
Información acerca de Sudáfrica

Region: África
Capital: Pretoria
Population: 60,414,000
Area (sq km): 1,218,363
FIPS Country Code: SF
ISO Country Code: ZA
GRN Office: GRN Southern Africa

Map of Sudáfrica

Map of Sudáfrica

Idiomas y dialectos hablados en Sudáfrica

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Encontrado 15 nombes de idiomas

Afrikaans [South Africa] - ISO Language [afr]

English: Southern Africa [Gauteng] [eng]

Fanagolo [South Africa] - ISO Language [fng]

Holandes [Netherlands] - ISO Language [nld]

Longa [Mozambique] [tso]

Sepedi [Gauteng] - ISO Language [nso]

Sepulana [South Africa] [mis]

Sesotho [Eastern Cape] - ISO Language [sot]

Setsuana [Zimbabwe] - ISO Language [tsn]

South Ndebele [Mpumalanga] [nbl]

Swati [Eswatini] - ISO Language [ssw]

Tsonga [Limpopo] - ISO Language [tso]

Venda [Limpopo] - ISO Language [ven]

Xhosa [Eastern Cape] - ISO Language [xho]

Zulú [South Africa] - ISO Language [zul]

Grupos de Personas Sudáfrica

Afrikaner ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Anglo-South African ▪ Arab, Egyptian ▪ Arab, Lebanese ▪ Bhojpuri Bihari ▪ Birwa ▪ British ▪ Chinese, general ▪ Coloured ▪ Coloured Creole ▪ Deaf ▪ Dutch ▪ French ▪ Gemsbok Nama, Bushman ▪ German ▪ Greek ▪ Griqua ▪ Gujarati ▪ Gypsy, English, Romanichal ▪ Hindi ▪ Indian, English-Speaking ▪ Italian ▪ Jew, English Speaking ▪ Korean ▪ Kung-Ekoka ▪ Kxoe, Khwe, Xun ▪ Makhuwa ▪ Malay, Cape ▪ Nama ▪ Ndebele, Southern ▪ Nghuki ▪ Nusan, Xoo ▪ Nyanja ▪ Pedi, North Sotho ▪ Portuguese ▪ Ronga ▪ Shona ▪ Sotho ▪ Sotho, Eastern ▪ Swahili ▪ Swazi ▪ Tamil Hindu ▪ Telugu ▪ Tsonga ▪ Tswa ▪ Tswana ▪ Tswana-Hurutshe ▪ Tswana-Kgatla ▪ Tswana-Kwena ▪ Tswana-Malete, Moletse ▪ Tswana-Ngwaketse ▪ Tswana-Ngwato ▪ Tswana-Rolong ▪ Tswana-Tlhaping ▪ Tswana-Tlharu ▪ Tswana-Tlokwa ▪ Urdu ▪ Venda ▪ Xhosa ▪ Xhosa-Tembu ▪ Zulu

Noticias acerca de Sudáfrica

GRN SA 2024 4th Quarter Report - Equipping and educating the local church (Namibia) * New Content - from Africa for Africa * "Discovering the Wonder of God" - update

Dalene Joubert - God has chosen some very special workers for GRN over the years. Dalene Joubert is one of them.

GRN Southern Africa - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN South Africa.

Discovering the Wonder of God - An 11 program short video series for all modern world viewers from all walks of life

Tumi Tiger in French and German - These languages are priority since thousands of refugee children in these countries learn the languages very fast

Trauma Content Translation into IsiZulu and IsiXhosa - We can escalate the impact of Tumi Tiger's work and ministry tremendously

GRN SA 2024 3rd Quarter Report - Equipping and educating the local church * Reliable translation * Effective content * Tumi, Colin & Four Friends feedback!

GRN SA 2024 2nd Quarter Report - Oral Translation Training * Tumi & Four Friends feedback * Discovering the Wonder of God * Audio Bibles for Uganda

Training - translation consultant - Jacobus brings invaluable expertise to the table as a theologian, script writer and trainer

Tsumkwe Conservancy Evangelism Training Program - Ministry partner Degnos has a project coming up in the Tsumkwe congregation are, amongst the Ju/'hoansi people

GRN SA 2024 1st Quarter Report - New production team in Congo DRC * Tumi and Four Friends * Feedback from Mozambique * Audio Bibles for Uganda

Joel's News - March 2024 - I'm back from a month in the Congo (DRC), where I trained local recordist Pierre and his two younger nephews

The Story of Tumi Tiger - The most important steps on the journey so far

Discovering the Wonder of God: A Journey for Kids - Sam is not any sheep. Sam belongs! He belongs to a very special flock.

Joel's News - February 2024 - Many Bible scripts in Congolese French and other local languages are waiting to be recorded

GRN SA 2023 4th Quarter Report - Malawi: Faithful and persistent * Tumi in the Tankwa! * New Scripture by our partners in Ju/'hoansi

Joel's News - November 2023 - I'm back from my month in Malawi where I completed the thesis capstone for my degree, a MA in Translation Advising

Joel's News - October 2023 - Translating "God Speaks Today" into Chewa in Malawi

Joel's News - August 2023 - Recording in the village has its benefits and challenges. On the plus side, the language is pure. The challenge is getting there.

GRN SA 2023 2nd Quarter Report - Feedback from our biggest island * Congo DRC: Our children, our future * Trauma retreat and training