LLL4: Etic Ko'Obanga [Schauen, hören & leben 4 Diener GOTTES] - Thur
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Buch 4 der audiovisuellen Serie mit Bibelgeschichten von Rut, Samuel, David, Elija. Für die Evangelisation, Gemeindegründung und den systematischen christlichen Unterricht.
Programmnummer: 67959
Programmlänge: 31:10
Name der Sprache: Thur
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Downloads und Bestellungen
![Nyuthere A [Einführung A]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-00.jpg)
1. Nyuthere A [Einführung A]
![Paco No – Dak Oko Pii Kec [Bild 1. A Family Flees from Famine]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-01.jpg)
2. Paco No – Dak Oko Pii Kec [Bild 1. A Family Flees from Famine]
![Naume Gin Ki Ruth Odwogo Cen I Icirael [Bild 2. Naomi and Rut Return to Israel]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-02.jpg)
3. Naume Gin Ki Ruth Odwogo Cen I Icirael [Bild 2. Naomi and Rut Return to Israel]
![Ruth Ipwotho Kaano Kal [Bild 3. Rut in The Harvest Field]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-03.jpg)
4. Ruth Ipwotho Kaano Kal [Bild 3. Rut in The Harvest Field]
![Ruth Eka Boaz Ilaru Me Dino Kal [Bild 4. Rut and Boaz at the Threshing Floor]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-04.jpg)
5. Ruth Eka Boaz Ilaru Me Dino Kal [Bild 4. Rut and Boaz at the Threshing Floor]
![Boaz Eka Edong Me Bethelem [Bild 5. Boaz and the Elders of Bethlehem]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-05.jpg)
6. Boaz Eka Edong Me Bethelem [Bild 5. Boaz and the Elders of Bethlehem]
![Maria Gin Ka – Amalaika Ko’Obanga [Bild 6. Mary and the Angel of God]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-06.jpg)
7. Maria Gin Ka – Amalaika Ko’Obanga [Bild 6. Mary and the Angel of God]
![Hannah Olego Both Obanga [Bild 7. Hannah Prays to God]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-07.jpg)
8. Hannah Olego Both Obanga [Bild 7. Hannah Prays to God]
![Athin Camuel Iot Ko’Obanga [Bild 8. The Child Samuel in the House of God]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-08.jpg)
9. Athin Camuel Iot Ko’Obanga [Bild 8. The Child Samuel in the House of God]
![Camuel Olego Pi Io Icrael [Bild 9. Samuel Prays for Israel]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-09.jpg)
10. Camuel Olego Pi Io Icrael [Bild 9. Samuel Prays for Israel]
![Camuel Owiro Caulo Ki Moo [Bild 10. Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-10.jpg)
11. Camuel Owiro Caulo Ki Moo [Bild 10. Samuel Anoints Saul with Oil]
![Caulo Oyeco Jora Bongu Ka - Camuel [Bild 11. Saul Tears Samuel's Robe]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-11.jpg)
12. Caulo Oyeco Jora Bongu Ka - Camuel [Bild 11. Saul Tears Samuel's Robe]
![Yecu Odonyo Iot Ko’Obanga [Bild 12. Jesus in the House of God]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-12.jpg)
13. Yecu Odonyo Iot Ko’Obanga [Bild 12. Jesus in the House of God]
![Nyuthere B [Einführung B]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-00.jpg)
14. Nyuthere B [Einführung B]
![Daudi Akwath Na Cwinye Tek [Bild 13. David, The Brave Shepherd]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-13.jpg)
15. Daudi Akwath Na Cwinye Tek [Bild 13. David, The Brave Shepherd]
![Daudi Gin Ko – Oteka Lweny [Bild 14. David and the Giant]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-14.jpg)
16. Daudi Gin Ko – Oteka Lweny [Bild 14. David and the Giant]
![Caulo Otemo Neko Daudi [Bild 15. Saul Tries to Kill David]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-15.jpg)
17. Caulo Otemo Neko Daudi [Bild 15. Saul Tries to Kill David]
![Daudi Oweko Kwo Ka Caulo [Bild 16. David Spares Saul's Life]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-16.jpg)
18. Daudi Oweko Kwo Ka Caulo [Bild 16. David Spares Saul's Life]
![Emio Daudi Odoko Rwoth [Bild 17. David is Made King]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-17.jpg)
19. Emio Daudi Odoko Rwoth [Bild 17. David is Made King]
![Daudi Gin Ki Bathseba [Bild 18. David and Bathsheba]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-18.jpg)
20. Daudi Gin Ki Bathseba [Bild 18. David and Bathsheba]
![Ot Pi Obanga [Bild 19. A House for God]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-19.jpg)
21. Ot Pi Obanga [Bild 19. A House for God]
![Yecu Odonyo Iyerusalem [Bild 20. Jesus Comes into Jerusalem]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-20.jpg)
22. Yecu Odonyo Iyerusalem [Bild 20. Jesus Comes into Jerusalem]
![Winyi Opitho Elia [Bild 21. The Birds Feed Elijah]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-21.jpg)
23. Winyi Opitho Elia [Bild 21. The Birds Feed Elijah]
![Elia Eka Mac Ko’Obanga [Bild 22. Elijah and the Fire of God]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-22.jpg)
24. Elia Eka Mac Ko’Obanga [Bild 22. Elijah and the Fire of God]
![Elia Ocitho Ipolo [Bild 23. Elijah Goes to Heaven]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-23.jpg)
25. Elia Ocitho Ipolo [Bild 23. Elijah Goes to Heaven]
![Elia Gin Ki Yecu Eka Muca [Bild 24. Elijah with Jesus and Moses]](https://static.globalrecordings.net/300x200/lll4-24.jpg)
26. Elia Gin Ki Yecu Eka Muca [Bild 24. Elijah with Jesus and Moses]
Downloads und Bestellungen
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (26.5MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (6.3MB)
- Download M3U Wiedergabeliste
- MP4 Slideshow (50.7MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (12.2MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (3.9MB)
Diese Aufnahmen sind bestimmt für die Evangelisation und einen Basis-Bibel-Unterricht, um das Evangelium zu den Menschen zu bringen, die weder lesen noch schreiben können oder einer nicht erreichten oralen Kultur angehören.
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