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Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.
Los guiones son pautas básicas para la traducción y grabación a otros idiomas. Deben adaptarse según sea necesario para que sean comprendidas y relevantes para cada cultura e idioma diferentes. Algunos términos y conceptos utilizados pueden necesitar más explicación o incluso ser reemplazados o omitidos por completo.
Scripts in Mingrelian
Იცხოვრო Იესოსთვის
(Living for Jesus) - Jesus can help us to do right. Read and obey the Bible, pray, ask for forgiveness if we disobey. Trust Jesus in all things.
მიდიხარ ზეცაში?
(Are You Going to Heaven?) - Three ways to be sure: Be on the right road--Jesus, the only way (no saint or priest needed). Evidence of a changed life because Christ makes one new. Inner knowledge -- witness of the Spirit which gives a sense of belonging and peace. Sums up the message by direct questions to listener.
მდიდარი და ლაზარე
(The Rich Man and Lazarus) - Story dramatized. Emphasis is on no chance after death. Hell and heaven are real. Christ died, rose, and ascended that we might be free from judgment. Snare of materialism. Life is short---after death is long.
ღელავ რამეზე?
(Do You Have Worries?) - We must trust Jesus to help in trouble and hardships. God cares for us. Bring our problems to Jesus. Promises from the Bible.