Don't Be Afraid

Don't Be Afraid

Zusammenfassung: Very similar to "Are You Afraid" #256. Questions re a person's fears. Jesus came to free us from fear and sin, died on the cross, was buried, rose again. Jesus broke the power of Satan and we should not fear Satan, death, sickness, bird calls, dreams, or natural signs.

Skript Nummer: X04

Sprache: English

Thema: Sin and Satan (Satan (the devil), Slavery to sin); Christ (Resurrection of Jesus, Saviour of Sinful Men, Ascension, Sacrifice / Atonement, Death of Christ); Major event (Death); Eternal life (Heaven); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Sickness, Fear)

Zuschauer: Animist; New Christian

Zweck: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; No Scripture

Status: Approved

Skripte dienen als grundlegende Richtlinie für die Übersetzung und Aufnahme in anderen Sprachen. Sie sollten, soweit erforderlich, angepasst werden, um sie für die jeweilige Kultur und Sprache verständlich und relevant zu machen. Einige der verwendeten Begriffe und Konzepte müssen unter Umständen ausführlicher erklärt oder sogar ersetzt oder ganz entfernt werden.

Skript Text

Are you afraid? Afraid of spirits or death? Afraid of sickness, or the call of a bird, or of dreams, or of large rocks? If you are frightened of these things, I have good news for you. I want to tell you of a man who can drive away all your fears. His name is Jesus. There is no one else like Jesus. He is the Son of God in heaven. From heaven, the Lord Jesus looked down to see the state of mankind on earth. He knew those fears rose from the sin of man. Because of this the Lord Jesus came down from heaven to free us from all our sins and fears. Although the Lord Jesus was a perfect man, He died on a wooden cross like a sinful man. Because He Himself had never done anything sinful, He died there for us. He bore our sins in His body on the wooden cross. There He died, and man buried Him. After three days the Lord Jesus rose again, and now dwells in heaven, to help those who believe in Him.

Whoever believes in the Lord Jesus should not be afraid of spirits, because the Lord Jesus has conquered Satan and all spirits by His death. The word of God says, because mankind was afraid of death, all mankind became the slaves of Satan, who holds the power of death. But the Lord Jesus has become man like us so that He can break the power of Satan. With His death the Lord Jesus has freed us from Satan's power. Therefore the Word of God says that we should not be afraid of Satan or spirits anymore. When Satan wants to defeat us, we can praise the Lord because we have been freed by the blood of Christ.

If we believe on the Lord Jesus, we should not be afraid of death. Because the Lord Jesus has died for us, we are freed from the fear of the grave. The Lord Jesus lives in heaven now, and wishes to take us there when we die.

Whoever believes in the Lord Jesus should not be afraid of sickness anymore, and should not ask the witch doctor to sacrifice to the spirits. He knows that the Lord Jesus has sacrificed Himself to God, a perfect sacrifice. Because of that, we need not sacrifice to spirits anymore. Now we come to God through the name of Jesus and pray for the sick person, that God will help him.

Whoever believes in the Lord Jesus should not be afraid any more of the call of birds, or of dreams, or of fallen trees, or of large rocks. Before, Satan has frightened mankind with these signs, but now we are freed from that fear. Praise the Lord, He has control of everything in this world. He cares for us all day long, He strengthens us in trouble and temptation. No longer should we fear these vain things. Let us trust in the Lord Jesus who has died for us.Dd

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