unfoldingWord 06 - Isor Isaac Nimite Maiki Dise

unfoldingWord 06 - Isor Isaac Nimite Maiki Dise

Outline: Genesis 24:1-25:26

Script Number: 1206

Language: Nagamese

Audience: General

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Jetia Abraham bisi bura hoi jaise, tetia tai laga chokora Isak jowan manu hoijaise. Itu nimite Abraham tai laga ekta noukar ke matise aru jaikena tailaga ghor-manukhan bhitor te ekta chukuri ke Isak nimite bisarikena anibi koise.

Bisi lamba rasta safar kurikena utu noukar Abraham laga desh te punchise aru Abraham laga ghor-manukhan logote ahise. Isor he utu noukar logote Rebekah ke ahibole dise. Utu maiki toh Abraham laga kokai laga nati asile.

Aru utu noukar logote, Rebekah tai laga ghor manu ke charikena Isak laga ghorte jabole monjur hoise. Tai puncha logote, Isak taike shadi kuri loise.

Bisi homoe pichete, Abraham mori jaise. Isor pora Abraham laga chokora Isak ke asis dise, kile koile Isor pora Abraham logote ekta kotha milaikena rakhi thakise. Utu kotha milaikena rakhi thaka te Isor ekta kosom dise, Abraham laga khandan ginti kuribile naparibo nisina hobo koise. Hoilebi Isak laga maiki Rebekah bacha bukhibole naparikena thakise.

Isak pora Rebekah nimite prathna kurise, aru Isor pora Isak laga prathna hunise aru Rebekah eki logote duita bacha bukhise. Itu duita bacha ama laga pet bhitor te jujibole lagise, itu nimite Rebekah Isor ke itu laga jawab hudise.

Isor pora taike koise; ‘‘tumi duita chokora ke jonom dibo. Tai duijon laga khandan pora duita alag-alag desh hoijabo. Tai duijon ekjon-dusra-jon ke jhagara kuribo. Hoilebi apuni laga dangor chokora he chutu chokora laga takot nichete hobo.’’

Jetia Rebekah bacha ke jonom dise, dangor chokora lal rong nisena paise, aru gaote chuli bisi thakise, itu nimite tai laga nam Esau rakhise. Dusra chokora Esau laga theng ke tan pora dhurikena ulaise, itu nimite tai laga nam Jakob rakhise.

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