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Zapoteco de San Francisco Logueche [Mexico, Oaxaca, Miahuatlan] - Open Bible Stories

Verwandte Informationen

Worte des Lebens - GRN hat Audio-Gospel-Botschaften in tausenden von Sprachen, beinhaltet bibelbasierte Botschaften über die Erettung und das christliche Leben.

Freie Downloads - Hier findet man alle GRN Botschaften, Schriften in vielen Sprachen, plus Bilder und andere verwandte Materialien, verfügbar zum Download.

The GRN Audio Library - Evangelistic and basic Bible teaching material appropriate to the people's need and culture in a variety of styles and formats.

Choosing the audio or video format to download - What audio and video file formats are available from GRN, and which one is best to use?

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares its audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons