How is GRN funded?

How is GRN funded?

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Global Recordings Network is a non-profit missionary organisation. God is the source of all we need, and he uses various channels to supply our needs. Our main 'strategy' for raising funds is to bring our needs to the Lord in prayer. We do not use aggressive or manipulative fund raising techniques.

We are thankful that God moves the hearts of his people to give money to enable us to carry on the ministry.

Our main resource, the audio recordings on our website can be downloaded free of charge. Our other materials such as our picture books and hand wind mp3 players are generally supplied at or below cost.

See our Financial Policy for more information.

Find out about making a donation here.

For details about financial matters in each country please contact your local centre.

  • Another way you can support GRN financially is through a bequest.

  • GRN wants to glorify the Lord in all matters relating to finances, including how we obtain finances and how we administer funds.

Verwandte Informationen

Über GRN - GRN erzeugte bisher Audio-Aufnahmen von Bibellektionen in 6528 Sprachen für die am wenigsten erreichten Sprachgruppen in der Welt

Sei mit dabei - Haben Sie jemals darüber nachgedacht ein Missionar zu sein? Das ist nicht unbedingt entscheidend, da es viele Möglichkeiten gibt um bei GRN mitzuarbeiten.

Adopt a Language - You can play a significant role in reaching an unreached people group

Adopt a Recording Project - Provide the resources for evangelists to reach a language group like the Amblong. $2,000 - $10,000

Special Distribution Funds - Help distribute CDs, Saber mp3 players, micro SD cards or other materials to a language group like the Quichua. From $99.00

Equip a Recordist - A basic recordist's kit includes a professional recording machine, microphones, headphones and other equipment. $3,500

Support A National Worker - Many national workers face difficulties and make huge sacrifices as they serve God. With your support they can stay with the ministry. from $2,400 p.a.