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11 short videos: 3-5 minutes.
Aim: To inform, clarify, educate and equip. And to support and respond to questions of viewers after they have viewed the production via Whatsapp or online chat.
Program titles:
- Who is God and what makes Him unique?
- Who is God and what makes Him unique - continue
- What do followers of God believe?
- God and Creation.
- The Fall of mankind.
- Man's condition after the Fall.
- God's Commitment to mankind.
- A Promise of Hope.
- The Purpose of life and the Christlike lifestyle.
- What is Sin and where does it come from?
- What is Faith and how does it work?
This is mainly for people who:
- question their own faith,
- find it hard to give account of their own faith,
- feel confused by all the faith systems and need to make sense of it all,
- find it hard to explain their faith to their children,
- find that the struggles of life overshadow their faith,
- find it hard to make sense of God in a suffering world,
- blame God for bad things that happened to them or their loved ones
Author and presenter: Dr Jacobus de Bruyn (2009: PhD degree in Old Testament Science at University of Pretoria;
2016: MA (Greek) at North West University (Potchefstroom); post-doctoral researcher and minister.
Producer: Lizelle de Bruin
Production house: a Wordwise Media-production (WWM)
Production cost: R140,000 ($11,200 AUD)
The English video series we recorded last year is currently in concept form in what we call the pre-cutaway mix stage. We hope to release these early in the new year. Watch this space.
Additional project: Ukrainian Version
Since we have written and finalised the video script for this program series, our frontline workers in the Ukraine have been asking if they could please translate this in Ukrainian.
Great news is that the video script in Ukrainian is finished and we're ready to record in Ukrainian.
The medium has been discussed and the conclusion was that if we want to maximise distribution and use, video and audio only are needed. Then this could be used in churches, trauma groups, but also shared on the frontline via 5fish.
Author and presenter: Johan van der Colff 1st language speaker.
Production cost: R155,000 ($13,200 AUD)