Papua New Guinea

Languages and dialects spoken in Papua New Guinea

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Found 1262 language names

Showing items 1201 to 1262 of 1262

Awar [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [aya]

Awara [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [awx]

Awun [Western] - ISO Language [aww]

Baibai [Sandaun] - ISO Language [bbf]

Bamu [Gulf] - ISO Language [bcf]

Barai [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [bbb]

Bariai [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [bch]

Bebeli [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [bek]

Benabena [Eastern Highlands] - ISO Language [bef]

Biage [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [bdf]

Bimin [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [bhl]

Binandere [Northern] - ISO Language [bhg]

Blafe [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [bfh]

Bragat [Sandaun] - ISO Language [aof]

Bunama [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [bdd]

Dano [Eastern Highlands] - ISO Language [aso]

Dobu [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [dob]

Gapapaiwa [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [pwg]

Girawa [Madang] - ISO Language [bbr]

Hiri Motu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [hmo]

Kaluli [Southern Highlands] - ISO Language [bco]

Karnai [Morobe] - ISO Language [bbv]

Kis [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [kis]

Kove [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [kvc]

Lavatbura-Lamusong [New Ireland] - ISO Language [lbv]

Leipon [Manus] - ISO Language [lek]

Lou [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [loj]

Maisin [Northern] - ISO Language [mbq]

Makayam [Western] - ISO Language [aup]

Maring [Western Highlands] - ISO Language [mbw]

Mekeo [Central] - ISO Language [mek]

Mengen [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [mee]

Motu [Central] - ISO Language [meu]

Mouk-Aria [West New Britain] - ISO Language [mwh]

Mufian [Sandaun, East Sepik] - ISO Language [aoj]

Muratayak [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [asx]

Mussau-Emira [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [emi]

Nanubae [East Sepik] - ISO Language [afk]

Nehan [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nsn]

Nend [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [anh]

Numbami [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [sij]

Ömie [Northern] - ISO Language [aom]

Patpatar [New Ireland] - ISO Language [gfk]

Safeyoka [Morobe] - ISO Language [apz]

Samo [Western] - ISO Language [smq]

Saposa [North Solomons] - ISO Language [sps]

Seimat [Manus] - ISO Language [ssg]

Sengseng [West New Britain] - ISO Language [ssz]

Solong [West New Britain] - ISO Language [aaw]

Suau [Milne Bay] - ISO Language [swp]

Tainae [Gulf] - ISO Language [ago]

Takuu [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [nho]

Tapei [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [afp]

Teop [North Solomons] - ISO Language [tio]

Tigak [New Ireland] - ISO Language [tgc]

Tok Pisin [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [tpi]

Ubir [Northern] - ISO Language [ubr]

Uneapa [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [bbn]

Unserdeutsch [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [uln]

Wampar [Morobe] - ISO Language [lbq]

Wogeo [Papua New Guinea] - ISO Language [woc]

Wuvulu-Aua [Manus] - ISO Language [wuv]

News about Papua New Guinea

Global Recordings Network PNG - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Papua New Guinea.

40 Years Later - News from PNG - A mystery package arrives at our Sydney office

WiFi Bible Box in PNG - Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship uses WiFi to distribute audio Bibles and GRN recordings

Radio Partnership in Action - United Christian Broadcasters (Australia) and Radio Laif FM (PNG) broadcasting good news of salvation.

Languages of PNG - Alex Shaw (GRN AU) writes about the languages of PNG.

The Bariai of PNG, the Saber, and a Question - Read about the Bariai people of West New Britain Province in PNG and how GRN's Saber players are used in the field.

PNG: Using the Saber - Feedback from Papua New Guinea on the Saber player

Our Papua New Guinea Adventure - Kenny and Joan McKee talk about their thrilling two year assignment in the highlands of Papua New Guinea