The Talk Place
Blogs with inside information and personal opinions from GRN members around the world
Hasn't The Whole World Been Churched?
Richard & Heather Roper - Friday 22 February 2008
This is actually a question that have I been asked at one of my deputation meetings for Global Recordings Network.
Those who have had contact with missions would naturally answer "of course not".
But since that question has been asked it would seem that there are at lest some in the Christian community that think missions is a wast of time. The work has been done and now there is nothing to do but wait for the return of Christ.
There is a sense to which this would almost be funny if it weren't such a dangerous thought? Can you imagine the consequences of such an idea, that there is no longer any need to do missions? Disregarding the financial loss to missions, the spiritual loss would be apocalyptic.
A church that has nothing to do except look to itself is dead!
And what's more the need for mission is still alive.
Mission trip after mission trip unearths story after story of people never having heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What a strange concept to think that even if the gospel were known of in every country and every climate that our work would be complete.