Marshall Islands

Informationen über Marshall Islands

Region: Ozeanien
Capital: Majuro
Population: 42,000
Area (sq km): 181
FIPS Country Code: RM
ISO Country Code: MH
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Oceania

Map of Marshall Islands

Map of Marshall Islands

In Marshall Islands gesprochene Sprachen und Dialekte

  • Other Language Options
    Aufnahmen Verfügbar
    Einheimische sprachen

2 Sprachennamen gefunden

English: USA [United States of America] [eng]

Marschallesisch [Marshall Islands] - ISO Language [mah]

Ethnische Gruppen in Marshall Islands

Americans, U.S. ▪ Chinese, general ▪ Deaf ▪ Filipino, Tagalog ▪ Japanese ▪ Marshallese ▪ Pacific Islanders, other