The Talk Place

Blogs with inside information and personal opinions from GRN members around the world

Evangelism, Missionary Resource

Richard & Heather Roper - Sunday 14 December 2008

I went to a conference called Melbourne Conferences for Ethnic Evangelism. It was a one day event that was as the name implied, all about resourcing the Ethnic Christian Community of Melbourne (Australia).

I was there as a representative of Global Recordings Network of course.  However that was not why I got an invitation. I didn't know at the time but apparently the were few if any other organizations invited. Even the Christian book stores whom the the organizers want to promote the event didn't get a look in.

I mention this not because I want to say how good we are at GRN but to praise the organizers for recognizing something that I think few others of the mission sending churches seem yet to be convinced of.  We have over 6000 different languages ready and available for use as an Evangelism and Missionary Resource. Most are available FREE to download in Mp3 format.

This to me and clearly to the people at the conference is an almost unbelievable Evangelism and Missionary Resource . We have for the past 50 years been aiming to be Telling the story of Jesus in every Language and practically every missionary that I talk to has heard of our material. Yet to the sending first world churches we remain relatively unknown.

Nothing seemed to be stopping the Christian Ethnic Community of Melbourne however. MCEE was proof of that. These people were on fire and immediately saw the potential of the good news in Audio format in practically any language.

Every Christian is called to mission and evangelism, but being called and being able to comply are two different things. Without the Evangelism and Missionary Resource the job can seem impossible. Yet here they are. So what's stopping you. Why not tap into this resource today.