God Sent His Son

God Sent His Son

Zusammenfassung: Simple sentences about creation; God; Satan;Adam and Eve's sin; God's provision; the coming of Jesus; His life, death, resurrection. Follow Jesus if you want to be happy. Sinner's prayer.

Skript Nummer: 044

Sprache: English

Thema: Sin and Satan (Satan (the devil)); Christ (Son of God); Eternal life (Eternal / everlasting life); Living as a Christian (Leaving old way, begin new way, Joy, happiness, rejoicing); Bible timeline (Creation)

Zuschauer: General

Zweck: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; No Scripture

Status: Approved

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Skript Text

People, listen! I have good talk for you. Long ago there were no people. There was no land, no trees, nor water. There was nothing.

One big Man lived in the sky. He made the sun, the moon, the stars. He made the earth, the trees, the water. Then He made one man and one woman. He made everything. His name is God. He liked this man and woman very much. God looked after them very well. He gave them plenty to eat. They were never sick. They were both very happy. They did not die.

God had life-all-the time. He did not die. He lives well now. He is very strong. God gave His life to this man and woman. He said, "You are life-all-the-time people." They were good. They did not have any bad thoughts. They did only God's fashion.

Then one day the bad master (spirit) came to the earth. His name is Satan. He deceived the man and woman. He said, "You must not follow God. You must follow me." They followed Satan. They turned away from God. They did bad things. They had bad thoughts. They became sick. They were not happy. God was sorry for them. He knew Satan had deceived them.

God said to them, "My fashion you did not do. You have lost your life-all-the-time. You are following Satan. He will take you to his village. It is a very bad village. You cannot get away. You will have great pain. You will be very sad."

God was very sorry for the man and woman. He loved them. He said, "I will help you." I have one Son; I will send Him to the earth. You follow Him, He will bring My life back to you if you follow Him."

After many years God sent His Son to the world. His name is Jesus. He was good. He never did wrong things. He only did God's fashion. He was strong. Satan is strong, but Jesus is very strong. Jesus was God's life. He said to the people, "Follow Me. Do My fashion. I will give you My good fashion." Jesus died for the people. On the third day He arose again. He took death for all people to pay for their bad fashion. He can take away their bad fashion. Some of the people turned from Satan and followed Jesus. He made them very happy. He made them good. They did His fashion. When they died He took them to His village. It is a very good village. They are always happy there. If you want to be happy, follow Jesus. If you want to leave your bad ways, follow Jesus. He is living now. He lives with God His Father in Heaven. He can hear you talk. Tell Him, "Jesus, I want to do Your fashion. Make me free from Satan." When you talk to Him He will hear you. He will make you new inside. He will make you very happy.

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