Script Library - English: Southern Africa

Script Library - English: Southern Africa

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Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6400 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.

Skripte dienen als grundlegende Richtlinie für die Übersetzung und Aufnahme in anderen Sprachen. Sie sollten, soweit erforderlich, angepasst werden, um sie für die jeweilige Kultur und Sprache verständlich und relevant zu machen. Einige der verwendeten Begriffe und Konzepte müssen unter Umständen ausführlicher erklärt oder sogar ersetzt oder ganz entfernt werden.

Scripts in English: Southern Africa

AIDS: What do I need to know

Three discussions regarding AIDS and the impact on lives.

The Bride

The search for satisfaction in life leads to many disillusions, disappointments and hurt - but there is an answer.

HIV & Aids - straightforward about the basics

Actors portraying doctor and patient, giving clear facts about health issues regarding HIV & AIDs

No More Tears

In Farai and Shuvai’s stories we see two different realities: In Farai we see a young man who has made one wrong decision He had sex only once with a woman he didn’t know and he got infected with HIV. Later he marries Shuvai. Shuvai had only one sexual partner, her husband, Shuvai, whom she trusted. And she got infected with HIV. He confessed and she had to forgive, but they're both very uninformed about HIV. Later when Shuvai discovers that she is HIV positive and pregnant, they are very concerned about the risk of passing the virus to the baby. They were lucky: They chose to go to a medical clinic and were introduced to Anti-Retrovirals. There was hope. We see Farai and Shuvai's baby born healthy with no trace of the virus in her blood.

Tumi the Talking Tiger Talks (Chats 1-38)

Counseling for traumatized children. Designed for use with Tumi Tiger soft toy and Megavoice MP3 player (in Tumi's pouch). Narrator: Claude Vosloo - Home of Creativity
The script is © 2014 Claude Vosloo - Home of Creativity (Pledge: We turn your dreams into text that changes lives.)
For information regarding the Concept of Tumi's chats - please see Section 39 after the chat transcripts below.

Verwandte Informationen

Freie Downloads - Hier findet man alle GRN Botschaften, Schriften in vielen Sprachen, plus Bilder und andere verwandte Materialien, verfügbar zum Download.

Ressourcen für Evangelisation und Bibel-Unterricht - Global Recordings Network erzeugt Audio-Materialien in tausenden von Sprachen für Evangelisation und Basis-Bibel-Unterricht, Bilderbücher und handbetriebenen Audiogeräte.

Written Resources - Free downloads of scripts and other story-based written materials for ESL, Sunday school and basic Bible teaching.

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares it's audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons