Script Library - Spanish

Script Library - Spanish

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Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.

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Scripts in Spanish

Aquí Jesús

(Behold Jesus) - Tells of Jesus' birth, life, miracles, trial, death, the meaning of His death, His resurrection, His power - power for the believer and hope of heaven.

Arrepentimiento y Juicio

(Repentance and Judgement) - Tells of God's judgment on Nineveh and its escape when the people repented. God's judgment will come on all who do not turn from evil. We cannot serve both Satan and God. God sees inside the heart. Turn to Jesus.

Atributos de Dios

(Attributes of God) - God is the Creator of everything. Who God is. God is not evil. God is always good. God is great, alive, all power, God can see and hear everything, He knows everything. God loves everyone.

Buenas Nuevas de las Escrituras

(Good News Scripture Script) - This script is a transcription of C80536 and C80537. It follows the pattern for the Good News program but uses much direct Scripture from older Spanish Bible translations.

Cada Uno Debe Presentarse Delante de Dios

(Everyone Must Stand before God) - Focuses on the sinfulness of man and the holiness of God; His perfect holiness, mercy, justice. The day of judgment; escape from eternal death through Christ.

¿Conoces Tú a Dios?

(Do You Know God?) - Compares local beliefs and sacrifices with the truth. Simple question and answer discussion of worshipping local gods or spirits; Christ's coming to save us; sinful things that God hates; punishment for sin; joy of believing; freedom from other gods through the power of Christ. Adapts easily to local customs and beliefs. For those with no background of the Gospel.

De la Creación a Cristo

(From Creation to Christ) - Explanation of creation; wickedness of man; Abraham, the family who obeyed God; God's laws given; God's laws broken by all; Christ's death and resurrection; His preparing a place for His followers.

Después de Creer

(After Believing) - On recognising the enemy and resisting him. Need of living by God's word, avoiding evil, confessing sin and walking in obedience. Materialism a danger. Trials and suffering allowed to strengthen us.

Dios Odia el Pecado

(God's Hatred of Sin) - Refers to traditional tribal religious customs. "We did not know"the truth: peace from God; His words; His hatred of sin; Jesus' death in our place. Punishment great for those who refuse Jesus. Warning to Christians about going back to old ways. God does not let sin go unpunished. Good for areas where there are nominal Christians. Is both evangelistic and teaching.

Dios Puede Cambiar Nuestra Naturaleza Nueva

(God Can Change Our Nature) - About sin and the need of inner cleansing which is beyond our power. Illustration of a pig and its desire for mud, and a cat that wants to keep clean. They just are that way. They can't change themselves. We need Christ to change us and give us new natures. We can ask Him to do it for us and He will.

El Buen Pastor

(The Good Shepherd) - Jesus is the Shepherd who gave His life for us, the sheep - all who believe. He cares for us and leads us to heaven. Jesus will come for His followers and reward them but those who do not believe will not go with Him but will be put into the place of fire. Don't wait. Be ready. Turn to Jesus and obey Him.

El Buen Pastor

(The Good Shepherd) - Jesus is the Shepherd who gave His life for us, the sheep - all who believe. He cares for us and leads us to heaven. Jesus will come for His followers and reward them but those who do not believe will not go with Him but will be put into the place of fire. Don't wait. Be ready. Turn to Jesus and obey Him.

El Cristo Viviente

(The Living Christ) - A Survey of the Life of Christ for Evangelism and Basic Bible Teaching. Comes with a 120 picture set.

El Hijo Pródigo

(The Prodigal Son) - Story of the prodigal son dramatized, with application. Invitation and sinner's prayer. There are several versions of this; some have direct Scripture quotes; others paraphrase.

El Hombre Nuevo

(The New Man) - Tells of the power of Christ during His life on earth - healing, raising the dead, casting out demons. Jesus has power to help, transform our lives. His love, atonement, and power to deliver us from Satan's power. Applications needs strengthening. Similar to"Jesus the Mighty One", "Who is He?", and "Jesus Can Heal Your Soul."

El Padre de las Mentiras

(The Father of Lies) - First person testimony of a converted Central American witchdoctor; some of his customs and power in practice; his dialogue with Satan who tells him lies to keep him from becoming a Christian, Very culture-specific but sample of a powerfully effective testimony. Concludes with Christ's teaching about Satan as deceiver and murderer. Follow Christ, the Way, Truth and Life.

El Pecado Trajo Tinieblas

(Summary of Romans 1-8 (Part 1)) - Sin Brought Darkness. Summary of Romans 1-2.

El Regalo

(The Gift) - Father tells story of the pearl diver's son who died after finding a huge perfect pearl. Pearl diver offers it as a gift to Christian friend. Offer of payment refused --no price could compare with son's death. Christian compares it to God's gift of salvation which cost the life of His Son.

El Sembrador

(The Parable of the Sower) - Tells the parable in simple language; then gives the explanation of the meaning. Simple and straightforward.

En la Playa

(On the Beach) - Setting of the disciples fishing after the resurrection and the miracle of the large catch of fish. Mostly paraphrased scripture.- John 21:1-14 Emphasizes Christ's power and omniscience. See also "Jesus and the Fishermen."

Enseñen a Todas las Naciones

(Teach All Nations) - Begins with great commission then obedience to the commission. Paul and Silas in Philippi and the subsequent imprisonment, singing, earthquake and conversion of jailor. Acts 16:16-34. Challenge to witness and not be ashamed of the Gospel.


(Gehazi) - Story of Gehazi. "Be sure your sins will be revealed" is the emphasis. Speaker is supposed to repeat this with dramatic emphasis whenever it comes in the story. Application underlines the fact that punishment for sin always comes, whether in this life of afterwards. God will heal the leprosy of sin for those who repent.

Guión De Programa Cronologico con Enseñanzas Cristianas Fundamentales

(Chronological Series with Basic Christian Teaching) - Attributes of God. Creation. Adam and Eve. Noah. Abraham. Moses and Ten Commandments. Sacrifice for sin. The birth of Christ. His life and ministry. The death of Christ. The resurrection. The ascension. Call to commitment. The coming of the Holy Spirit. How Christians should live. Confession of sin. Prayer. Heaven and hell. Witnessing. The return of Christ. Are you ready if Christ should come today?

Hemonioi 1 & 2

Two testimonies about Hemonioi, he was from an island in the S. Pacific, from a tribe that were cannibals. Story 1 - how Hemonioi became a Christian and led many people to Christ. Story 2 - Hemonioi led four murderers in jail to Jesus. A hardened captain became a Christian because of the changed lives of the prisoners and Hemonioi's life.

Jesús el Poderoso

(Jesus, the Mighty One) - Sinful people bound by Satan; God's concern. Jesus' life on earth, His death and resurrection; victory over Satan and evil spirits. Illustration of Jesus' power. Invitation.

Jesús Es el Camino

(Summary of Romans 1-8 (Part 2)) - Jesus the Way. Summarizes Romans 3 & 4.


(Jonah) - The story of Jonah. Mark 16:16. John 3:16. For adults.

La Boda de Caná

(Wedding at Cana) - For Catholic Areas. Pre-supposes Catholic background and knowledge. Emphasizes Mary's instructions to the servants at the wedding, relating it to our attitude toward Christ--doing His commanda, praying, believing, obeying. Truth of "one mediator," faith in Christ alone, worshipping God only.

La Boda de Caná

(Wedding at Cana) - For Catholic Areas. Pre-supposes Catholic background and knowledge. Emphasizes Mary's instructions to the servants at the wedding, relating it to our attitude toward Christ--doing His commanda, praying, believing, obeying. Truth of "one mediator," faith in Christ alone, worshipping God only.

La Creación y Redención del Hombre

(Creation and Redemption of Man) - Introduces local belief of origin of man by a question. Biblical account of creation, fall and redemption follows. S.E. introduced as creation is mentioned. Simple invitation concludes.

La Familia Cristiana

(The Christian Family) - Practical advice from Bible. Men, seek Christian wives to love and help and talk and pray with. Wife challenged to diligence, teaching children, obedience, faithfulness, not gossiping, and helping the helpless. Parents to dedicate children to God, teach them to follow God, discipline them and teach them obedience.

La Luz Verdadera

(The True Light) - Refers to tribal laws, fears, customs briefly, and that they did not know God. Now the message has come. God is the creator of all. Explains about Satan and evil spirits. God's power and the ultimate end of Satan. Satan's deceptions. God's provision for man's redemption. Application and invitation.

La Persona del Espíritu Santo y Su Trabajo I

(The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 1)) - Part I: Thorough coverage of basic truths about the Holy Spirit: He is not a power, but a Person; He is God; He indwells Christians; convicts of sin; is the spirit of truth; illuminates and empowers Christians to do God's will and work. Part II: He gives gifts to Christians. (Gifts named) Does not give everyone the same work, but gives each the power to do God's will. Failing to obey grieves Him. The Holy Spirit causes "fruit" to grow in our lives. (Fruit is named)

La Persona del Espíritu Santo y Su Trabajo II

(The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)) - List of the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will show us the work He has for us, we all have different work. Ask God to give us the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to produce fruit in our lives. List of the fruits of the Spirit. True Christians will be filled with the Spirit and let our lights shine brightly for Christ.

Las Buenas Nuevas

(Good News) - Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

Las Buenas Nuevas

(Good News) - Short Bible stories from Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 40 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

Los Atributos de Dios con Invitación

(Attributes of God with Invitation) - This states in short sentences, the facts about God: His eternal existence, omnipotence, omnipresence, goodness, hatred of sin, love for all people, provision for redemption and eternal life through Christ.

MIRE, ESCUCHE Y VIVA Libro 1: En el Principio con DIOS

(Look, Listen & Live 1: Beginning with GOD) - Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

MIRE, ESCUCHE Y VIVA Libro 2: Hombres Valientes de DIOS

(Look, Listen & Live 2: Mighty Men of GOD) - Jacob, Joseph, Moses. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

MIRE, ESCUCHE Y VIVA Libro 3: Victoria a traves de DIOS

(Look, Listen & Live 3: Victory through GOD) - Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

MIRE, ESCUCHE Y VIVA Libro 4: Siervos de DIOS

(Look, Listen & Live 4: Servants of GOD) - Ruth, Samuel, David, Elijah. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

MIRE, ESCUCHE Y VIVA Libro 5: En Prueba Para DIOS

(Look, Listen & Live 5: On Trial for GOD) - Elisha, Daniel, Jonah, Nehemiah, Esther. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

MIRE, ESCUCHE Y VIVA Libro 6: JESUS el Maestro

(Look, Listen & Live 6: JESUS - Teacher & Healer) - From Matthew and Mark. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

MIRE, ESCUCHE Y VIVA Libro 7: JESUS el Señor y el Salvador

(Look, Listen & Live 7: JESUS - Lord & Saviour) - From Luke and John. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

MIRE, ESCUCHE Y VIVA Libro 8: Hechos del Espíritu Santo

(Look, Listen & Live 8: Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT) - The Young Church and Paul. 24 sections. It has a picture book to go along with the recording.

¿Tienes Miedo?

(Freedom from Fear) - Questions directed to listeners re their fears. Tells of Jesus' power, His miracles, and who He is. His desire to free us from the power of Satan, witchcraft, etc. We must turn to Him, away from evil. With Jesus we are free from fears. Jesus is all powerful --- greater than Satan--- overcame death so we can have eternal life and happy future. Invitation. One of several of the same theme, but on different levels.

Tumi, El Tigre Hablante

(Tumi the Talking Tiger) - Este está diseñado como asesoramiento para confortar, dar ánimo y esperanza a los niños traumatizados. Los Segmentos son dirigidos principalmente para transmitir los valores cristianos a un niño, posiblemente un niño traumatizado. Cada segmento esta hecho como metodología de conversación i.e. Los 38 segmentos pueden dirigirse como unidad independiente. The script is © 2014 Claude Vosloo - Home of Creativity (Pledge: We turn your dreams into text that changes lives.)

Un Corazón Limpio

(A Clean Heart) - Refers to man's fear of death because of the fear of judgment. Man followed Satan and now it is his nature to sin. Refers to Muslims' concept of "good deeds", but points out that even a trip to Mecca does not change the person. Remedy: Christ, who is God, became man and became the sacrifice for sin. Believing and receiving forgiveness results in "good works". Fear of death leaves because sins are forgiven and heaven is certain.

Un Corazón Limpio

(A Clean Heart) - Refers to man's fear of death because of the fear of judgment. Man followed Satan and now it is his nature to sin. Refers to Muslims' concept of "good deeds", but points out that even a trip to Mecca does not change the person. Remedy: Christ, who is God, became man and became the sacrifice for sin. Believing and receiving forgiveness results in "good works". Fear of death leaves because sins are forgiven and heaven is certain.

unfoldingWord 01 - La Creación

(unfoldingWord 01 - The Creation) - Genesis 1-2 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Genesis 1-2_

unfoldingWord 02 - El pecado entra en el Mundo

(unfoldingWord 02 - Sin Enters the World) - Genesis 3 _Una Historia de la Biblia en: Génesis 3_

unfoldingWord 03 - l Diluvio

(unfoldingWord 03 - The Flood) - Genesis 6-8 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Génesis 6-8_

unfoldingWord 04 - El Pacto de Dios con Abraham

(unfoldingWord 04 - God's Covenant with Abraham) - Genesis 11-15 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Génesis 11-15_

unfoldingWord 05 - El Hijo de la Promesa

(unfoldingWord 05 - The Son of Promise) - Genesis 16-22 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Génesis 16-22_

unfoldingWord 06 - Dios Provee para Isaac

(unfoldingWord 06 - God Provides for Isaac) - Genesis 24:1-25:26 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Génesis 24:1-25:26_

unfoldingWord 07 - Dios bendijo a Jacob

(unfoldingWord 07 - God Blesses Jacob) - Genesis 25:27-35:29 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Génesis 25:27-33:20_

unfoldingWord 08 - Dios salva a José y a su Familia

(unfoldingWord 08 - God Saves Joseph and his Family) - Genesis 37-50 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Génesis 37-50_

unfoldingWord 09 - Dios llama a Moisés

(unfoldingWord 09 - God Calls Moses) - Exodus 1-4 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Exodo 1-4_

unfoldingWord 10 - Las Diez Plagas

(unfoldingWord 10 - The Ten Plagues) - Exodus 5-10 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Éxodo 5-10_

unfoldingWord 11 - La Pascua

(unfoldingWord 11 - The Passover) - Exodus 11:1-12:32 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Éxodo 11:1-12:32_

unfoldingWord 12 - El Éxodo

(unfoldingWord 12 - The Exodus) - Exodus 12:33-15:21 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Éxodo 12:33-15:21_

unfoldingWord 13 - El Pacto de Dios con Israel

(unfoldingWord 13 - God's Covenant with Israel) - Exodus 19-34 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Éxodo 19-34_

unfoldingWord 15 - La Tierra Prometida

(unfoldingWord 15 - The Promised Land) - Joshua 1-24 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Josué 1-24_

unfoldingWord 16 - Los Libertadores

(unfoldingWord 16 - The Deliverers) - Judges 1-3; 6-8; 1 Samuel 1-10 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Jueces 1-3; 6-8_

unfoldingWord 17 - El Pacto de Dios con David

(unfoldingWord 17 - God's Covenant with David) - 1 Samuel 10; 15-19; 24; 31; 2 Samuel 5; 7; 11-12 _Una historia de la Biblia en: 1 Samuel 10; 15-19; 24; 31; 2 Samuel 5; 7; 11-12_

unfoldingWord 18 - El Reino Dividido

(unfoldingWord 18 - The Divided Kingdom) - 1 Kings 1-6; 11-12 _Una historia de la Biblia en: 1 Reyes 1-6; 11-12_

unfoldingWord 19 - Los Profetas

(unfoldingWord 19 - The Prophets) - 1 Kings 16-18; 2 Kings 5; Jeremiah 38 _Una historia de la Biblia en: 1 Reyes 16-18; 2 Reyes 5; Jeremías 38_

unfoldingWord 20 - El Exilio y el Regreso

(unfoldingWord 20 - The Exile and Return) - 2 Kings 17; 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36; Ezra 1-10; Nehemiah 1-13 _Una historia de la Biblia en: 2 Reyes 17; 24-25; 2 Crónicas 36; Esdrás 1-10; Nehemías 1-13_

unfoldingWord 21 - Dios promete el Mesías

(unfoldingWord 21 - God Promises the Messiah) - _Una historia de la Biblia en: Génesis 3:15; 12:1-3; Deuteronomio 18:15; 2 Samuel 7; Jeremías 31; Isaías 59:16; Daniel 7; Malaquías 4:5; Isaías 7:14; Miqueas 5:2; Isaías 9:1-7; 35:3-5; 61; 53; Salmos 22:18; 35:19; 69:4; 41:9; Zacarías 11:12-13; Isaías 50:6; Salmos 16:10-11_

unfoldingWord 22 - El Nacimiento de Jesús

(unfoldingWord 23 - The Birth of Jesus) - Matthew 1-2; Luke 2 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 1; Lucas 2_

unfoldingWord 22 - El nacimiento de Juan

(unfoldingWord 22 - The Birth of John) - Luke 1 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Lucas 1_

unfoldingWord 24 - Juan bautiza a Jesús

(unfoldingWord 24 - John Baptizes Jesus) - Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3; John 1:15-37 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Mateo 3; Marcos 1:9-11; Lucas 3:1-23_

unfoldingWord 25 - Satanás tienta a Jesús

(unfoldingWord 25 - Satan Tempts Jesus) - Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 4:1-11; Marcos 1:12-13; Lucas 4:1-13_

unfoldingWord 26 - Jesús comienza su Ministerio

(unfoldingWord 26 - Jesus Starts his Ministry) - Matthew 4:12-25; Mark 1-3; Luke 4 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Mateo 4:12-25; Marcos 1:14-15, 35-39; 3:13-21; Lucas 4:14-30, 38-44_

unfoldingWord 27 - La Historia del Buen Samaritano

(unfoldingWord 27 - The Story of the Good Samaritan) - Luke 10:25-37 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Lucas 10:25-37_

unfoldingWord 28 - El principal joven y rico

(unfoldingWord 28 - The Rich Young Ruler) - Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 19:16-30; Marcos 10:17-31; Lucas 18:18-30_

unfoldingWord 29 - La historia del siervo despiadado

(unfoldingWord 29 - The Story of the Unmerciful Servant) - Matthew 18:21-35 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Mateo 18:21-35_

unfoldingWord 30 - Jesús alimenta cinco mil personas

(unfoldingWord 30 - Jesus Feeds Thousands of People) - Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:5-15 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Mateo 14:13-21; Marcos 6:31-44; Lucas 9:10-17; Juan 6:5-15_

unfoldingWord 31 - Jesús camina sobre las aguas

(unfoldingWord 31 - Jesus Walks on Water) - Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 14:22-33; Marcos 6:45-52; Juan 6:16-21_

unfoldingWord 32 - Jesús sana a un endemoniado y a una mujer enferma

(unfoldingWord 32 - Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man and a Sick Woman) - Matthew 8:28-34; 9:20-22; Mark 5; Luke 8:26-48 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 8:28-34; Marcos 5:1-20; Lucas 8:26-39_

unfoldingWord 33 - La historia del sembrador

(unfoldingWord 33 - The Story of the Farmer) - Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 13:1-8, 18-23; Marcos 4:1-8, 13-20; Lucas 8:4-15_  

unfoldingWord 34 - Jesús enseña otras historias

(unfoldingWord 34 - Jesus Teaches other Stories) - Matthew 13:31-46; Mark 4:26-34; Luke 13:18-21;18:9-14 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 13:31-33, 44-46; Marcos 4:30-32; Lucas 13:18-21; 18:9-14_

unfoldingWord 35 - La historia del padre compasivo

(unfoldingWord 35 - The Story of the Compassionate Father) - Luke 15 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Lucas 15:11-32_

unfoldingWord 36 - La Transfiguración

(unfoldingWord 36 - The Transfiguration) - Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 17:1-9; Marcos 9:2-8; Lucas 9:28-36_

unfoldingWord 37 - Jesús resucita a Lázaro de la muerte

(unfoldingWord 37 - Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead) - John 11:1-46 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Juan 11:1-46_

unfoldingWord 38 - Jesús es traicionado

(unfoldingWord 38 - Jesus is Betrayed) - Matthew 26:14-56; Mark 14:10-50; Luke 22:1-53; John 18:1-11 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 26:14-56; Marcos 14:10-50; Lucas 22:1-53; Juan 18:1-11_

unfoldingWord 39 - Jesús es llevado a juicio

(unfoldingWord 39 - Jesus is Put on Trial) - Matthew 26:57-27:26; Mark 14:53-15:15; Luke 22:54-23:25; John 18:12-19:16 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 26:57-27:26; Marcos 14:53-15:15; Lucas 22:54-23:25; Juan 18:12-19:16_

unfoldingWord 40 - Jesús es crucificado

(unfoldingWord 40 - Jesus is Crucified) - Matthew 27:27-61; Mark 15:16-47; Luke 23:26-56; John 19:17-42 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 27:27-61; Marcos 15:16-47; Lucas 23:26-56; Juan 19:17-42_

unfoldingWord 41 - Dios resucita a Jesús de la muerte

(unfoldingWord 41 - God Raises Jesus from the Dead) - Matthew 27:62-28:15; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 27:62-28:15; Marcos 16:1-11; Lucas 24:1-12; Juan 20:1-18_

unfoldingWord 42 - Jesús Regresa al Cielo

(unfoldingWord 42 - Jesus Returns to Heaven) - Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:12-20; Luke 24:13-53; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:1-11 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 28:16-20, Marcos 16:12-20, Lucas 24:13-53, Juan 20:19-23, Hechos 1:1-11_

unfoldingWord 43 - Comienza la Iglesia

(unfoldingWord 43 - The Church Begins) - Acts 1:12-14; 2 _Una historia de la Biblia de: Hechos 2_

unfoldingWord 44 - Pedro y Juan sanan a un mendigo

(unfoldingWord 44 - Peter and John Heal a Beggar) - Acts 3-4:22 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Hechos 3:1-4:22_

unfoldingWord 45 - Felipe y el Oficial Etíope

(unfoldingWord 45 - Stephen and Philip) - Acts 6-8 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Hechos 8:26-40_

unfoldingWord 46 - Pablo se hace cristiano

(unfoldingWord 46 - Saul Becomes a Follower of Jesus) - Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-31; 11:19-26; 13-14 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Hechos 6:8-8:3; 9:1-25; 11:25-26_

unfoldingWord 47 - Pablo y Silas en Filipo

(unfoldingWord 47 - Paul and Silas in Philippi) - Acts 16:11-40 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Hechos 16:11-40_

unfoldingWord 48 - Jesús es el Mesías Prometido

(unfoldingWord 48 - Jesus is the Promised Messiah) - Genesis 1-3, 6, 14, 22; Exodus 12, 20; 2 Samuel 7; Hebrews 3:1-6, 4:14-5:10, 7:1-8:13, 9:11-10:18; Revelation 21 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Génesis 1-3, 6, 14, 22; Éxodo 12, 20; 2 Samuel 7; Hebreos 3:1-6, 4:14-5:10, 7:1-8:13, 9:11-10:18; Apocalipsis 21_

unfoldingWord 49 - El Nuevo Pacto de Dios

(unfoldingWord 49 - God's New Covenant) - Genesis 3; Matthew 13-14; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 2; 10:25-37; 15; John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, 5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Colossians 1:13-14; 1 John 1:5-10 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Romanos 3:21-26, 5:1-11; Juan 3:16; Marcos 16:16; Colosenses 1:13-14; 2 Tesalonicenses 5:17-21; 1 Juan 1:5-10_

unfoldingWord 50 - Jesús regresa

(unfoldingWord 50 - Jesus Returns) - Matthew 13:24-42; 22:13; 24:14; 28:18; John 4:35; 15:20; 16:33; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; James 1:12; Revelation 2:10; 20:10; 21-22 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Mateo 24:14; 28:18; Juan 15:20, 16:33; Apocalipsis 2:10; Mateo 13:24-30, 36-42; 1 Tesalonicenses 4:13-5:11; Santiago 1:12; Mateo 22:13; Apocalipsis 20:10, 21:1-22:21_

Vagando por el Desierto

(unfoldingWord 14 - Wandering in the Wilderness) - Exodus 16-17; Numbers 10-14; 20; 27; Deuteronomy 34 _Una historia de la Biblia en: Éxodo 16-17; Números 10-14; 20; 27; Deuteronomio 34_

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