unfoldingWord 27 - Hiyebita inno Tihoni lo Libo lo Samaria

unfoldingWord 27 - Hiyebita inno Tihoni lo Libo lo Samaria

Outline: Luke 10:25-37

Script Number: 1227

Language: Lopit

Audience: General

Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.

Script Text

Ifa nobo holoŋ otu hekumoni lo okuma lo Judei to Yesu hijo to okem inyeja. "Hetiyanani hegem iso naŋ nyo anyar Abe naŋ manya no sio fur? Ette Yesu hijo nyo egioro to Bibia no Hollum?"

Etiraŋ hekumoni hijo, 'To mune Hollum lohoi ta taji tonohoi daŋ, oyiri, to golon ho ofioroho innohoi hoi. ette iye ,muno lonyihari hoi iya kwan nohoi." Etiraŋ Yesu, "Ebis iye binno. Igiama nia anyar emanyari."

Hati awahan hekumoni hiyen hijo obis inyeja ette hifi inyeja hijo, "ŋai onyihari hanaŋ?"

Etiraŋ Yesu hekumoni to hiyaba obiliwari. "Owuon ifa lobo tihoni lolohu to hikoi no Yerusalem a Yeriko."

"Nafa oloton halaŋ lia to hikoi, eniefu hahalak ette hibak inyeja, epihori ho hirro bi daŋ ette isieja efi ebusak inyeja ahayoni."

"Kwak da halu owuon fadiri lo Judei ikoi nara epihitari, olumori hahalak tihoni lo olot hoi no honyi. Elaŋ fadiri hoi to lolo, ette echulak hoi nohonyi, ojo tihoni lia ebusak ofer to oger ho hoi."

"Da halu owuon lobo hetiyanani lo ekelesia ette hilaŋ hikoi. (Ara ifa lefait ille tere woyo no Judei, oluaha ifa isieja eitaha do hotwai ha Haji nahitok.) Ette hidofe lefait le hilaŋ hikoi ette ŋessirrik tihoni le lafa abahahini de ikoi."

Hati ohu ifa lobo Samaritani hikoi nohonyie, ette ŋawoŋ amai nyie nafa owuanari inyeja. Ifa ewolo inyeja omehini ifa inyeja do honyie. Ette ŋehutok do honyie, ette hififit horroŋon innohonyie, epot, ette ŋejuhok hiyali ho balu do hosie. Ette ehuhumak

"Amehini samaritani lia to tihoni lia ette ahafu, elila ette elurok tohonyi boŋo ette ehuhumak inyeja a hotwai ho Kulub nalanyar."

"Te hitarrihi na far nohonyie, ette ŋadumu arobiya innohonyie arik ette hiso isieja do tihoni lafa oriŋa inyeja ette hijo, 'Yari ino teriŋai inyeja, lowuon hinak hirro inne eiso iye do honyie, laŋacohini naŋ, attu iso naŋ ŋadumak iye.'''

Ette Yesu hifi hetiyanani ho hifahita, "Egigilo iye nyo? "Lari tihoni ara onyihari lo tihoni lohuyek do hoholak ille lohunik?” Ette hetiyanani hijo; “Lara omehini do honyie, “ette Yesu hijo do honyie, “Ino igema ania.”

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