Global Recordings Network Canada

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Zajímá vás práce pro Global Recordings Network?. Pracovní místa

Vyzkoušejte mobilní web GRN pro sdílení a stahování nahrávek. 5fish

Zjistete, o cem všichni mluví. . . Navštivte stránky GRN na Facebooku nebo se prihlaste k odberu našich tweetu. Sociální média

Tato stránka není aktuálne dostupná v Čeština.

GRN provides audio-Christian messages for Canada's growing ethnic population.

The Canadian office also supports recording and distribution projects in East Africa and other areas in which GRN ministers.

Click here to find languages spoken and recordings available in Canada.

Subscribe or see what's happening in Canada and around the world with news from Canada Update bi-monthly, and prayer information from Praise and Prayer each month.

Meet the GRN Canada team.

Kontaktujte nás

P.O. Box 1062, Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0 CANADA

Telefon (905) 719-1448


Související informace

GRN Offices in the Americas - Information from your local GRN office in North and South America, including Brazil, Canada, Mexico and U.S.A., also covering other offices in South America.

The Americas - The people and work of GRN in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Central and South America

Kanada - Informace o Kanada