unfoldingWord 06 - Apã Wachu bue me gatu Isaakpe

Outline: Genesis 24:1-25:26
Script Number: 1206
Language: Ache
Audience: General
Purpose: Evangelism; Teaching
Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Status: Approved
Scripts are basic guidelines for translation and recording into other languages. They should be adapted as necessary to make them understandable and relevant for each different culture and language. Some terms and concepts used may need more explanation or even be replaced or omitted completely.
Script Text

Abraham chuepurãmbu, dja tay kbuchuwe Isaak yma wachu roma. Go buare Abraham buema mondo etakrã dja buetygi, owã emi dja irõndy wywy ekõandype, gope eruwã dja tay Isaak brekorã.

Go buetygi wata tãrãmbu, wẽma Abraham irõndy ekõandype. Gobu Apã Wachu idjape ra gatuma Rebeka endape. Go rõ etakrã Abraham pawe kmino kudjã.

Rebeka inama, wedjawerã dja pawe wywy, Abraham buetygi rupi owã emi Isaak chupape. Gobu Isaak llambatype wẽmbu, go warõllã, idjape idja breko rekowã.

Tãrã ruy wachabu, Abraham manoma. Gobu Apã Wachu djawu mewe, emi djawu membyre Abrahampe, wachama Isaakpe. Apã Wachu inawe Abrahampe, dja irõndy tãrã buchãwerã. Isaak breko Rebeka rõ memby machĩllã.

Isaak Rebekadji krandobuãma, gobu brawoma. Apã Wachu idjape mema krumi tãrã. Go tãrãngi djuka reko edji, dja ai’i krape ĩmbu wyche. Go buare Rebeka inama Apã Wachupe, bue buare go nonga ekõ.

Apã Wachu kiuma Rebekape: “Go mirõ krumi dje kra pua wẽwerã mirõ ekõandy, edji djuka rekowerã. Go dorogi rõ dja pawe tywypurãngi buetygiwerã.”

Rebeka memby kbe’e machĩmbu, go dorogi rõ eche pirã, eche a’a emi. Idja pawe tywypurã opobu, kawãma dorogi pychã atadji, go buare dja apã, dja ai’i idjape bykuama Jakob.