Prayer

GRN Australia staff meet daily for prayer
GRN Australia staff meet daily for prayer

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by Christine Platt CEO

As I watch the news and see the ongoing tragedy unfold of refugees everywhere, it occurs to me that it is an amazing God given opportunity for us His children and disciples.

In the late nineteen nineties I joined a mission prayer group while I prepared to head off to the mission field. The group mostly consisted of retired missionaries and I was decades younger than all of them. They were remarkable people. They had joy, they were actively serving the God they loved, and they loved to pray.

As I got to know them I made a startling discovery. These people didn't catch prayerfulness as they grew older. They were prayerful as teenagers and young adults and they remained prayerful all their lives. They met together to pray and they also prayed alone each day for a wide variety of matters.

We recognise the vital part prayer plays at GRN. Our founder Joy Ridderhof rejoiced in all circumstances and trusted God to provide for her every need. We pray daily in the office and also set aside special times for prayer.

I'm very aware of the importance of our prayer partners and GRN thanks God for each one. We see so many answers to prayer. I'm thankful for each one who prays regularly for GRN and I am keen to see God add to their number.

I often feel when I visit churches and say to people that we covet their prayers, and that praying is a vital way that they can help our work, that they either don't believe me or don't really understand what I'm saying. I've been pondering how to help people understand the importance of intercessory prayer and how to help them get started.

I was excited to read about the Australian Prayer Network's (APN) Watchmen School of Intercession. I've now attended two of their schools and found them really helpful.

For more information about Watchmen School of Intercession, visit ausprayernet.org.au/Prayer_School/. You can attend a course in your area, or enquire about running one of their DVD schools in your Church.

Pray to the Lord of the harvest with us - to pour out His Spirit on the Australian and New Zealand Church, to send out more workers into the harvest, and for more people to pray and work for GRN!

Seotud Informatsioon

Global Recordings Mission Prayers App - How to use the GRN Mission Prayers app to pray more effectively for GRN around the world.

Latest global prayer news and notes - Prayer is the most important part of the work of GRN. Join in!

News - What's happening in Australia and the globe.

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